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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby miltiades » Sun May 27, 2007 12:50 pm

Viewpoint wrote:miltiades
My total commitment to a united Cyprus has a tendency to occasionally offend those with differing views , I make no apologies for wanting my grand daughter to grow up with out the fear of conflict and I believe that a divided Cyprus will sooner or later erupt with dire consequences.

Yes you do as I show respect for you viewpoint on unfication and only argue the pitfalls you shoudl show the same respect for those that believe that division is the best solution. I try to keep an open mind about unification and argue pros and cons all you do is attack and belittle the poster not the arguements.

Do you truly want to throw your grand-daughter into danger in a united Cyprus? The likelihood of fanatics from both sides having free range over the whole of Cyprus becuase they were not happy with paragraph 3 of chapter 72 is very high and I do not want to throw my children into such a situation without lots of safe guards. How will you console parents when a bomb goes off and we create another Israel/Palestine situation all because you wanted a united Cyprus when the experience of the last 33 years shows you that division guarantees a peaceful exsistence. 2 states where all Cypriots can go and live where they wish is imo the best way forward.

And how do you intend to pacify those 200 thousand or so whose homes and properties are being sold to foreign investors , what do you say to all those people that lost their ancestral homes , homes that their grandparents and beyond lived in. No VP , Cyprus belongs to us all , not only do you own the North but you own the West , East and South. My Cyprus and your Cyprus . Tell the fanatics to go to hell , tell them to return the churches back to what they used to be , places of worship for those that believed and praised God. I for one will create hell if a mosque in Cyprus is turned into a casino or a pigsty. Defend civilization by insisting that these 100 or so churches are returned to what they once were . You want the division of our island in order to preserve peace and stability , but you are living in a fool's paradise. Peace and stability will be real when our island is again one.

My allegiance is to my birth country , my Cyprus , not a foreign nation such as Turkey or Greece. You have a right to your esteemed views regardless how corrupt and divisive and full of malice they may be. Let the future generations judge you .
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Postby Viewpoint » Sun May 27, 2007 1:28 pm

And how do you intend to pacify those 200 thousand or so whose homes and properties are being sold to foreign investors , what do you say to all those people that lost their ancestral homes , homes that their grandparents and beyond lived in. No VP , Cyprus belongs to us all , not only do you own the North but you own the West , East and South. My Cyprus and your Cyprus .

Those refugees that wish to return will be allowed to do so and with Maras returned to south Cyprus this would be a great move forward. Those refugees whose properties have been used will unfortuntely have ot settle for compensation at market value or have first choice of property handed over to the TRNC located in the south.

Tell the fanatics to go to hell , tell them to return the churches back to what they used to be , places of worship for those that believed and praised God.

Could you tell these fanatics to go to hell in the 1960s? Your priest are still preaching about the barbarian Turks and instilling venom into your population, why dont you stop them? You would be opening pandora box you cannot stop these people all they need is a cause and few ididots to follow them like sheep and the next thing you will have are mothers crying for their dead children all in the name of unification.
Do you want their blood on your hands? while you continue to reside safely thousands of miles away?

I for one will create hell if a mosque in Cyprus is turned into a casino or a pigsty. Defend civilization by insisting that these 100 or so churches are returned to what they once were .

Go fight for those mosques raised to the ground or talk out about TC being denied their seats in the EU or when our Univeristies are being excluded from International agreements or even raise your voice when the "RoC" has been sending GC singers to the Eurovision, talk is cheap.

You want the division of our island in order to preserve peace and stability ,

Correct not only to protect my community but also yours.

Peace and stability will be real when our island is again one.

What measures do you propose to ensure this happens and TC are not reduced to a minority in a GC state?

My allegiance is to my birth country , my Cyprus , not a foreign nation such as Turkey or Greece. You have a right to your esteemed views regardless how corrupt and divisive and full of malice they may be. Let the future generations judge you .

