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Postby Sotos » Sat May 12, 2007 5:36 pm

The first is the “honorable” social problems such as…

My child is sick, I’m unemployed, my wife is expecting again, my partner left me, etc

…and then we have the “dishonorable” socials problems such as…

I’m an alcoholic, I’m a drug user, I’ve got a gambling problem, I’m bankrupt, etc.

What about when it is the second and the person lies that it is the first and promises 10% profits on top of it? Would you feel ok if some person was lying to you to get money for alcohol, drugs and gambling? And do you think such problems are solved by giving them money? Lying to get money is bad! He could just say the truth about the reason he wanted the money and then let people decide if they want to give him money or not.
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Postby Get Real! » Sat May 12, 2007 5:59 pm

Sotos wrote:
The first is the “honorable” social problems such as…

My child is sick, I’m unemployed, my wife is expecting again, my partner left me, etc

…and then we have the “dishonorable” socials problems such as…

I’m an alcoholic, I’m a drug user, I’ve got a gambling problem, I’m bankrupt, etc.

What about when it is the second and the person lies that it is the first and promises 10% profits on top of it? Would you feel ok if some person was lying to you to get money for alcohol, drugs and gambling? And do you think such problems are solved by giving them money? Lying to get money is bad! He could just say the truth about the reason he wanted the money and then let people decide if they want to give him money or not.

Well due to prejudice it’s expected that someone would hide any problems from the second group if they had them. If someone were to say…“please help me because I’ve acquired a debt from gambling!” what kind of response do you think they’d get from the public?

The small amounts we offered are a very short-term emergency “solution” but I like to think that the 40 odd minutes I had spent listening and talking will be a small psycological step in the right direction towards a long term solution.
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Postby fanourıo » Sun May 13, 2007 5:32 am

My turn?
First the good guys...
All those who helped me will just have to wait until 31/5/07 or 1/6/07 to receive their money in full since it was a loan that I have asked for and not any charity. I once more thank everybody who did help, especially Get Real and Aussiedrillerman who came in person to meet me and have a chat with me at the checkpoint. Also Gorilla Gal who has been suppoting me all the way through and Richard B and Nikki 2410 who helped.
I also have to thank Free Cyprus for his support here.
Now for the "bad guys"
Sotos, truly my friend, calling me a liar before the end of the month made you lose a chance. A chance that was described thoroughly by Free Cyprus, to expose me without return if I did not return the money to everyone that helped. At least you could have given me that chance. However, prejudiced as you are, how exposed will you be if the above named people that helped, inform you that they have received all their money back? Did you think of that? Are you ready to apologise if that happens? How inhuman can you be, calling somebody who asked for help a liar and a crook and God knows what else? Did I personally ask you for money? Did you part your sweet little pounds at all? Or did you just sit there in the house your mother in law gave to you for marrying her daughter and enjoy throwing mud at me? Maybe I am a liar and a crook! But why did you blow your chance of exposing me, 31 May is not very far...
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Postby Sotos » Sun May 13, 2007 7:36 am

:lol: You are exposed long time ago. You cheated a Greek TV channel giving them live reports from Iraq while you were in Paphos - You stole articles of others and sold them as your own - Than makes you a lier and a crook. You work in Byrak for the Turkish propaganda against us. That makes you a traitor. You came here begging for money. That makes you a loser. Everything people said about you and you denied was true. And what you say about me is lie also. I am not married you fool!! :lol:
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Postby andri_cy » Sun May 13, 2007 8:03 am

Sotos wrote: You came here begging for money. That makes you a loser.

