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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby zan » Tue May 22, 2007 10:08 am

Piratis wrote:Zan, you being a shameless lier, and a an illegality and crime supporter, makes you the last person on earth to have the right to judge others.

Says the murderer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Piratis » Tue May 22, 2007 10:21 am

zan wrote:
Piratis wrote:Zan, you being a shameless lier, and a an illegality and crime supporter, makes you the last person on earth to have the right to judge others.

Says the murderer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Murderer? :roll: Ok Zan, lets see where your shameless lies will end.
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Postby MR-from-NG » Tue May 22, 2007 10:48 am

If kikapu is not Greek then he has this great skill or perhaps desire for behaving more Greek than you guys, that includes Piratis.

In fact he is the type of Greek that we commonly refer to as GARA GAVUR. GARA GAVUR= The worst type of Greek imaginable i.e Nikos Sampson. Grivas, Piratis, etc.
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Postby MR-from-NG » Tue May 22, 2007 10:55 am

KIKAPU IS OUR TONY ANGASTINIOTIS :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
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Postby Piratis » Tue May 22, 2007 11:00 am

In fact he is the type of Greek that we commonly refer to as GARA GAVUR. GARA GAVUR= The worst type of Greek imaginable i.e Nikos Sampson. Grivas, Piratis, etc.

:lol: I understand to talk about Grivas and Samson. But why do you include me in that list? For making you suffer by exposing your lies? I am sure that hurts you more than anything any other Greek ever did to you :lol:
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Postby MR-from-NG » Tue May 22, 2007 11:12 am

Piratis wrote:
In fact he is the type of Greek that we commonly refer to as GARA GAVUR. GARA GAVUR= The worst type of Greek imaginable i.e Nikos Sampson. Grivas, Piratis, etc.

:lol: I understand to talk about Grivas and Samson. But why do you include me in that list? For making you suffer by exposing your lies? I am sure that hurts you more than anything any other Greek ever did to you :lol:

You're exposing jack shit mate. How stupid do you think the people that visit the forum are and would believe your Greek propaganda?

You are in the list as the greatest Turk hater on the forum. If you had a switch to turn off our oxygen and exterminate us you wouldn't hesitate a fucking second.
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Postby Piratis » Tue May 22, 2007 11:29 am

:lol: I see how much you suffer from me, but sorry. I will continue to expose your lies either you like it or not.
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Re: Kikapodopulous!

Postby Kikapu » Tue May 22, 2007 11:30 am

turkish_cypriot wrote:I've been questioning Kikapus honesty since reading that story of his. If anyone still believes he's Turkish Cypriot then they must be smoking crack!! Kikapu is 100% Greek Cypriot. It's so obvious from this post of his...

Good try Kikapu...not good enough've managed to fool everyone but the TC's (as usual!)

Are these the kind of things someone "neutral" would say? (Let alone a Turkish Cypriot) :?: :!: :?: :!: :?: :!:

Are the points Kikapu raises below something that would be of concern to a Turkish Cypriot on the issue of a settlement? HELL NO!

Read for yourselves and decide...

"If you had your own 18% country in Northern Cyprus, you can have all the settlers you want. Even if you had a BBF under a Federal System, you can have all the settlers you want, just don't expect any Federal Funds to pay for them. You can pay for them, from your own State Funds. The Federal Funds will only pay for TC's."

"The Turkish military needs to go. If you want to have your own "national guards" have as many as you want, or not have any. It all comes out of your own state budget."

"Land distribution based on the population of Cyprus, at the time of 1960 Constitution. 82%-18%. You will also get 18% of Coast line."

"Don't think for a minute, that you ( TC's) have any say so, in what the future is for the Northern Part of Cyprus. If you did, you would have had your own official country by now. If you did, you would have had your own official country by now. Doesn't that strike you funny, that you only have a de facto illegal state. So cut the Bravado and just do what Turkey tells you Miss VP. You make a good "Hooker" & "Pimp" relationship. You get "Screwed" and the "Pimp" makes the money. When did you ever hear, that the "Hooker" has any say so, over her "Pimp."

Sorry Kikapu but I questioned your honesty when you tried to suck up to me by telling me I was your "favorite member in the forum" when I pointed out flaws in your lame story. :roll: That was a bit of a give away mate :? Furthermore if you were a real Turkish Cypriot you would of known all that pretence BS wouldn't work with us, if anything it will and did rouse suspicion.. :wink: :lol:

Since then I've been pretty convinced that you were a Greek Cypriot.

