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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Kikapu » Tue May 22, 2007 8:44 pm

Viewpoint wrote: My usage of the word Cunt was to label the person concerned what they were resembling during those debates, pretty much like you in this post, its a common expression used by the English when someone is being a real bastard and shouting his mouth off, being rude and annoying everyone..

Oh please, why cant you tell the truth once in a while. I know when the word "cunt" is used as swear word, and when used in a derogatory way, as you did.

Example 1. We were talking about "AMISTEL" beer and Pyro asked what "AM" was, as if he didn't know, and you translated as "Vagina, or Cunt".

Example 2. You said to me just couple of weeks ago " I thought you had a penis but you have a CUNT instead".

I can't remember the third example, but I could search for it, if you want me to, or you can tell us yourself.

Why is it so hard for you to admit your mistakes.??
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Postby Kikapu » Tue May 22, 2007 8:46 pm

zan wrote:
It is also your duty to be fair and you simply are not. Your need for a united Cyprus does not mean you can discard what has gone on before.

Oh yes I can. Give it a try, perhaps you will feel less hateful towards your fellow Cypriots. This goes for the GC's also.
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Postby zan » Tue May 22, 2007 9:35 pm

Kikapu wrote:
zan wrote:
It is also your duty to be fair and you simply are not. Your need for a united Cyprus does not mean you can discard what has gone on before.

Oh yes I can. Give it a try, perhaps you will feel less hateful towards your fellow Cypriots. This goes for the GC's also.

No you cannot. Every thing we have done has lead us to the point we are at today and we must go on from there. We cannot turn the clock back just because you say so and to a point of your choosing. The cause has been the past and the effect is today you cannot undo physics just like that.

I do not harbor hate against anyone that does not try to pull the wool over my eyes. Fair is fair and no amount of dubious laws are going to convince me otherwise.

Cyprus is just an island and I have lived long enough under the lies that have made me look like the aggressor. When that is put right then I can be true to my self and move on. Until then my honor and my survival are at stake and I will defend them to the last.
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Postby miltiades » Tue May 22, 2007 9:57 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
mrfromng wrote:KIKAPU IS OUR TONY ANGASTINIOTIS :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

I see our good friend mrfromng, the self proclaimed Racist against the GC's, has once again telling us that he is stuck in the 15th Century.

May you long live mrfromng, so to one day you arrive to the 21st Century.

Bring Miss VP, and Zan with you, while you're at it , will you.!! :lol: :lol:

Do you realize how idiotic you come accross on this forum? You obviously have no real arguements so you start to attack and degrade posters with your little cliches which reflects your diluted and twisted mentality.

No doubt you are talking about yourself aren't you.
Why is he talking nonsense when he believes in a united Cyprus and you believe in a divided Cyprus. He has more sense in his little finger than you have in your entire body.He does not hate his compatriots and neither do I. We hate what the fanatics did to our people and want to avert a situation in the future where the divisionists such as the young new comer proudly displaying the flag of a foreign country. What is this individual telling us ? The fact that the T/Cs will soon seize to exist and the Turks will gobble them up ? You are full of venom and along with the other venomous individual , you know the one who called me a crook , you know the guy , Zan the carer the benevolent sensitive poet who loves his people so much he would not give one fucking penny to his fellow T/Cs suffering from that dreadful decease .Remember when Fanos made an appeal on this forum for donations to the Turkish Cypriot Cancer Association . How many of you proud divisionists made a donation .Not one single fucker, that is how much you care for your fellow Cypriots. You have no heart just a big mouth full of poison ready to be thrust at the direction of your fellow Cypriots.
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Postby zan » Tue May 22, 2007 10:25 pm

What you need to do is to look to yourself old man. The difference between what you have written and the reality is that I do not have to have my conscience woken to give to cancer charities. I give on a regular basis. It seems you give only when someone reminds you. I did not have to give to Fanos because I already do. My whole family do....On a regular basis. I make sure my sons see that we do so that they can follow on the proud tradition. That is one thing that you always leave out of a Moslems life when you go on about your bigoted views. Charity is part of our life whether you are religious or, like me, not. So next time you jump to your usual drunkard accusations you should ask first then shout your mouth off if need be.
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Postby Kikapu » Tue May 22, 2007 10:50 pm

zan wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
zan wrote:
It is also your duty to be fair and you simply are not. Your need for a united Cyprus does not mean you can discard what has gone on before.

