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Stray Cats

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Stray Cats

Postby aussiedrillerman » Wed May 16, 2007 12:13 pm

I have a better solution...

Instead of the annual turtle dove shoot

Well................ kills two birds with one stone (pardon the pun)

Cyprus Mail

NICOSIA municipality said yesterday it was setting up a spaying programme for stray cats.

“Every day, we experience traffic accidents with dead cats on the roads due to their unpredictable movements, with all the dangers such incidents involve,” a municipality press release said.

The municipality said the campaign was also deemed necessary because of frequent poisonings, with the danger such actions posed to other animals, as well as the transfer of dangerous diseases from animals to humans and from strays to pets.

“Responsibly in light of all these problems, we decided that the only internationally effective method to reduce the uncontrollable multiplication [of cats] and the subsequent problems is to spay them.”

The island’s capital said it had already begun the programme with the help of private veterinarians who had shown an interest in the project, and would have it complete by the end of the year.

“To avoid any problems that might arise during the collection and spaying of the animals, the Municipality’s Health Services will inform all residents in the area for the protection of their pets,” the press release said.

“For this goal to succeed, it will take the public’s understanding and co-operation. The success of this effort will contribute towards the establishment of a spaying programme on a permanent basis for the next few years, with the aim of solving all the problems that ensue due to the uncontrollable multiplication of stray cats” it added.

Nicosia mayor Eleni Mavrou told the Cyprus Mail the programme would cost £5,000 for 2007 after having reached an agreement with the veterinarians’ association.

“A lot of vets are involved in this programme. We will review the budgets for the following years as we go along,” she said.

Mavrou added that the municipality was waiting for the weather to improve before launching the campaign.

“There is no way to determine how many stray cats will be involved. We’ll also only be able to spay the cats that we can collect because some are too wild to approach,” she said.
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Postby devil » Wed May 16, 2007 12:31 pm

Yes, and you can make a nice stew with cats: rather like rabbit. Excellent stifado!

Being pestered with cats, I would welcome the move.
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Postby raymanuva » Wed May 16, 2007 1:02 pm

i ran over one cat a week ago... almost crashed my brand new car as i've attempted to avoid the poor bastard... result: head crushed with 2toons of metal and rubber. I think all 9 lifes viporated instantly... :(
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Postby GorillaGal » Wed May 16, 2007 3:02 pm


ARRRRRRRR!!!! don't kill the kitties!
don't get me started. i am the proud motehr of 3 furballs, and i love them all.
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Postby raymanuva » Wed May 16, 2007 3:27 pm

i never said i hate cats.. i adore them is just crashing a 18 grand brand new car over a stupid furball... hmm...
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Postby GorillaGal » Wed May 16, 2007 3:37 pm

NO furball is stupid. i live in a fear of hitting an animal. i saw a squirrel get hit once, and i cried for days. and once i saw a turtle by the road. i couldn't stop to move him--too much traffic on the crowded, narrow road. later, i saw what was left of him, and i again cried for day, and felt guilty. it is our responsabilty as the more "intelligent" creatures, to take care of gods other's "less intellignet" creatures.

i am glad you like cats, cause you look too cute from your avatar to have me dislike you immensly! ;-)

off i go to work--to walk the doggies.... they call me "the pet whisperer" around here.
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Postby Get Real! » Wed May 16, 2007 4:33 pm

GorillaGal wrote: i am the proud motehr of 3 furballs, and i love them all.

Have you got a handy picture of them you can post?
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Postby Niki » Wed May 16, 2007 5:02 pm

GorillaGal wrote:NO furball is stupid. i live in a fear of hitting an animal. i saw a squirrel get hit once, and i cried for days. and once i saw a turtle by the road. i couldn't stop to move him--too much traffic on the crowded, narrow road. later, i saw what was left of him, and i again cried for day, and felt guilty. it is our responsabilty as the more "intelligent" creatures, to take care of gods other's "less intellignet" creatures.

i am glad you like cats, cause you look too cute from your avatar to have me dislike you immensly! ;-)

off i go to work--to walk the doggies.... they call me "the pet whisperer" around here.

Gorilla Girls fancies na na na na!

Sorry - felt a bit childish for a moment there. (have to agree tho GG!)
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Postby GorillaGal » Wed May 16, 2007 8:53 pm

Get Real! wrote:
GorillaGal wrote: i am the proud motehr of 3 furballs, and i love them all.

Have you got a handy picture of them you can post?
that's my big guy, his royal fatness, Max.
and this is the other two: George (orange tabby) and Grumpy (grey and white.) BTW, George is a girl!
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Postby Get Real! » Wed May 16, 2007 8:58 pm

GorillaGal wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
GorillaGal wrote: i am the proud motehr of 3 furballs, and i love them all.

Have you got a handy picture of them you can post?

and this is the other two: George (orange tabby) and Grumpy (grey and white.) BTW, George is a girl!

I kinda like Grumpy more... reminds me of me :lol:
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