I do not agree with that Sotos. Lots of people need other peoples' help in their lives either in a monetary, emotional or other way. That does not make any of us losers. It makes us human. I do not know if Fanos' story is true or not, but if it is, trust me when I tell you, when you have a sick kid, it has its way on draining you emotionally AND monetarily. None of us is in a position to judge unless we have been in that position, unless of course there is proof the man is a liar. That would be a different story. At the end of the day we are all human and where would we be if we all turned our backs on each other?
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Postby fanourıo » Sun May 13, 2007 8:07 am

I dont think any woman in her right mind will marry a sod like you Sotos...but,
since you mention it, the Greek Radio Television Board has AQUITTED me as innocent for the allegations that I was reporting from elsewhere, why dont you look into it?
As far as the way you post, one can have a brief look at whatever you post all over the forum only to realise you are an aggressive idiot!
Secondly, how much money did I make from the stolen article as you say, do you know?
As for the traitor look in the mirror and you will be looking at one who betrayed the human kind!
So hung me, Sotos! I am a traitor! because i work for BRT I am a traitor... wow, can you tell me who I have betrayed?
Anyhow answering to you is a mere waste of time, if you didnt want to help my friend you would have been better of to wait to see and then judge!
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Postby fanourıo » Sun May 13, 2007 8:22 am

Thanks Andri...and as I have said to another threat, I sincerely hope with all the power left in my soul that even the people that hate me will never get in a position like mine.... Anyway, there were people that helped and that is comforting... People like Sotos will not come to your wedding party when invited because they will give you a lecture saying the whole idea of marriage is wrong, only to save the 10 CYP ximeroma (present)....I doubt if he goes to the toilet to empty his gut if he is worried about having to spend in order to eat....human? what does he know about human? He belongs to the human species only if what they say about humans (being the only species that kill its own kind) is correct!!!
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Postby Sotos » Sun May 13, 2007 8:38 am

Fanourios, what you say about me is all lies that come from your imagination. Like the articles that you write. Thats when you are not stealing them ;) What I say about you is all true. I always give money to people that seem decent. To people that I know for sure they are crooks and criminals I don't. And we know for sure you are a crook. Thousands of people had to start from zero because the Turks forced them out of their homes but they didn't become criminals and beggars. You support those that occupy our homes so you will get no sympathy ever from me.
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Postby GorillaGal » Sun May 13, 2007 12:56 pm

from what i can tell sotos, your aligations are all hearsay, and i find it sad. very sad indeed.
like i said, and like andri said, we have been in predicatments where we have relied on the generosity of others to help us thru a bad time. obviously, you haven't been there. i guess you are lucky for that. however, i wouldn't trade of minute of my prior hard times. they made me a better person, more willing to help another in need. and that is not a bad thing at all. that is, after all, a big reason why we were put on this earth.
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Postby pantheman » Sun May 13, 2007 4:02 pm

GorillaGal wrote:what a shame a man in need can not ask for help. hey, at least he's not out picking pockets or robbing banks. oh, i forgot, there is NO Crime in Cyprus.
it is my understandng that Cyprus is a tiny tiny country, with a very small population. we have at least 6 times more people just living in NYC. so if some guy wants to ask for a temporary loan, don't you think it would be pretty stupid of him not to make good on it? he has, after all, already met with serveral forum members who were generous enough to help him out. if he wanted to pull a scam, wouldn't he get his butt kicked? OH, Forgive me!--i forgot--there is NO Crime in Cyprus.

how sad, i find it, that some people can't part with a few pounds (or whatever your currency is called, depending on where you live) to help out someone in need. i guess these people need all thier money to buy stool softeners.

Yes GG you are quite right, compared to NYC there is no Crime in cyprus. Even with your increased population the GDP of crime in NYC compared to cyprus even after normalising the figures for population differences means there is none to talk about. THE USA invented crime and now export it, idiot.

No place is 100% crime free, but you would just like to slag off cyprus at every chance you get. Whats with you and cyprus anyway? You are not cypriot of any kind, oh yes i remember, you once got your arse screwed by a GC and suddenly you can lay claim to the island and it inhabitants.

Go feck yourself and get youself another guy from somewhere else so you can insult his mother country. Better still get a god damn american so you can insult the yanks as much as you like, that way we can all join in.

You are as sad as they come, get a life and leave cyprus out of it.
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