Oh yes I can. Give it a try, perhaps you will feel less hateful towards your fellow Cypriots. This goes for the GC's also.

No you cannot. Every thing we have done has lead us to the point we are at today and we must go on from there. We cannot turn the clock back just because you say so and to a point of your choosing. The cause has been the past and the effect is today you cannot undo physics just like that.

I do not harbor hate against anyone that does not try to pull the wool over my eyes. Fair is fair and no amount of dubious laws are going to convince me otherwise.

Cyprus is just an island and I have lived long enough under the lies that have made me look like the aggressor. When that is put right then I can be true to my self and move on. Until then my honor and my survival are at stake and I will defend them to the last.

Listen Zan, we cannot forget the experience of the past, and that includes the GC's as well as the TC's, but we can leave the ugly reasons behind, as to what lead to those experiences.

Here is a little story for you.

Three Monks walking along a river, when they come across a young lady who wanted to cross the river, but was afraid, so one of the Monks picked her up on to his back, and crossed the river, and put her down, on the other side. Well the other two Monks were speechless and after 4 hours of holding their tongues, they finally told the one who helped the young lady to cross, that he had broken the rules, by touching a woman.

The Monk replied by saying, "I only carried her for few minutes across the river, but you two have been carrying her ever since, for the last 4 hours".

Moral of the story is, it is time for you to put the past down and not carry it with you forever.
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Postby Viewpoint » Tue May 22, 2007 10:51 pm

Still selling faulty goods miltiades? or are you thinking up one of foul mouthed posts like the one last night.

Why is Unification white and Partition black?, they are both types of solution. The first is embroiled with dangers for the TCs due to history and the second has actually worked for Cyprus. The last 33 years have been the most peaceful and properous for all Cypriots. What does that tell you? 1960 to 1974? or 1974 to 2007? I know which has been better more for GCs than TCs, the economical indicators are clear sign of this.

Where will you be when the first bombs go off in a united Cyprus? How will you stop the Grey wolves bombing a GC school and killing hundreds of children? Tucked away in your detached home in Surrey no doubt? I can guarantee that no TC school or Gc school will ever be bombed in the current division but in a united I cannot, does that not tell you anything? You may want to put my children in that danger but you must try to understand why I do not.

How will you forgive yourself? Just think about this for one minute before you respond.

Do you want to create another Israel/Palestine here in Cyprus after 33 years of peace, only takes a few crazy people which we have on both sides.

As for charity zan is right we are raised to contribute regularly to charity but we are told never to boast about it as it detracts its importance and is not accepted as a good deed by god.
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Postby Sotos » Tue May 22, 2007 11:01 pm

These Kikapu threads are instant hits in the forum. I think I know who the next member of the month is going to be. :P
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Postby zan » Tue May 22, 2007 11:06 pm

Kikapu wrote:
zan wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
zan wrote:
It is also your duty to be fair and you simply are not. Your need for a united Cyprus does not mean you can discard what has gone on before.

Oh yes I can. Give it a try, perhaps you will feel less hateful towards your fellow Cypriots. This goes for the GC's also.

No you cannot. Every thing we have done has lead us to the point we are at today and we must go on from there. We cannot turn the clock back just because you say so and to a point of your choosing. The cause has been the past and the effect is today you cannot undo physics just like that.

I do not harbor hate against anyone that does not try to pull the wool over my eyes. Fair is fair and no amount of dubious laws are going to convince me otherwise.

Cyprus is just an island and I have lived long enough under the lies that have made me look like the aggressor. When that is put right then I can be true to my self and move on. Until then my honor and my survival are at stake and I will defend them to the last.

Listen Zan, we cannot forget the experience of the past, and that includes the GC's as well as the TC's, but we can leave the ugly reasons behind, as to what lead to those experiences.

Here is a little story for you.

Three Monks walking along a river, when they come across a young lady who wanted to cross the river, but was afraid, so one of the Monks picked her up on to his back, and crossed the river, and put her down, on the other side. Well the other two Monks were speechless and after 4 hours of holding their tongues, they finally told the one who helped the young lady to cross, that he had broken the rules, by touching a woman.

