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immigration forms

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Postby JB Bear » Tue May 22, 2007 6:04 pm

Hello Eric

From what I know of works and residence permits, you have to find a JOB in Cyprus, and then when you get your employment contract then go to immigration office and get the MEU1 form and fill it in and your employer signs as well usually on the back.

Then make your appointment with the immigration office, don't forget to take along the necessary documents, the form will tell you what you need.

and then they will issued you with a small brown booklet, for you to keep and that's it.
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Postby annaka » Tue May 22, 2007 10:56 pm

I have found most Government offices are open also on Thursday afternoons until 6.00pm. Allowing for the lunch break I timed my visits between 3.00 and 4.00pm and got served - eventually!

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Postby greek.god » Wed May 23, 2007 7:21 am

eric wood wrote:can I apply for a work permit even though I do not have an employer and dont want to go self employed?

No! They will not issue you a work permit if you are not working.
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Postby Aphrodite18 » Wed May 23, 2007 8:26 am

Thanks Greek God - so how does it work with regard to registering as unemployed? I am interested because it seems it may be a different system here in Cy. In teh UK you should register as unemployed - if only to get the National Insurance credits. How does it work here and should one be paying Insurance credits somehow or what exactly should an EU national (and others..) actually do please? Does anyone know out there - may help Eric too...
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Postby JB Bear » Wed May 23, 2007 12:04 pm


if you have in the past worked and paid social insurance, and you have lost your job for what ever reason. you must go to the social insurance offer in your district, and register as unemployed, they will get 3/4 of your salary for six months, as they see it, that should give you plenty of time to find another job.

Also go to the labour office and register there, that you are looking for work.

if you have never had a job here all you can do is register at the labour office.

hope that helps
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Postby Crivens » Wed May 23, 2007 1:20 pm

JB Bear, I work as a contractor to my old company in the UK (programmer from home in Cyprus). I have only been doing it since the start of 2007, and have setup a company with my partner with local accountants. We are paying social insurance every month to the accountants. Does this mean we would get 3/4 of our salary for six months if the company stops the contract? Also is there a limit to the amount they will pay? eg. 3/4 of your salary upto £1000 a month or somesuch?

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Postby Aphrodite18 » Wed May 23, 2007 3:11 pm

Thank you JB Bear. Just to clarify I worked full time in the UK and left my job about 6 months before I came to Cyprus because it allowed me time to sort out stuff in the UK. I was told to register as seeking work anyway as teh National Insurance stamps would then continue to be paid for me. I didn't claim any benefits other than this. I think it was called unemployment credits and they last 6 months only - which fitted in fine witrh my plans. I then came to Cyprus and haven't claimed or tried to claim anything as I presumed I wasn't entitled to anything... however I have wondered if I should be contributing in the form of an equivelant to National Insurance over here? I know I should perhaps have gone to teh relevant Government Offices but the time and hassle factor (having experienced immigration and stuff) put me off!!

Hence Eric's original question made me think a little more - again! You will soon be the local sub Government of adice if you are not careful... :wink:
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Postby MACKAM1955 » Wed May 23, 2007 3:12 pm

So let me get this straight I cant get a permit till i find a job so how do I go for a job when the employer adds in his advert must be legally able to work which I have seen should I apply hope to get the job and then apply for permit ? sounds back to front to me!
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Postby MACKAM1955 » Wed May 23, 2007 3:15 pm

Also what do you need to get a self employment permit if I take the chance of going self employed ?
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Postby JB Bear » Wed May 23, 2007 5:25 pm

OK here we go:
Lets start with Crivens

you have started a new company from what you have told me,
right this means that you are a director or shareholder or even both,
from what I know that you will not get a penny from the social insurance. you can try it, but firstly you would have to pay social insurance for at least 12 month as they work out the % on your last year monthly salary.

the unemployment benefit is mainly for employees not for employers


what ever the UK does, does not apply here in Cyprus.
For you to get any kind of money from the social insurance you have to put money in, that means you need to get a job, and keep it for at least 12 months.
you are correct in saying that you are not entitled to anything here!!! (sorry to say)
by the way thanks for the advise about sub Government.


I am under the impression that you are British with the name of Eric Wood, if that is the case you have every right to apply for any job you see here in Cyprus, as you are classed as European.

in your post you say (the employer adds in his advert must be legally)
this only means that the employer is only interested in local or European people.

If you are not from Europe then you will find it very difficult to find employment, because local business do not want the hassle of applying for works permit, knowing they wont have a change getting them one.

Eric: all you have to do is get the Cyprus weekly or mail, and see if there is any job you can do and apply for it. you have a CV.... don't you?

is that OK Eric!!!


Eric again (being self employed)

All you have to do is visit the social insurance dept and get a form, or you can down load it from the government website.

but word of advise, if you apply for self employment, and you don't make any money in the first Quarter the social insurance will still want their Portion and if they don't get it they will take you to court and will get their money, remember that.
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