zan wrote:You just can't let it go can you Pinocchio!

Just because you wrote the words "You can't handle the truth", a line from a film that has been used to death does not mean that it is true no matter how many times you repeat it.
You still do not understand the fact that even if your cousins’ cat had said what you say her husband said it would not make a blind bit of difference to your summing up. You said that greed made him say what he did but in the same breath you tell him that his property in the south is worth much more. Where is the greed in that. Most sensible people would think that there is something wrong here. Why would he say that when I have just told him this. Could it be that he sees no solution. Could it be that after the Annan Plan people in the North have had enough. Could it be that he really has lost faith in the GCs ever giving a little for the sake of peace. Could it be that he has spent most of his adult life trying to make ends meet and now that he has got a chance to make a few pounds and sees no end to the Cyprob, he now just wants to get on and look after his family. Could it be that he actually holds a bit of a grudge against the GCs.
No, what you do, in your haste to make your TC hating point is to brand him a devil. Greed is what drives him. He only wants what is Greek and has no intention of a resolution. Well if I was he and I heard you talking like that then I would tell you to go fuck yourself. You come and live with the isolations for 30 years and then just as you were hoping that the island was at last going to be unified the GCs vote OXI and you look another 30 years in the face and you have a family to feed. Then along comes a prat like you and shouts and screams at him and calls him a cheat and a thief and telling him he should have let the embargoes do its job. Well fuck you. Whilst you were cruising around the world in your friends boat and having a wonderful time I was wondering where the next job was going to come from. My brother in-laws brother works as long as he could keep his truck on the road. When the money ran out for the repairs he now works digging the roads at the age of 52. So fuck you.
What you can't see that just giving up and walking back into the "RoC" will give these people nothing but another kick in the nuts. The one thing that some of those people have left is the security of living with other TCs and their pride. You want them to give both up so that you can say we are all Cypriots. Well once he has finished telling you what he thinks then you can get a fuck you from me too!
That's the most "Fuck You's" I have gotten in any one post...4 times. One more and I would have been really pissed.
But I'm not mad at you Zan, because you said it from your heart and deep down feelings, which I can respect. It is obvious, that the "husband" still bothering you, and the brief explanation I have given you before, does not seem to sit well with you, so let me expand on it, then perhaps you will get a better picture of the whole situation. I will only talk in "vague" terms, so not to "expose" him.
The land and the house he showed me in the RoC does not belong to him, per say, it belongs to his parents. But of course he will inherit equal shares when the time comes with his siblings. When I said that the land in the RoC is worth more than the land in the "TRNC", is true. But the whole of land in the RoC does not all belong to him, where as all the land in the "TRNC" does belong to him, which is 10 times more land, than all the land they have in the RoC. So when ever he inherits his share, it will be only a fraction the land size, what he has bought and owns in the "TRNC", all being GC land. So with Partitions and a recognised state of the "TRNC", he can afford to lose his 1 or 2 Donüms of land in the RoC, because he has much more in the "TRNC" which he paid very little for. So aside from all the other factors of the political situation, he stands to gain a considerable wealth from a Partition. I wonder how many others are in the same situation.?
There's also one more thing I need to interject here, and this was not part of my discussion with him, but my own interpretations. If we had a solution, and did return back to his village, he would be the owner of a 1 or 2 Donüms of land, as his share. Even though it would be worth quite a bit, it would not be the same as owning land in the "TRNC", which would be 50-100 times more. This amount of land brings a feeling of prestige that puts him amongst the "privileged and elite", than your average TC. He would be seen as a wealthy man, whether it is the reality or not, but the perception is there, whether you like it or not, even if the lands value is not as much now, as the value in the RoC. But in time, it will be worth a lot of money, if Partition is obtained, so please, do not paint the picture of a desperate scenarios for them. They have everything they want and need.
As far as me sailing around the world comment, well, it was only half way, and it was a joint ownership of the boat with a friend at the time, but I did buy him out few years later. So you want to attach a quilt on me, while our people were in "dire situation" in Cyprus. Let examine those "dire" situations for a moment Zan, because I have lived through dire situation back in 1963-64, where I had to go and get food and things to wear, handed out by the UN, using our Rationing Card. I would go there bare feet, so to get pair of the cheapest plimsolls (tennis shoes), so to wear something. I'm sure your parents went through the same situations back then, since I doubt you would remember very much yourself. Don't even want to talk about VP, who has never had such problems, living his first 30 years of his life in the UK, but want us to believe, that he has "learnt from the past".
So after Turkey intervened and then Invaded Cyprus, and all the TC's were now living in the North, with the support of Turkey, were people really hungry and did not have shelter, or have they been so desperate since then, or even during 1964 to 1974. Who's idea was it to keep the two sides isolated with the "Green Line" shut for 30 years.? When you talk about the "isolation and embargoes" on the TC's, what exactly are you talking about. All it means, is that the TC's cannot trade directly from the "TRNC" to the outside world, but does not stop them, by trading through Turkey, to the outside world. Do you think, the TC's would do much more business had it been direct trading? OK then, the "Green Line" is open, so why doesn't the TC's register their businesses in the RoC, and do direct trade with the outside world. Same would be for the Turkish Cyprus Airways. If it was registered in the RoC, then they would be able to fly non-stop from Ercan to London, so why not do that. The reason why the TC's do not do that, is not the direct trade or the "isolation" is the problem for the TC's, it is the goal of Recognition and Partition, so when you want to attack me of being insensitive to the plight of the TC's, the question you should be asking is, are the TC's using all their options, given to them.
But of course, the TC's are now in a mind set, that the Northern part of Cyprus, is their God given right to claim as theirs, and all the privileges that goes with it, as an independent and free Nation, then you wonder why the GC's are not willing to go along with this idea. As a Citizen of Cyprus, I too will not go along on this plan, because I do not want my country to be divided, but would be more than wiling to change the political structure to have a BBF Federation system, where the TC's are predominately are in the North, and the GC's in the South, but in a Country called Cyprus, where every one's rights and Freedoms are protected, including their land and property, along with their Human Rights and Dignity. A chance to rebuild central Nicosia for all Cypriots and a better future for all of us in a EU State. I'm I asking too much Zan, as a citizen of my Country, or is all this a GC Propaganda, because if this is what the Greek Cypriots are proposing, then I'll take this "propaganda" any time of the day and tell the Partitionist of the "TRNC" to Fuck Off.