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Discussion for the mock trial "Cyprus Vs Turkey"..

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Postby Get Real! » Mon May 21, 2007 1:44 pm

zan wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
zan wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:Get Real I am surprise you do deals with the Devil.

My good man all it takes is for one to be born and that automatically entails a contract with him.

Yes, lets swap "counsel" so YOU can see the othersides view. I hope to remember what side I am on though! :wink: :wink: :wink:

I pity anyone who has to defend Turkey/TRNC. :lol:

I have already said that GCs should conduct the whole trial. You guys are running scared because that would mean a period of self-examination and a lifetime of honesty that you seem to fear. You now open a second thread on this subject in order to satisfy your selves that the thread you "chickened" out of will not taint this one with your fear. Come on lets see some guts from you lot. We have been successfully defending our selves on this forum and others for quite a while now so what is the point of thread dedicated to the same arguments. Try something new and take on the case as I suggested. I trust you to do the right thing because I believe you actually have a conscience. The problem for you is that that same conscience is what is making you shy away from my challenge. Go on, give your conscience an outing. It has been locked away for far too long........

The fact that you are UNAWARE that the GC community has exactly the same feelings for the Turkish Cypriot community, that is that they too need self-examination, is proof that neither side should conduct the trial on their own! In other words Zan, you are guilty of what you accuse others of.

Secondly, if you remove the INCENTIVE there won’t be much of a case to conduct; what makes you think that a GC Lawyer will go out of his way to meticulously represent the Turkish/TC side or vice versa?

Seeing that you’re a keen supporter of such a bizarre arrangement one could easily ask if you would be prepared to represent the GC side Zan… :)

I think you will find that I have said on both threads that we have been defending ourselves effectively so there is no need for any such trial. Both threads have been opened by GCs not TCs so that is why I have said that you guys can conduct the whole thing yourselves. Presumably the point of the whole thing is to come to the truth of the matter so whether a GC or a TC is on which ever side then the truth will out???????The way you are talking GR, anyone would think that you are not offering a fair trail but just out to show that you are better lawyers. :wink: Now where is the fairness in that. If you want the lawyer of the year award then its yours.

As for me representing the GCs.....I think the entire GC nation has been holding its breath and you by the nuts to hear my answer. The answer is..................................................................................................... :lol:

Should we abandon this whole thing and return to the funny one-liners Zan? Is that what you'd rather?
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Postby zan » Mon May 21, 2007 1:58 pm

:shock: Have you not been paying attention to what has been going on between the one liners GR. :shock:
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Postby bigOz » Mon May 21, 2007 2:43 pm

This is what I think of the defenders of this his whole idea:

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