Why a Turkish Cypriot would bicker and argue with other Turkish Cypriots despite agreeing on the same solution is beyond me...Only a Greek Cypriot would act like this Kikapu.

Then today, once you realise you're arguing with TCs for no reason and actually realised that you're agreeing to something you really (deep down) don't agree with (cos you're GC), you start telling us what we can and can't have to make yourself feel better. Your demands prove you are Greek Cypriot, for all those points you raised would be the last thing on a real Turkish Cypriots mind. I can read you like an open book mate...You're no Turkish Cypriot, I would bet my life on it. You can deny it all you want and people can stick up for you all they want too because you've managed to fool all those except the people you intended to fool and that's something I can live with. It's sooo obvious anyways...if anyone thinks I'm being silly thats also fine with me...

Admin can block this thread if they wish, I've said what I wanted to say. :wink: :P :P :P :P

First words to the ADMIN, if you all don't mind for a second.

Please DO NOT lock this thread...Thank you.

Hello T_C,

...............where the hell is Perry Mason when you need him, to come up with the "guilty" person in the last minute, in the court room, which was always different from the accused suspect.. :lol: :lol:

T_C, You are still my favourite TC on this board. I had to say TC, otherwise Miltiades will get jealous. :lol:

I'm sorry that you had to prove me correct, as to what we talked about few days ago, where you have a "clean heart" and not able to have the same thoughts as the Partitionist on this board, but at the same time, you were susceptible to the influence of the "evil adults" I talked about. But it is not your fault my friend, it is only your youth that is the problem, as you have not developed all the mean spirited and evil Racist and Fascist inner self, but you do not want to question your elders...I know, it is a Turkish thing, that we all grow up with.

I on the other hand, are free from all the pressures that are thrown here on the forum. One learns over time to respect their fellow human beings, no matter what the past may have been. Take a look at all the countries in Europe, who have had many wars between themselves, at one time or another. Why do you suppose they were able to get past their differences and the Cypriots are not able to.? Perhaps we are not as developed as others intellectually.? Are we really stuck in the 15th Century, as some of the members on this board clearly show their 15th Century mentality through their hate and Racist views. Well, excuse me for not following them, so that I fit in with the TC mentality, if that is any kind of a "standard".

As far as the examples you used in your post, regarding me using the "you" and "TC" words, was merely a conversation between me and Miss VP, and that his reference to me for being a GC, therefore I used the "you" just to give Miss VP, some self righteousness. I know I should not have played word games with people who have a hard time, understanding the humour behind it.

One more thing. I forgot to state, that Miss VP can have as many settlers as possible in a BBF, provided of course, that their applications are approved by the Federal Government, since immigration will be handled by them, and not by individual states. I think Miss VP has a better chance to have as many settlers as possible, by settling for the 18% self ruled, as a independent country of the "TRNC".

The way things are going, 66.666% are already "settlers" in the "TRNC", so pretty soon, you will be hard pressed to find any TC's, if Miss VP brings in more settlers from Turkey.

But hey, why the hell do I care. It's your taxes that will be paying to support all these people on the welfare system, hence the warning, that the TRNC" will "die" under it's own debt and implode from within. But those are not the concerns of the Partitionist, who are after making money now, on the "HARAM" land, and project themselves to wannabe statesman on the worlds stage as politicians. I hope they will be able to adopt the "Freedom of Speech" which clearly, some of the 15th Century Mental Retards on this board, are unable to accept, because they have yet to progress into the 16th Century.

Good luck to them all.
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Postby Kikapu » Tue May 22, 2007 11:35 am

mrfromng wrote:KIKAPU IS OUR TONY ANGASTINIOTIS :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

I see our good friend mrfromng, the self proclaimed Racist against the GC's, has once again telling us that he is stuck in the 15th Century.

May you long live mrfromng, so to one day you arrive to the 21st Century.

Bring Miss VP, and Zan with you, while you're at it , will you.!! :lol: :lol:
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Postby Viewpoint » Tue May 22, 2007 11:46 am

Kikapu wrote:
mrfromng wrote:KIKAPU IS OUR TONY ANGASTINIOTIS :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

I see our good friend mrfromng, the self proclaimed Racist against the GC's, has once again telling us that he is stuck in the 15th Century.

May you long live mrfromng, so to one day you arrive to the 21st Century.

Bring Miss VP, and Zan with you, while you're at it , will you.!! :lol: :lol:

Do you realize how idiotic you come accross on this forum? You obviously have no real arguements so you start to attack and degrade posters with your little cliches which reflects your diluted and twisted mentality.
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