Good try Kikapu...not good enough've managed to fool everyone but the TC's (as usual!)
Are these the kind of things someone "neutral" would say? (Let alone a Turkish Cypriot)

Are the points Kikapu raises below something that would be of concern to a Turkish Cypriot on the issue of a settlement? HELL NO!
Read for yourselves and decide...
"If you had your own 18% country in Northern Cyprus, you can have all the settlers you want. Even if you had a BBF under a Federal System, you can have all the settlers you want, just don't expect any Federal Funds to pay for them. You can pay for them, from your own State Funds. The Federal Funds will only pay for TC's."
"The Turkish military needs to go. If you want to have your own "national guards" have as many as you want, or not have any. It all comes out of your own state budget."
"Land distribution based on the population of Cyprus, at the time of 1960 Constitution. 82%-18%. You will also get 18% of Coast line."
"Don't think for a minute, that you ( TC's) have any say so, in what the future is for the Northern Part of Cyprus. If you did, you would have had your own official country by now. If you did, you would have had your own official country by now. Doesn't that strike you funny, that you only have a de facto illegal state. So cut the Bravado and just do what Turkey tells you Miss VP. You make a good "Hooker" & "Pimp" relationship. You get "Screwed" and the "Pimp" makes the money. When did you ever hear, that the "Hooker" has any say so, over her "Pimp."
Sorry Kikapu but I questioned your honesty when you tried to suck up to me by telling me I was your "favorite member in the forum" when I pointed out flaws in your lame story.

Since then I've been pretty convinced that you were a Greek Cypriot.
Why a Turkish Cypriot would bicker and argue with other Turkish Cypriots despite agreeing on the same solution is beyond me...Only a Greek Cypriot would act like this Kikapu.
Then today, once you realise you're arguing with TCs for no reason and actually realised that you're agreeing to something you really (deep down) don't agree with (cos you're GC), you start telling us what we can and can't have to make yourself feel better. Your demands prove you are Greek Cypriot, for all those points you raised would be the last thing on a real Turkish Cypriots mind. I can read you like an open book mate...You're no Turkish Cypriot, I would bet my life on it. You can deny it all you want and people can stick up for you all they want too because you've managed to fool all those except the people you intended to fool and that's something I can live with. It's sooo obvious anyways...if anyone thinks I'm being silly thats also fine with me...
Admin can block this thread if they wish, I've said what I wanted to say.