Piratis wrote:Personally I can perfectly understand the frustration of Tony.This is a mans personal life we are talking about here.
They hired a poor mythomaniac "journalist" to produce some nice propaganda like "Papadopoulos killed his best friend to marry his wife" and similar crap. Fanos was perfect for the job. But when Fanos stole the article of Alkan that was an embarrassment for Tony who was the one that proposed Fanos to be hired.
But what pissed off Tony the most is that now if you search Google with "Fanos Droushiotis" you don't just get 1 result, but over 2000, twice as many from what you get when you search for "Tony Angastiniotis". That was totally unacceptable and something needed to be done immediatedly to stop Fanos from becoming the number one traitor in the occupied areas and stealing the fame from Tony.
Lena.I didnt want to keep on with this..but do you really know what is going on? This is not about a TC and a GC issue! Why do you have to turn everything into a political discussion?
andri_cy wrote:I have been thinking about this a lot. Again, I will say I do not know if Fanos is lying or not. The way I see it is if he is lying about the reason, then shame on him and good on the people who helped. The reason I am thinking about this a lot is, I am not a very rich person but I am not close to poor either. My husband has a really good job and we are so comfortable with his earnings that I haven't had to work since Eleni was born. Me not working came in handy with this whole illness thing. All these years we had been able to save up some money, which I have used up within the past 2 months even though we have insurance-and it wasn't pennies. I am wondering how I would have been treated if I were as desperate and I had to ask for help from people I don't really know. It wouldn't be my first action, but if I were in a position I was so screwed as to have to do it, I am not sure I wouldn't. How would I have felt, if people questioned my integrity like that I wonder, even if they just didn't like me as a person? I do not know enough about Fanos to decide if I like him or not; honestly most of the time he kinda probably gets on my nerves, I dont condone or approve of the whole asking for money thing, it is not my place. Nevertheless, he is a human being-whether we like him or not- and he was in need. I am very saddened that it has turned into such a big explosion on the forum.
LENA wrote:I didnt want to keep on with this..but…
do you really know what is going on?
This is not about a TC and a GC issue! Why do you have to turn everything into a political discussion?
mrfromng wrote:
So now I'm the infamous arsonist. My god take the attention away from the lynch mob wont you askimwos?
The most important thing to see here is the reaction of the typical GCs. This thread speaks volumes for the kind of race you are and the kind of people we TC's have to deal with in the event of a reunification.
But hey lets all forget that and take the attention away from the real issue and blame a TC, mrfromng, the perfect candidate![]()
Sotos wrote:Oh my god! OH MY GOD!! ITS TONY!!! TOOONY!! Please please give me an autograph!! PLEASEEEEEEEEEE !!! For those of you that don't know what is happening here I will tell you. The greatest director of all time Tony Agastiniotis is for once again revolutionizing our movie world! He is now making a new movie with the the revolutionary method called "live online scenario". What this means is that you the forum members write the script of this movie right here! The movie already has a name. It is called "Good Traitors VS Bad Traitors" directed by Tony Agastiniotis. Staring: Fanourios Droushiotis, Lena (artistic name - no surname provided), and the God himself - Tooooony Agastiniotis!! Other actors in this firm so far:
Get Real! - The tricked boy that lost his pocket money to the BAD Traitor
aussiedrillerman - Oil producer billionaire - he paid to be part of the Ledra Palace scene - he always wanted to be an actor
GorillaGirl - The CIA agent secretly funding the BAD Traitor
RichardB - MI6 secret double agent 003
For the rest with regards to my participation in this little tryst..
So what will be next? Who will win the heart of Lena? Will Fanourios go totally mad and kill Tony? Will he suicide? Will he just die under the bridge and Get Real will sell his golden teeth to take back his pocket money? YOU DECIDE! Next scene is called Casino Turkaman
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