I have no problem with this but less agression would be appreciated.
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Postby miltiades » Sun May 27, 2007 1:49 pm


"""""Go fight for those mosques raised to the ground or talk out about TC being denied their seats in the EU or when our Univeristies are being excluded from International agreements or even raise your voice when the "RoC" has been sending GC singers to the Eurovision, talk is cheap"""""

To the best of my knowledge not one single mosque has been vandalized .As far as the EU seats for T/Cs , you still do not appear to comprehend that the EU sees all of Cyprus as a member nation. It does not use your inverted commas when describing Cyprus and considers the "TRNC" as part of Cyprus not under the jurisdiction of the legal government of Cyprus. You and Turkey are the only entities hell bent on suing inverted commas , ie Cyprus does not exist and yet the entire world disagrees with you. Cyprus EU membership does not permit representatives of the illegal and unrecognized occupied part of Cyprus to take part in EU matters as an independent entity from the official Cyprus government. There is only one state , the breakaway occupied part is seen internationally as just that. Under Turkish occupation. Recognition of this part of Cyprus as an independent state will simply not be welcomed by the Cypriot people.

As far as your comments on the G/Cs beiing the only ones repressenting Cyprus in International events , I consider this to be totaly wrong. All Cypriots should repressented , but knowing your views Im certain that what you ideally prefer is for Cyprus to be repressented by the pseudo state as a separate entity .Correct me if Im wrong. Let me also say how I detest events where Cyprus participates with the Greek national anthem.
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Postby Viewpoint » Sun May 27, 2007 3:00 pm

miltiades with all due respect but you are avoiding my questions and just choosing those that suit your agenda.

To the best of my knowledge not one single mosque has been vandalized

You only know this becuase thats what suits you and thats what you have been told.

As far as the EU seats for T/Cs , you still do not appear to comprehend that the EU sees all of Cyprus as a member nation. It does not use your inverted commas when describing Cyprus and considers the "TRNC" as part of Cyprus not under the jurisdiction of the legal government of Cyprus. You and Turkey are the only entities hell bent on suing inverted commas , ie Cyprus does not exist and yet the entire world disagrees with you.

Then when you discuss the Cyprus problem with them they will not use the inverted commas but considering I am no them and I do not recognized you solely as the "RoC" due to the TC element has been eradicated in 1963 you are a defacto "RoC" unrecognized by us and Turkey. This will be the case until we either unite thus bringing as end to the "RoC" and the TRNC or we agree a 2 state solution.

Cyprus EU membership does not permit representatives of the illegal and unrecognized occupied part of Cyprus to take part in EU matters as an independent entity from the official Cyprus government. There is only one state , the breakaway occupied part is seen internationally as just that. Under Turkish occupation. Recognition of this part of Cyprus as an independent state will simply not be welcomed by the Cypriot people.

So your claim that you respresent all Cypriots is false? or you prefer them not to have a voice and only the GC side of the story can be told well the EU has seen past this and has 2 TC reps in the EU with a voice but no power.

As far as your comments on the G/Cs beiing the only ones repressenting Cyprus in International events , I consider this to be totaly wrong. All Cypriots should repressented , but knowing your views Im certain that what you ideally prefer is for Cyprus to be repressented by the pseudo state as a separate entity .Correct me if Im wrong. Let me also say how I detest events where Cyprus participates with the Greek national anthem

Talk is cheap miltiades, obviously you do not know the community you come from even for a cultural event like a song contest they cannot show unity by sending 1 TC song or a TC singer in what is it 20 years of competition. That to me says a lot about GC mentality and what we would be faced with in a united Cyprus but its you that choose to keep but there again that suits you as it is a GC representative.

As for your national anthem if you say you take your own decisions then why not change the anthem dont tell me you cant do it without us, you entered the EU without us you can suely change a national anthem using the clause "out of necessisty" where theres a will theres a way.

I will repeat the question you so conveniently are avoiding;

Peace and stability will be real when our island is again one.

What measures do you propose to ensure this happens and TC are not reduced to a minority in a GC state?
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Postby miltiades » Sun May 27, 2007 3:11 pm

"""You only know this becuase thats what suits you and thats what you have been told. """""

Unlike you mate I dont take shit from any one , so cut the crap and tell me where are the mosques or where were they prior to being vandalized. Name areas so that on my forthcoming visit I shall make a point of protesting to the authorities. I need names of places please . As for the rest of your comments I have nothing to state. I can not increase the size of the T/C community so that it does not form a numerical minority in a united Cyprus.
As far as the national anthem is concerned you know my views very well on the subject.
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Postby Viewpoint » Sun May 27, 2007 4:08 pm

"""You only know this becuase thats what suits you and thats what you have been told. """""

Unlike you mate I dont take shit from any one , so cut the crap and tell me where are the mosques or where were they prior to being vandalized. Name areas so that on my forthcoming visit I shall make a point of protesting to the authorities. I need names of places please . As for the rest of your comments I have nothing to state. I can not increase the size of the T/C community so that it does not form a numerical minority in a united Cyprus.
As far as the national anthem is concerned you know my views very well on the subject.