The Monk replied by saying, "I only carried her for few minutes across the river, but you two have been carrying her ever since, for the last 4 hours".

Moral of the story is, it is time for you to put the past down and not carry it with you forever.

Quite willing to leave the past behind...As soon as he world does not see me as the one that caused the Cyprus problem because the GCs chose to tell them that I was through lies and deception. I am also willing to forget the past as of today. I think I do not have to explain to you what that initials. :wink:

Here is a story for you too.

A Greek guy was walking along a riverbank when he stumbled across a Turkish lady in a wheelchair. She had her face in her hands and she sobbed uncontrollably. The man asked her why she was crying and she would not say. He said that it would be good o talk to someone and that she should tell him. After a lot of twoing and throwing she finally told him what he problem was. " I have been in this wheel chair for twenty of my forty years", she said. " In that twenty years I have not had a man make love to me once. I was sexually active before my accident but not one man has wanted to sleep with me since. Basically", she said weeping again, "I want to be fucked". She broke down again and the man tenderly took her hands away from her face. When she saw the look in his eyes she stopped crying. He gently lifted her up and took her over to a grassy nook by the river. He gently laid her down on the soft grass, stood up and walked over to her wheel chair. He slowly folded it up and then with a mighty shove, threw it into the river. He looked over to the woman on the grass and said......" Now your fucked", and walked off.

That is for the fucker that strip-searched my mother back in 62.
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Postby LENA » Wed May 23, 2007 3:08 am

Viewpoint wrote:LENA
You reap what you sow I have no objections to him using Miss as this does not offend me and I return the compliment. He has twisted and posted my nickname in many forms why did you not speak up then when they far worse than anything I have posted. Is calling Kikapolousis a GC or Ms an insult, why should it be, Im trying to express he is more in your camp and argues the GC viewpoint not once has he spoken in favor of TCs or anything that goes against GC policies. Now do you understand where I am coming from?

My whole post was not about names by the way, since you enjoy it then why you mention it any way. And you do the same for him anyway. He calls you Miss and you call return the compliment as well. So you are equal on that. . . now I will not put a name on what you are equal because I don’t want to offend anyone. Ok I didn’t mention the name thing, and I know that some of the things that you post each other like names etc, is more for fun and doesn’t insult anyone. And you call him so many names as well. . . I am not going to search the forum for your posts because I really don’t have the time. But I just went back to this thread and look what I found…
Viewpoint wrote:Ms Kikapolouis
Viewpoint wrote: Ms Kikapolousis
I saw those 2 more than couple of times. . . just in a thread…what else I will find in the whole forum? But as you said you don’t consider that as an insult as well…but my point was that he has his own opinion even if that means that he is in favour of the GC. Why his opinion has to make him GC? I understand your point BUT really I do not understand the reason that you come up with this conclusion.

Then how can you try and put a healthy reponse you only part of the debate. Maybe you should read the thread in full before attacking one side.

You told me that I don’t read the whole tread and I attack only you “one side”, but from that I can see that you didn’t read MY POST. So go back and see if I took only one side. I said that is ridiculous that he calls you Miss, since you told him that you are male and he call you names etc. So I didn’t take only his side…but he didn’t deny that he does that.

Same with me, I no longer enjoy going around in circles with blinkered posters who try to force their opnion from thousands of miles away and have not interacted with their own community in over 40 years.

Why the fact that he left his country from sad reasons has to make him to close his mouth? Is he less Cypriot than you and me? That we born and grow up there? VP, really I agree that living in Cyprus make you see things in a different way. And you have to face the reality every day face to face. I know what is like, I know the feelings…don’t forget that I was born and grow up there. BUT that doesn’t change anything. I notice that when I left away from Cyprus I become more fair and less nationalist … why not to use those people experience with a good way instead of judge them and force them to close their mouth? Kikapu went to Cyprus, after so many years scared to death that a GC might shoot him or take him to prison or create any kind of problem and he saw that this is not true. Why before he go he was TC and after he came back he is not?

You are wrong and must have me confused with someone else I very rarely copy paste, would appreciate you getting your facts right.

