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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby miltiades » Tue May 22, 2007 9:23 am

zan wrote:
Piratis wrote:So what do you mean turkish_cypriot? That it is impossible for you to believe that honest Turkish Cypriots exist? Take this for example:

"Land distribution based on the population of Cyprus, at the time of 1960 Constitution. 82%-18%. You will also get 18% of Coast line."

Whats wrong with that? A Turkish person that doesn't want to use force to steal land that doesn't belong to him and his community, is impossible to exist according to you? Are you trying to tell us that ALL Turks and TCs are thieves and criminals?

Sorry, turkish_cypriot but your gross generalizations are, like all other generalizations, wrong. Maybe you have been brought up in the traditional Turkish middle ages ways and for you commiting such kind of crimes is simply a way of life.

However you can not deny that civilized Turks and TCs do exist, even thought those that rule Turkey and the occupied areas have tried to keep these people in the darkness of the middle ages.

We should live the Greek way instead. Oh so civilized. You spend decades killing burning and forcing TCs to abandon their land and now, without shame you want to talk in numbers. You stole so much TC land that your numbers are complete nonsense. Destroying the evidence as you went. Very civilized in deed.

Posting such garbage as usual , spreading hatred with your poisonous nonsense. Since obtaining your degree you are sticking to the crap given to you , if only you used your logic and stop posting such acrimonious nonsense .
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Postby zan » Tue May 22, 2007 9:27 am

miltiades wrote:
zan wrote:
Piratis wrote:So what do you mean turkish_cypriot? That it is impossible for you to believe that honest Turkish Cypriots exist? Take this for example:

"Land distribution based on the population of Cyprus, at the time of 1960 Constitution. 82%-18%. You will also get 18% of Coast line."

Whats wrong with that? A Turkish person that doesn't want to use force to steal land that doesn't belong to him and his community, is impossible to exist according to you? Are you trying to tell us that ALL Turks and TCs are thieves and criminals?

Sorry, turkish_cypriot but your gross generalizations are, like all other generalizations, wrong. Maybe you have been brought up in the traditional Turkish middle ages ways and for you commiting such kind of crimes is simply a way of life.

However you can not deny that civilized Turks and TCs do exist, even thought those that rule Turkey and the occupied areas have tried to keep these people in the darkness of the middle ages.

We should live the Greek way instead. Oh so civilized. You spend decades killing burning and forcing TCs to abandon their land and now, without shame you want to talk in numbers. You stole so much TC land that your numbers are complete nonsense. Destroying the evidence as you went. Very civilized in deed.

Posting such garbage as usual , spreading hatred with your poisonous nonsense. Since obtaining your degree you are sticking to the crap given to you , if only you used your logic and stop posting such acrimonious nonsense .

And if you posted less salesman crap then I would not have to slam the door in your face. Take your "RoC" and stick it where the sun don't shine. Unless you can put together a better package you have no sale. You can't still be drunk from last night>>>>>>>>>
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Postby Piratis » Tue May 22, 2007 9:31 am

zan wrote:
Piratis wrote:Again you are lying. The ones that have been killing GCs for centuries are the Turks. 10s of thousands of GCs were butchered. The only time that TCs had victims, some 100s, was during the intercommunal conflict, and GCs had an about equal number of victims during that time as well. Some time ago you gave a link with some population data and then I pointed out to you in that same source that from 1960 until 1973 the percentage of TCs in Cyprus had actually increased compared to the one of GCs.

It is obvious that you can not support your position without lying. In this week alone I have proven your lies twice already ( here and here ) but you continue posting them. Your only hope is if it becomes so obvious to everybody what a lier you are that we will not bother to counter your lies anymore. Is that what you are hoping for?