DAĞAŞAN (VREÇÇA) and on and on, do you have time to visit them all?

So you are saying what you have planned for us is nothing and that due to our numbers we have to surrender to GC dominance and be just another minority in our own country, well it aint gonna happen, never. Get used to the idea of 2 sides 2 partners 2 concerns and needs 2 referendums 2 communities 2 states because that is the only way forward where Cypriots get to decide which state they wish to reside in north or south.
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Postby miltiades » Sun May 27, 2007 6:28 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
"""You only know this becuase thats what suits you and thats what you have been told. """""

Unlike you mate I dont take shit from any one , so cut the crap and tell me where are the mosques or where were they prior to being vandalized. Name areas so that on my forthcoming visit I shall make a point of protesting to the authorities. I need names of places please . As for the rest of your comments I have nothing to state. I can not increase the size of the T/C community so that it does not form a numerical minority in a united Cyprus.
As far as the national anthem is concerned you know my views very well on the subject.









DAĞAŞAN (VREÇÇA) and on and on, do you have time to visit them all?

I have copied all the names that you posted and will strongly protest to the authorities . Such acts are reprehensible and utterly barbaric if sanctioned by the authorities. The desecration of religious sites , cemeteries etc is to be condemned by all civilized people. I'm sure that you will join me in denouncing the blatantly uncivilized act of desecrating religious sites where ever they might be in Cyprus. Will you denounce such acts in the strongest possible means as I do.
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Postby zan » Sun May 27, 2007 8:31 pm

Kikapu wrote:TMT "Viewpoint",

I have been reading with interest your posts between you and Lena in the last few days, and once again, you are proving to me, just who you really are.

First of all, I have used the Israeli- Palestinian conflict as to what may happen in Cyprus, in a divided country, where land is Occupied by one side, brings revenge from the other, but you have been using my examples in reverse now, that in the event, we Unify. Your Israeli-Palestinian example defies logic, because had the Israelis did not occupy Palestinian Land, then there would be a settlement and have two states live side by side. So, I'm afraid, your Propaganda Department is feeding you bad information, and you just can't seem to figure it out for yourself.

But my main complaint with you today, is rather more serious, which once again, you have proved to us, that playing the "Fear Card" will get you what you want. You Partitionist will not stop at anything, since you all seem to lack any sense of being a Human Being but rather act in a Animal fashion to kill and destroy. You are now telling us, almost every post you have made in the last few days, that you cannot guarantee the safety of children from being blown up, while they are in their schools, from fanatics from both sides, if the two sides Unites. Let me tell you now you piece of shit, that when the first bomb goes off in a GC or a TC school, I would come looking for you first, because it would be you, who would have had blood on his hands, and I would hang you by your Balls you Fucking Son of a Bitch. Is this your next wave of fear mongering on this Forum, to discourage those from wanting a peace. You are a one sick Bastard, and I'm ashamed that other TC's on this Forum have not raised this issue with you. You are not just making a passing comment, you terrorist, but making a Promise, as to what you want to do.

But it all fits with your MO. Lets just evaluate who you are TMT Viewpoint. You were born and raised in the UK, and age 30 had a calling to come to the "TRNC", to be with your "People and Community". Why would you leave the comforts of your home in the UK, and come and live like, as you want us to believe, as desperate people, injustices and hardship inflicted by the RoC. Where did you get this calling from, or was it about the time, when the Greek Cypriot Lands were being distributed in "exchange" and for buying. I bet you have much more GC land than my Cousin's husband, and he has a lot. So in order to keep your ill gotten "HARAM" land, you are willing to incite and kill innocent children, if we have a United Cyprus. You know what you asshole, go ahead and do some killings, because at the end of the day, Democracy and Freedom does not come Cheap, Free, or without Human Sacrifices, but at the end, we will overcome your sick and perverted Hitler style ideology of Politics and Fear. I hope you will never see a "officially divided and recognised TRNC", and that you will die with a broken heart, just like Yasser Arafat. At least his people did and does suffer each day in the hands of the Israelis. I hope your next destination of you bitter journey of life, ends up in HELL.