Yes you are right I apologise for that…is that your posts usually include others post that include those quotes. . . Anyway I do apologise for that.

So the sums I very rarely swear but when provoked I can give as good as I get why do you not speak up when others like miltiades and Kikapuolous swear in the synical and degrading manner which they are experts at?

Viewpoint wrote: Do you realize how idiotic you come accross on this forum? You obviously have no real arguements so you start to attack and degrade posters with your little cliches which reflects your diluted and twisted mentality.

Viewpoint wrote:You still dont get do you Ms Kikapolouis, thats how thick skinned you are. [b]

Viewpoint wrote:Ms Kikapolouis

You still do not understand the fact that [b] your thick skin and insensativity stem from your lack of understanding of the TCs and their plight, you will never have the ability to do so as you have been diluted to a degree of numbness. [b]

The only bastards are your children...probably born out of wed lock and very confused as to who they are, just like their bastardized father.
I love my people the TCs as they have been through so much and deserve to live peacefully and safe from harm which luckily enough we have been doing so for the last 33 years.

You are right your people are the GCs and I am not part of that community.

Look Ms Kikapolousis

VP those are not far away from here…are in this thread…I remember that I stop reading this section for the same reason that I post here…all this insults. And I came against you, one sided as you said (which is not true), because of what you said up there and I put it in big letter to read it again. Really, anything you say doesn’t make much sense to me any more, but that is beyond that. Really VP, do you insult people or you don’t?

Ask him why he introduced bastardized which is not well recieved at the best of times surely if you are playing mother Terresa you should have jumped on him first and adverted my comparision to his children which are probably more bastards seeing that he has so many partners (current one also out of wed lock) that he has probably forgotten where his children are. If you play with fire Lena you are sure to get burnt.

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
VP, you should be ashamed of your words. They didn’t teach you to respect other people? If you don’t respect him, respect those children (if they exist, I don’t even know if he has children) but VP what he does in his life is his problem, not yours. When I tried to warn people about Fanos, without mentioning anything about his life, everybody judge me here. But here, you cross the line, you not even interfere into his personal life but you judge him as well. You should apologise for that VP. Really I didn’t believe that you will fall so low for some political arguments. And I am sorry but I am not Terresa or saint, but at least I know how to talk.

I do not hate anyone not even Ms Kikapolousis only the "RoC" and what they are trying to do to the TCs. Calling someone a GC is not an insult in my book unless you yourself do not value them, you give a bad response: My refernce to aligning Ms Kikapolousis with Gcs is that he acts, thinks, argues and talks just like them, plus he is so fond of them he might as well change his name and religion and be one of them if he already isnt that is :wink:

You don’t hate anyone but you don’t like us either! Am I wrong? You don’t thing that all Cypriots we are compatriots and you suggest him to change his religion and name because he believe that GC are not so bad as you say….but still you don’t hate us…VP do you really see what you are saying or are you trying to be a liar? If you do then you have to try more…look what you said in this thread…I told you no far away…
Viewpoint wrote: The TCs are my people, we are entwined and one something you would know absoulutely nothing about, seeing you have not interacted with them for 42 years. You insult me you insult them, you insult them and you insult me thats how it works, try getting an understanding I know it may be difficult having never lived with your own community.

Your 14th century mindset is shining through Ms Kikapolousis well done.

So your people ate the TC and not every single Cypriot!

Viewpoint wrote:Something doesnt add up he cannot say 1 good thing in favor of TCs and this is not normal not even in the most staunch supporters of Cypriotism.

Cypriots are those that are in favour of the TC and TC have nothing good to say in favour of the GC!

VP, make up your mind and let us know what you really believe! Do you insult people or not? Do you hate GC or not?

I do not insult anyone unless insulted first its not my nature, prove me wrong if you wish and I will apologise, otherwise you can do the decent thing and apologise to me for putting me in the foul mouthed catagory with miltiades and Ms Kikapolousis....

I agree that he insulted you with all this funny names and the Miss thing, but he didn’t talk bad about your children. That was the thing that upset me with your attitude. The only thing that I had to apologise is the quotation part that I did apologise, and if it’s not enough, I apologise one more time for that, I was wrong about the quotation part. Now, do the right think as you said and apologise, not to me but to him about what you said!
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