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Wasting time

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Re: Wasting time

Postby zan » Wed May 16, 2007 11:11 pm

Kikapu wrote:
zan wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
devil wrote:At the time of writing this, Kikapu's post has 12232 views and 654 posts.

Other than what K himself wrote to describe his trip, perhaps 8 posts, at least 600 have been useless bickering. Let's say that each took 10 minutes, on an average, to read and respond. That's 100 hours. Let's say that each view took a very conservative minute to read what was new. That's another 200 hours. So, 300 hours were wasted by a handful of people. That is 37½ working man-days.

Conclusion: some people have time on their hands and don't know what to do with it.! :)

Devil, it is just like a Swiss, to give an accurate time frame.!!

I like the 1/2 day thing, at the end of the 37 1/2 days. Most Cypriots would have rounded the numbers to say, 40 days. It reminded me, when the lady at the Nicosia's Visitors Information Office made 3 large circles on my city map, and said, " the places you want, are in those circles". :lol: :lol: :lol:

I agree with you, had Zan and VP just accepted everything I wrote being the truth, we could have saved 30 working days of postings, since at the end of the day, they were not able to disprove anything that I wrote in the "Kikapu's time in Cyprus".

How much time did you spend, working all this out BTW. :lol: :lol:

How accurately can you have predicted that we would have taken that fictitious and biased story to be true? :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You and VP spent "30 days" of pissing and moaning to disprove the report, but at the end, both of you only proved to be fools, since both of you, could not disprove anything that I wrote. If you both were smart and open minded as being "True Cypriots", the whole episode would have ended much sooner.

Yeh Yeh Yeh! You could not even answer the simple question about the bullshit you gave and your mistake in your fictitious tale about family member being greedy and not wanting something that was worth more in the south. You waffled an answer that even my cat would not believe when you realised your silly mistake. What world are you living in. You gave us a comical account of how VP was laying in wait for you in full army uniform.

You are too pathetic to even find funny.
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Postby devil » Thu May 17, 2007 8:58 am

Stop your stupid bickering here, the pair of you. Otherwise I'll ask admin to lock the thread.
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Postby Svetlana » Thu May 17, 2007 9:40 am

Yes, we are having too many posts attacking others again; where is the sense? Not everyone agrees with everyone - it's a fact of life - but what is the point of hurling abuse at someone you ahve never met?

Beats me.

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