I was right not to come to the "TRNC", because I read you and the situation very well. Sorry to have let you down, by not showing up. You are a compulsive liar, and now are acting like a Terrorist. You want to terrorise peoples minds, as you have done with Lena, you sick Bastard. I'm more right than ever before now, that the only reason you Partitionist want a divided Cyprus, is because of the fact, you have become Scavengers of the worst kind, that you are willing to kill children, to keep your "HARAM" lands, and to form a Corrupt Society. When will the good TC people will rise to kick you and your kind, out of Cyprus, so that they can bring a better future for their children.


ImageIt's getting worse. ThereImagemust be a name for this psychotic behaviour.ImageI don't know how much more I can takeImageYou have gone completely GA GAImageI just hope it's not catchingImage. Get your self out of that little world you have created Kikapyros.
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Postby zan » Sun May 27, 2007 8:34 pm

miltiades wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:miltiades
My total commitment to a united Cyprus has a tendency to occasionally offend those with differing views , I make no apologies for wanting my grand daughter to grow up with out the fear of conflict and I believe that a divided Cyprus will sooner or later erupt with dire consequences.

Yes you do as I show respect for you viewpoint on unfication and only argue the pitfalls you shoudl show the same respect for those that believe that division is the best solution. I try to keep an open mind about unification and argue pros and cons all you do is attack and belittle the poster not the arguements.

Do you truly want to throw your grand-daughter into danger in a united Cyprus? The likelihood of fanatics from both sides having free range over the whole of Cyprus becuase they were not happy with paragraph 3 of chapter 72 is very high and I do not want to throw my children into such a situation without lots of safe guards. How will you console parents when a bomb goes off and we create another Israel/Palestine situation all because you wanted a united Cyprus when the experience of the last 33 years shows you that division guarantees a peaceful exsistence. 2 states where all Cypriots can go and live where they wish is imo the best way forward.

And how do you intend to pacify those 200 thousand or so whose homes and properties are being sold to foreign investors , what do you say to all those people that lost their ancestral homes , homes that their grandparents and beyond lived in. No VP , Cyprus belongs to us all , not only do you own the North but you own the West , East and South. My Cyprus and your Cyprus . Tell the fanatics to go to hell , tell them to return the churches back to what they used to be , places of worship for those that believed and praised God. I for one will create hell if a mosque in Cyprus is turned into a casino or a pigsty. Defend civilization by insisting that these 100 or so churches are returned to what they once were . You want the division of our island in order to preserve peace and stability , but you are living in a fool's paradise. Peace and stability will be real when our island is again one.

My allegiance is to my birth country , my Cyprus , not a foreign nation such as Turkey or Greece. You have a right to your esteemed views regardless how corrupt and divisive and full of malice they may be. Let the future generations judge you .

I suppose if I were to try and be controversial, I would say the same way you are asking us to forget about our lost lands and lives. FORGET THE PAST>
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Postby Viewpoint » Sun May 27, 2007 9:24 pm

miltiades wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
"""You only know this becuase thats what suits you and thats what you have been told. """""

Unlike you mate I dont take shit from any one , so cut the crap and tell me where are the mosques or where were they prior to being vandalized. Name areas so that on my forthcoming visit I shall make a point of protesting to the authorities. I need names of places please . As for the rest of your comments I have nothing to state. I can not increase the size of the T/C community so that it does not form a numerical minority in a united Cyprus.
As far as the national anthem is concerned you know my views very well on the subject.









DAĞAŞAN (VREÇÇA) and on and on, do you have time to visit them all?

I have copied all the names that you posted and will strongly protest to the authorities . Such acts are reprehensible and utterly barbaric if sanctioned by the authorities. The desecration of religious sites , cemeteries etc is to be condemned by all civilized people. I'm sure that you will join me in denouncing the blatantly uncivilized act of desecrating religious sites where ever they might be in Cyprus. Will you denounce such acts in the strongest possible means as I do.

I agree totally that all places of worship, cemetarys and refugees homes should be rebuilt and brough back to their former glory in order to correct the wrongs of the past.

Do you want the other names of villages where mosques, cemetarys, schools and even homes have been either desecrated, left to collapse, even raised to the ground, the list is very long.

What do you have to say now about your claim that there is only 1 mosque that is in disrepair? Do you think you should apologise?

Yet again you avoid answering my question or respond to my comments about TCs role within a united Cyprus, why is that? are you afraid of revealing exactly how you see TCs in a united Cyprus obviously it is minority status in a GC state run by GCs? If you deny thins then how do propose we strike a balance where TCs have a say in their own future and are not dominted or threatened by the GC numerical majority?
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