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what does villa mean in greek

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Postby pitsilos » Mon May 14, 2007 3:35 pm

impressed...actually damn impressed considering how long you been in cyprus... :lol:
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Postby Bananiot » Mon May 14, 2007 3:50 pm

Let me see if I can help you. The word derives from the latin "villus" which means a finger like projection. Thus, there are villi (plural for villus) in the ileum (gut) where their presence increases greatly the surface area over which nutrients are absorbed into the blood.
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Postby Get Real! » Mon May 14, 2007 4:07 pm

aussiedrillerman wrote:Not that I would know but my research led me to this

Villa means cock in Cypriot (greek dialect). In Cyprus people will laugh if you say: "I have a huge villa by the sea".
Attention Aston Villa supporters. Aston means "let go". You may figure out.

Stin villa mou (i don't care).
Me ponaei i villa mou (my cock hurts)
Me ponaei i villa mou polla (my cock hurts a lot)

Sorry to the Aston Villa supporters :lol:

I'm impressed! :lol:

Ain't it funny though how the aussies always figure out all the swear words? :lol:
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Postby villawagen » Mon May 14, 2007 11:10 pm

aussiedrillerman wrote:Not that I would know but my research led me to this

Villa means cock in Cypriot (greek dialect). In Cyprus people will laugh if you say: "I have a huge villa by the sea".
Attention Aston Villa supporters. Aston means "let go". You may figure out.

Stin villa mou (i don't care).
Me ponaei i villa mou (my cock hurts)
Me ponaei i villa mou polla (my cock hurts a lot)

Sorry to the Aston Villa supporters :lol:

so if you are right then aston villa means let go of my big cock !!!!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: fookin quality :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby raymanuva » Mon May 14, 2007 11:24 pm

"cough... cough... pushing up my glasses with a finger"

ok kids, its the way you say it :)

If you pronounce VILLA without jusifying L a lot and without accent on any of the vowels then its a Villa
Now if you put accent on "I" and justify L, then you get yourself a COCK.


Mia megali Villa.
Ena megalo Villo.
sthn Villa mou
sto Villo mou

I do avoid saying VILLA in greek, instead i am using word "Epavli"... :)
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Postby aussiedrillerman » Tue May 15, 2007 7:58 am

villawagen wrote:
aussiedrillerman wrote:Not that I would know but my research led me to this

Villa means cock in Cypriot (greek dialect). In Cyprus people will laugh if you say: "I have a huge villa by the sea".
Attention Aston Villa supporters. Aston means "let go". You may figure out.

Stin villa mou (i don't care).
Me ponaei i villa mou (my cock hurts)
Me ponaei i villa mou polla (my cock hurts a lot)

Sorry to the Aston Villa supporters :lol:

so if you are right then aston villa means let go of my big cock !!!!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: fookin quality :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sorry Villa..

I would think that "Aston Villa" translates to something more along these lines

"Let go" (of your) " cocks" (not big ones) (occasionally, sometimes, for fecks sake i.e. as in owner operators - wankers)

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby aussiedrillerman » Tue May 15, 2007 8:02 am

Get Real! wrote:
aussiedrillerman wrote:Not that I would know but my research led me to this

Villa means cock in Cypriot (greek dialect). In Cyprus people will laugh if you say: "I have a huge villa by the sea".
Attention Aston Villa supporters. Aston means "let go". You may figure out.

Stin villa mou (i don't care).
Me ponaei i villa mou (my cock hurts)
Me ponaei i villa mou polla (my cock hurts a lot)

Sorry to the Aston Villa supporters :lol:

I'm impressed! :lol:

Ain't it funny though how the aussies always figure out all the swear words? :lol:

WelL GR we have to be good at something!! :lol: :lol: 8)
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