by humanist » Sat May 12, 2007 2:23 pm
Richard lsten here, I never said that the RoC breeds the most honest men on the planet, your government and compatriots have continously fucked Cyprus over and over and in relation to refugee land the British have been most ignorant, unethical and have purchased more of the land in the north than any other nationality. Last time I posted in relation to this matter your compatriots ccalled me a xenophobe and some more. I am not here to make friends especially of the British, regardless the fact that my aunt is married to one, I find the actions of the British in relation to cyrus issue as a whole disgusting. I find the Britinos actions in relation to land in the noirth apauling, incesitive, self serving, unethical and a crime. Why? Because my grandmother and her sister are two of those refugees who not only lost their homes but also other property and yes I care and despise anyone who buys refugee property, my dera grandmother left her hme only hours before the fucking turkish army arrived on the shores of Cyprus and yes they lived in a seaside village. She also had a 16 year old daughter in 74 with an intellectual disability, in 1975 my grandmother was in her late 50's her husband died 6 months before the Turkish invasion and she lost her 17 year old son in the war to the turkish gun, supplied guess by whom. In her late 50's she had to start all over again to build a home for her daughter because she knwe she would die one and wanted to ensure her daughter would be housed.
So if you feel am being unfair that is too fucking bad mate.
Your response above shows me excactly wehat I am saying the British in cyprusa are totally incesnitive and uncaring of the Cyprus issue and more so of the illegal exploitation of refugee land, you want respect then write a letter to your pathetic governement urging them to stop the British who buy stolen land.
The governement has no control of the development of greek refugee land in the north if it did it would have done something about it. It has taken enoguh measures to ensure that. The fact that they arrest people when they cross the border is enough to indicate they are doing something about it. It would be easier for the British governemnet to educate your compatriots not to buy refugee land, however, your prime minister and his wife due to their political persuation and support of turkey's invasion, occupation and exploitation of cyprus and peoples' property have chosen to take another stace and represent idiots who buy refugee land. The Blair witch and there is worse names that i can call her ..... hope she reads this cause I cannot stand her sorry white arse, not that she would care, careless unethical lawyer that she is.
Am I being emotional yes I am, do I care what you and other think of me for feeling the way I do about this issue could not give a rats arse. Next time you want to support the British thioeves who exploit refugee property think about this post. Of course you are free to have your point of you and certainly post it. I have mine and if this is one place where I can express my feelings and anger on this subject then I will do it. If your compatriots feel no respect for refugees then I feel no remorse in calling them fuckers.