fanourıo wrote:I promise to go and see a shrink! Anyone can suggest his own?
yes our very own ricky dale

fanourıo wrote:I promise to go and see a shrink! Anyone can suggest his own?
Sotos wrote:Oh my god! OH MY GOD!! ITS TONY!!! TOOONY!! Please please give me an autograph!! PLEASEEEEEEEEEE !!! For those of you that don't know what is happening here I will tell you. The greatest director of all time Tony Agastiniotis is for once again revolutionizing our movie world! He is now making a new movie with the the revolutionary method called "live online scenario". What this means is that you the forum members write the script of this movie right here! The movie already has a name. It is called "Good Traitors VS Bad Traitors" directed by Tony Agastiniotis. Staring: Fanourios Droushiotis, Lena (artistic name - no surname provided), and the God himself - Tooooony Agastiniotis!! Other actors in this firm so far:
Get Real! - The tricked boy that lost his pocket money to the BAD Traitor
aussiedrillerman - Oil producer billionaire - he paid to be part of the Ledra Palace scene - he always wanted to be an actor
GorillaGirl - The CIA agent secretly funding the BAD Traitor
RichardB - MI6 secret double agent 003
So what will be next? Who will win the heart of Lena? Will Fanourios go totally mad and kill Tony? Will he suicide? Will he just die under the bridge and Get Real will sell his golden teeth to take back his pocket money? YOU DECIDE! Next scene is called Casino Turkaman
Sotos wrote:Oh my god! OH MY GOD!! ITS TONY!!! TOOONY!! Please please give me an autograph!! PLEASEEEEEEEEEE !!! For those of you that don't know what is happening here I will tell you. The greatest director of all time Tony Agastiniotis is for once again revolutionizing our movie world! He is now making a new movie with the the revolutionary method called "live online scenario". What this means is that you the forum members write the script of this movie right here! The movie already has a name. It is called "Good Traitors VS Bad Traitors" directed by Tony Agastiniotis. Staring: Fanourios Droushiotis, Lena (artistic name - no surname provided), and the God himself - Tooooony Agastiniotis!! Other actors in this firm so far:
Get Real! - The tricked boy that lost his pocket money to the BAD Traitor
aussiedrillerman - Oil producer billionaire - he paid to be part of the Ledra Palace scene - he always wanted to be an actor
GorillaGirl - The CIA agent secretly funding the BAD Traitor
RichardB - MI6 secret double agent 003
So what will be next? Who will win the heart of Lena? Will Fanourios go totally mad and kill Tony? Will he suicide? Will he just die under the bridge and Get Real will sell his golden teeth to take back his pocket money? YOU DECIDE! Next scene is called Casino Turkaman
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