miltiades wrote:Birkibrisli wrote:We should all indeed lighten up a bit,and stop the personal insults,people...
And time to put an end to the senseless prosecution of Kikapu,for simply and honestly telling us his heartfelt feelings on his return to his homeland...VP,Zan,bigOz et al need to accept the fact that there are TCs in this world who have managed to see the reality through all that smokescreen of propaganda coming from both sides in this conflict...
Kikapu's unforgivable(!) sin has been to have the courage to test VP's doomsday theories regarding the GCs and life in the RoC,and found them totally unconvincing...incredible...not relevant in this day and age...And worse,having the courage to publish his findings on this forum...The personal attacks on Kikapu has not stopped ever since and became so intense and coordinated that Kikapu had to reply in kind eventually...
Perhaps it is time to pause here and reflect on the damage all this is causing to the efforts to find a just and lasting solution to our motherland's bitter division...Lena mou and VP have done us all a favour by putting considerable time and effort in putting their "big picture " into dramatic terms...And once again they proved one point...That unless we start using the essential human quality of empathy to look at our preconcieved ideas,we will never end the pain and suffering that has become such an entrenched part of our collective unconscious..
Kikapu looked through his own TC eyes and found the empathy necessary to see the picture from the South of the border...He saw a community,his own,locked up behing barb wires,ostracised from the world,drowning in their own fear and bitterness,on the point of extinction,silenced,stripped of dignity and humanity...Yet insisting on recognition and reward for not having the courage to tell their "saviours" they do not need or want to be saved from their compatriots,thank you very much...And he is paying the price for his empathy...
Time for our GC compatriots to respond in kind,and find the empathy to see the world from the North of the border...To feel the fear entrenched in the TC collective unconscious of all the years of pain and suffering,and the fear of physical extermination,real or imaginary, which went with being a TC in Cyprus between 1963 and 74...To feel the catharsis of relief and the gratitude at the sight of the Turkish soldiers dropping from the sky...To experience the disappointment of the long years which followed waiting for a just solution to reclaim their interrupted lives,only to be accused of being willing participants in the invasion and partition of their country,isolated and left by their compatriots to be eaten slowly by their "saviours" and other scavengers eager to profit from other people's tragedy and misery...
Kikapu has shown us all what we must do to end this sensless destruction of our motherland...If we don't all dig deep and find the empathy necessary to put ourselves in the "others" shoes as he has done,this game is lost,and we are doomed as one nation...![]()
What can one say when such a moving and poignant post is made by a brilliant Cypriot who has the vision and the wisdom to see both sides of the coin , this is why I respect you my dear friend , and the motivating reason for my impending visit to the village that gave birth to such a wonderful and genuine Cypriot.I take my hat off to you Bir and I am eternally grateful that mother luck brought you on this forum to show the world that we can empathise with each others' pain and suffering and yet we are willing to embrace and go forward as Cypriots in a united Cyprus. I have posted many times my dream to see a T/C as a president of Cyprus , its knowing people like you that my dream is kept alive. You touched my heart and I m sure the heart of all those Cypriots whose aspirations are to see a united Cyprus where all Cypriots will be equal and where minorities and majorities issues will become insignificant , and our future generations will live on this wonderful island free from the chains of nationalistic constrains that are responsible for all the suffering of our people.
Again I ask you how do you intend to achieve a balance between TCs and GCs? where a TC will have the opportunity to become president when 80% of the voting population are GCs I and many other posters would be interested to read your concrete proposals on exactly how we will all become Cypriots , why do you continue to avoid this issue? I sense that you do not have any safeguard issue to put forward and you believe that TC should accept being a minority in a GC state run by GCs, am I right?