bigOz wrote:kafenes wrote:So, from what you guys are saying, it looks like there will be no land returned and most probably no compensation. The TCs also want to be recognised as a seperate legal government and want all economic sanctions removed. To me it looks like something is out of balance. I personaly have nothing to loose and from what I see the last 33 years have been the most trouble free years cyprus has seen. The 200,000 refugees probably won't agree with me though. If I was in their place I would also probably try and make things as difficult as possible for the TCs.
The only thing out of balance here is your blind thoughts kafenes! First of all you talk about probabilities when they are not true. I hjave no data but I am sure compensation was one of the alternatives - I'll find out for you (yet) seeing you are so Google illetrate!
- The South has been enjoying all the international financial rewards by holding the government for the past 44 years!
- They have been and are making things difficult for the TCs for 44 years.
- Screw the 200,000 refugees - relatives of all the dead women, children buried in mass graves will agree with me that they rather starve than live under Greek rule.
TCs do not trust GCs and will never ever wish to live in an area dominated by a Greek majority - not at the moment anyway. Which part of that do you find hard to understand? The economy of TRNC is no financial burden on Turkey's wealth. They have been supporting it for the past 44 years, in return the least they are entitled to is keep a strong army in TRNC.
If you can see the corellation there, you might even understand why it is important for the TC North to catch up with South, and not depend on Turkey economically. So, any economic sanction favoured by the illitrate in the South will only increase North's dependance on Turkey, and a continual (favoured) presence of Turkish army.
You did not get anywhere in 44 years with economic sanctions, and the whole world is starting to see the other side of the coin. Carry on with your magic ideas and see how far it will get you...
there you go....what many extremist TC's have been dying to say for a long time and it only takes this poor retard to have the honesty to say it.
Screw the 200,000 refugees, so what if we took their homes and their land. DO we not live in the 21st century? Can we not take anything we like with a gun and say f~~~ you?