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Lesson Learnt

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Postby paul » Sun May 20, 2007 1:04 pm

I think he wants more than icecream?????
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Re: Lesson Learnt

Postby Get Real! » Sun May 20, 2007 1:05 pm

aussiedrillerman wrote:The English women that have come here to "live-retire-whatever" avoid them like the plague.

There’s two sides to every story my good man…

Back in the eighties these women were the drop-dead gorgeous blonds tanning on the Cypriot beaches and being courted by scores of drooling GC males from the airport upon arrival and all the way to their hotel.

Some of these women fell in love with one of these dark, funny, and seemingly “charming” individuals and went on to marry and have children with them. In doing so they abandoned their families and friends back home and put all their eggs in Romeo’s basket who promised to love and cherish them forever.

A few decades later time has taken its toll and many of these women are now divorced, abandoned, unloved, lonely, and understandably very bitter. They can no longer return "home" because everyone has moved on and they have nothing left to look forward to in here. :(
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Postby Aphrodite18 » Sun May 20, 2007 1:08 pm

Without wishing to sound too prim - I prefer my ice cream without sauce thank you! Hahaha
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Re: Lesson Learnt

Postby Niki » Sun May 20, 2007 5:08 pm

Get Real! wrote:
aussiedrillerman wrote:The English women that have come here to "live-retire-whatever" avoid them like the plague.

There’s two sides to every story my good man…

Back in the eighties these women were the drop-dead gorgeous blonds tanning on the Cypriot beaches and being courted by scores of drooling GC males from the airport upon arrival and all the way to their hotel.

Some of these women fell in love with one of these dark, funny, and seemingly “charming” individuals and went on to marry and have children with them. In doing so they abandoned their families and friends back home and put all their eggs in Romeo’s basket who promised to love and cherish them forever.

A few decades later time has taken its toll and many of these women are now divorced, abandoned, unloved, lonely, and understandably very bitter. They can no longer return "home" because everyone has moved on and they have nothing left to look forward to in here. :(

Wow - that sounds so sad!
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Postby jambo » Sun May 20, 2007 6:20 pm

How do we know, it may be you who has the problem,
most, and i say most, but not all british woman, dont expect fore-play to consist of
It might be your chat-up lines ....
maybe you spent to much time in the NT.
Them Tala ladies dont drink pints, nor do they buy them.. PMSL ...
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Postby Niki » Sun May 20, 2007 7:17 pm


Aussiedrillerman posts suggesting he really doesn't like women after what they have done to him.

I and other ladies say "no no you just haven't met the right one - keep trying the right girl is out there for you".

Aussiedrillerman posts suggesting he really doesn't like women after what they have done to him.

I and other ladies say "no really don't give up - there are decent women out there".

Aussiedrillerman posts suggesting he really doesn't like women after what they have done to him.

I and other ladies s say "look we know you've had a hard time but some women are ok".

Aussiedrillerman posts suggesting he really doesn't like women after what they have done to him.

I and other ladies say "ok - if we can't persuade you".

Aussiedrillerman posts suggesting he really doesn't like women after what they have done to him.

I and other ladies say nothing.

Aussiedrillerman posts suggesting he really doesn't like women after what they have done to him.

I and other ladies say "don't be so damn negative, maybe it's you who's the problem."

Aussiedrillerman says "there you go, I told you they were all bitches".
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Postby beverley10 » Sun May 20, 2007 7:35 pm

You certainly do'nt let the grass grow under your feet aussidrillerman!Dated a couple of english "ladies" already and are not impressed,Tough,I bet they were not particularly impressed with you or they may have been more pleasing.Bigotry abounds in australia(i am half aussie) so you probably bought it over with you.I am a lovely lady(but married not single) and I would be as nice as someone who treated me in the same vein.If someone was a bore or a drag or up themselves I would run a mile.
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Re: Lesson Learnt

Postby Kikapu » Sun May 20, 2007 7:55 pm

aussiedrillerman wrote:I have only been on Cyprus a short time but I have already learnt one valuable lesson.

The English women that have come here to "live-retire-whatever" avoid them like the plague.

Every one of them I have met so far is just dreadful to the point that I can make this generalisation..

You know the fish that John West rejected...well these are the women that England did the same thing to...

Very very dissapointing..

Perhaps these women that you have met are following the old "Golden Rule", that they need to kiss a lot of Frogs, before they can find their Prince.

I'm afraid, you were just one of those Frogs, and not their Prince.

Don't worry, your turn will come, and will transform from a Frog to a Prince, in the eyes of the Ladies. :lol:
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Postby RRichie » Sun May 20, 2007 8:31 pm

Hey aussiedrillerman
I'm coming over on the 11th of July can I have the ones you dont want? :D
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Postby Cyprus Vending » Sun May 20, 2007 9:03 pm

Hi Aussiedrillerman

Grab what you can... When you can...

And make sure the 'can' is a cold one... :D 8) :D
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