You have proven nothing and you just groveling as usual. You give no evidence as to why you think these things did not happen but just stand there and say you are wrong and think that it means anything. You have run out of steam my friend and the whole world is listening to you and your lousy excuses. :roll: :roll:

Everybody can click the links I gave, especially the first one, and see how you were caught lying and you then you started eating your words.
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Postby zan » Tue May 22, 2007 9:37 am

Piratis wrote:
zan wrote:
Piratis wrote:Again you are lying. The ones that have been killing GCs for centuries are the Turks. 10s of thousands of GCs were butchered. The only time that TCs had victims, some 100s, was during the intercommunal conflict, and GCs had an about equal number of victims during that time as well. Some time ago you gave a link with some population data and then I pointed out to you in that same source that from 1960 until 1973 the percentage of TCs in Cyprus had actually increased compared to the one of GCs.

It is obvious that you can not support your position without lying. In this week alone I have proven your lies twice already ( here and here ) but you continue posting them. Your only hope is if it becomes so obvious to everybody what a lier you are that we will not bother to counter your lies anymore. Is that what you are hoping for?

You have proven nothing and you just groveling as usual. You give no evidence as to why you think these things did not happen but just stand there and say you are wrong and think that it means anything. You have run out of steam my friend and the whole world is listening to you and your lousy excuses. :roll: :roll:

Everybody can click the links I gave, especially the first one, and see how you were caught lying and you then you started eating your words.

You seem to have gone back into that little world of yours again Piratis. I have proved those dates over and over again and you still come out with rubbish that I was wrong. Are you working the morning shift and the guy last night did not inform you of he events of yesterday. Attacks happened and people were killed before, during and after the dates you try to confuse people with. The only people that are eating their words is you lot because you have no answer except to dispute the source. The contents leave you speechless. There will be more information along those lines coming to a computer near you soon so brace yourself young man. When you confess to your sins then maybe we can move forward. What do you say.
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Postby Viewpoint » Tue May 22, 2007 9:39 am

Piratis wrote:So what do you mean turkish_cypriot? That it is impossible for you to believe that honest Turkish Cypriots exist? Take this for example:

"Land distribution based on the population of Cyprus, at the time of 1960 Constitution. 82%-18%. You will also get 18% of Coast line."

Whats wrong with that? A Turkish person that doesn't want to use force to steal land that doesn't belong to him and his community, is impossible to exist according to you? Are you trying to tell us that ALL Turks and TCs are thieves and criminals?

Sorry, turkish_cypriot but your gross generalizations are, like all other generalizations, wrong. Maybe you have been brought up in the traditional Turkish middle ages ways and for you commiting such kind of crimes is simply a way of life.

However you can not deny that civilized Turks and TCs do exist, even thought those that rule Turkey and the occupied areas have tried to keep these people in the darkness of the middle ages.

We have never disputed the fact that TCs and Turks are civilized its you that has a problem with this issue.

And this ridiculous idea of the bounderies of a country being inline with the popoulation ratio is pure bullshit, provide 1 example where this was the case. The GCs wishing to return of keep land in the TRNC and settled disputes over stolen land will increase this ficticious 18% anyway so the 29% is a more realistic figure.
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Re: Kikapodopulous!

Postby Viewpoint » Tue May 22, 2007 9:41 am

turkish_cypriot wrote:I've been questioning Kikapus honesty since reading that story of his. If anyone still believes he's Turkish Cypriot then they must be smoking crack!! Kikapu is 100% Greek Cypriot. It's so obvious from this post of his...

Good try Kikapu...not good enough've managed to fool everyone but the TC's (as usual!)

Are these the kind of things someone "neutral" would say? (Let alone a Turkish Cypriot) :?: :!: :?: :!: :?: :!:

Are the points Kikapu raises below something that would be of concern to a Turkish Cypriot on the issue of a settlement? HELL NO!

Read for yourselves and decide...

"If you had your own 18% country in Northern Cyprus, you can have all the settlers you want. Even if you had a BBF under a Federal System, you can have all the settlers you want, just don't expect any Federal Funds to pay for them. You can pay for them, from your own State Funds. The Federal Funds will only pay for TC's."

"The Turkish military needs to go. If you want to have your own "national guards" have as many as you want, or not have any. It all comes out of your own state budget."

"Land distribution based on the population of Cyprus, at the time of 1960 Constitution. 82%-18%. You will also get 18% of Coast line."

