I want to tell you about the times I have been stung by two conmen who were my work colleagues....One of them took me for 7,5000 AUD and the other for 2,000 AUD...The biger one was the nicest most charming fellow you could ever hope to meet!And he not only gave me the most moving hard-luck story,but also a check written out in my name (with 10% interest I said I didn't want),to be cashed 6 months from the date on it...When I cashed it it bounced,but by then he was nowhere to be found...He had skipped the country oweing literally hundreds of thousands of dollars....and the news was that he had been just one step ahead of loan sharks due to a gambling problem...
The other person had lost his job and was in dire straights literally so I lent him the money to tie him over till he found a job....When he did find a job,he simply forgot about the loan,and over time stopped being my friend...I know where he lives,but will never ask for my money back.I think 2,000 dollars is not too high a price to find out about who your true friends are...
The moral of the story is that these experiences have not stopped me from lending money to my friends if they ask,and everybody else have always honoured their promises...But I have made a few cautionary rules...I never lend more money than I can afford to lose...and I do not expect to get it back...