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Traffic cameras

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How many times have you been caught on camera in Cyprus?

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Traffic cameras

Postby devil » Thu May 17, 2007 1:49 pm

One in six caught on camera
By Leo Leonidou

Police make plans to add 120 traffic cameras to island’s roads

MOTORISTS beware: a further 120 traffic cameras are set to go into operation by October if an evaluation of the system next month gives the all clear.

At the moment, there are 33 fixed and seven mobile cameras across the island, which were activated on October 11 last year. They have proven to be a great success, recording 8,500 traffic violations in the first 33 days of operation alone.

To date, a staggering 80,000 people have been caught, the equivalent of 367 every day.
According to the Road Transport Department, there are currently close to 487,000 driving licenses in circulation, meaning one in six motorists have been booked.

Speeding is the number one offence, followed by jumping red lights.

The police have revealed that just over £1 million has been generated through 49,000 fines up until May 7.

A spokesman explained that, “some offending cars and motorbikes did not have visible licence plates, while many photos have also been unclear. Others, driving rental cars, have escaped by returning back to their countries of residence while numerous cases do not involve fines as they go straight to court.

The first phase of the project is now nearing completion, with the Electromechanical Services and the police meeting on June 10 to discuss progress.

Theodoros Achilleos, Director of the Police Traffic Unit, yesterday told the Mail that checks will take place to see if the cameras are working correctly and whether all criteria agreed with the manufacturer are being met.

He admitted there were still some technical problems affecting software that still need to be ironed out.

The infrastructure (power source, wiring) for the new cameras is currently being set up, with the authorities in the process of deciding where they will be installed. It is believed that more will be seen in town centres and along motorways.

Back in November, the unexpectedly high number of people snapped caused an administrative problem for the police, who struggled to keep up with the number of tickets issued.

At first, officers had to hand-deliver tickets to offenders’ homes or offices, before the law was changed, allowing tickets to be sent through the post.

The police chief at the time, Charalambos Koulentis, said their aim is to reduce the number of people killed aimlessly on our roads, which last year stood at 86.

Cyprus has a road death rate which is 40 per cent higher than the EU average.

According to Achilleos, the project will see a total of 450 cameras installed by 2011, at a cost of £6.5 million.

It is certainly not true that 1 in 6 have been caught. Many of those caught have been caught more than once. It may be interesting to have a look at our own statistics.

Incidentally, I saw a motor-cycle cop under the bridge at the Larnaca junction on the A1 this morning, waving a hand-held radar. He was hardly visible.
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Postby jambo » Thu May 17, 2007 1:52 pm

got caught last week .. pafos
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Postby Get Real! » Thu May 17, 2007 1:52 pm

Paid 18 pounds a couple of days ago after getting "flashed" at the Honda lights! :)
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Postby Sotos » Thu May 17, 2007 11:18 pm

got caught last week too :( I was having an argument with my girlfriend in the car and I didn't notice that I passed with orange that turned red exactly the moment I was passing :( I blamed her of course! :P I hope it will be just 18 but I am afraid it will be more :(
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Postby Crivens » Fri May 18, 2007 3:33 pm

Used to hate traffic cameras in the UK. Obviously an idea from the very depths of hell.

On the other hand the amount of times I've nearly been killed here just walking across a pedestrian crossing (a lot more in 6 months than in 11 years of living near London which obviously has millions more cars)....

Is it just £18 with nothing else? Not like the UK where you lose your licence after about 4 offences? Not bad. Sign me up on direct debit methinks. Shame I didn't bring the Impreza....

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Postby Peterc » Fri May 18, 2007 4:08 pm

Hated speed cameras in the UK, but soooo many idiots over here, i think they are a good thing
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Postby Hazza » Fri May 18, 2007 6:59 pm

Isn't it amazing how many cars there are on the roads these days with no front number plate?

Anyhow, got caught by the hand held radar on the stretch of carriageway just after the highway heading towards Larnaca. Got a £21 fine (was doing 71km/h just after the 50sign. As I don't have a Cypriot driving license, they couldn't give me points on my license, so they gave me 2 points on my Cyprus ID. Does that mean they will take that off me after some points?? ;)

Seriously though, obviously they will get carried through to my Cypriot license should I ever get one, but what happens if I don't, and the points keep adding up? What happens if I get 12 points on my Cyprus ID?? No license to take away, so what happens?
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Postby miltiades » Fri May 18, 2007 9:53 pm

You will be deported to the Middle East !!!
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