"Don't think for a minute, that you ( TC's) have any say so, in what the future is for the Northern Part of Cyprus. If you did, you would have had your own official country by now. If you did, you would have had your own official country by now. Doesn't that strike you funny, that you only have a de facto illegal state. So cut the Bravado and just do what Turkey tells you Miss VP. You make a good "Hooker" & "Pimp" relationship. You get "Screwed" and the "Pimp" makes the money. When did you ever hear, that the "Hooker" has any say so, over her "Pimp."

Sorry Kikapu but I questioned your honesty when you tried to suck up to me by telling me I was your "favorite member in the forum" when I pointed out flaws in your lame story. :roll: That was a bit of a give away mate :? Furthermore if you were a real Turkish Cypriot you would of known all that pretence BS wouldn't work with us, if anything it will and did rouse suspicion.. :wink: :lol:

Since then I've been pretty convinced that you were a Greek Cypriot.

Why a Turkish Cypriot would bicker and argue with other Turkish Cypriots despite agreeing on the same solution is beyond me...Only a Greek Cypriot would act like this Kikapu.

Then today, once you realise you're arguing with TCs for no reason and actually realised that you're agreeing to something you really (deep down) don't agree with (cos you're GC), you start telling us what we can and can't have to make yourself feel better. Your demands prove you are Greek Cypriot, for all those points you raised would be the last thing on a real Turkish Cypriots mind. I can read you like an open book mate...You're no Turkish Cypriot, I would bet my life on it. You can deny it all you want and people can stick up for you all they want too because you've managed to fool all those except the people you intended to fool and that's something I can live with. It's sooo obvious anyways...if anyone thinks I'm being silly thats also fine with me...

Admin can block this thread if they wish, I've said what I wanted to say. :wink: :P :P :P :P

You are totally right and I have doubted and questioned him being a TC from the outset. Something doesnt add up he cannot say 1 good thing in favor of TCs and this is not normal not even in the most staunch supporters of Cypriotism.
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Postby Piratis » Tue May 22, 2007 9:47 am

The invasion happened in 20th of July 1974. In that thread you said that the invasion in 1974 was caused because 2 Turkish villages were attacked. I asked you to tell me the names of those villages and your sources and you could not reply because what you have said was a lie. You gave no source that shows that TC villages were attacked in 1974 before 20th of July, the day of the invasion.

So you have 3 options:

1) Tell me now which were the 2 villages that were attacked in 1974 that caused, as you claimed, the invasion
2) Give me the link where you said the names of those two villages that shows that indeed 2 Turkish Cypriot villages were attacked in 1974 before the invasion had started.
3) Admit that you are a lier.
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Postby zan » Tue May 22, 2007 9:49 am

I think the most logical explanation, if he is a TC, is that he has a lot of land in the south and he cannot claim it from those crooks that say they speak for all the Cypriots. It is his greed that he tries to offset on his cousin’s husband, fictitious as that is, that is driving him forward. That is why he had to go to he south and not the north. His trip was in vain though because they did not even give him a birth certificate let alone his land back. Can't blame a guy for trying though. His dreams of owning a massive yacht have been eating him up for too long now...... :lol: :lol:
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Postby Piratis » Tue May 22, 2007 10:00 am

Zan, you being a shameless lier, and a an illegality and crime supporter, makes you the last person on earth to have the right to judge others.
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Postby bigOz » Tue May 22, 2007 10:00 am

Altghough not as old as the others in thsi forum, I believed from day 1 that Kikapu is a GC! The username is definitely not Turkish and more like a GC's invention that sounds more like a Greek name!

My main suspicions was when he started inventing this "visit to Cyprus" story, only to stop dead in his tracks when there was praise for the TCs from some English respondent. Clearly he must have felt his propaganda campaign was backfiring.

As always, another devious and lying GC pretending to be a TC - I am surprised no one had actually noticed this before because his style of writing is not very clever, he gives away his true colours too often!

Just like Totis, who is 2-3 people blended into one, clearly a member of some political party or bunch of friends using the same username. You can have 2-3 different types of posts within one day, each using a different style and language level!

Wake up TCs, they are trying to take us for a ride in this forum - whatthey do not realise is we've been there already. Talking about trust? My arse! 8)
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