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To Fanos and to all members!

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Postby T_C » Sat May 12, 2007 3:09 am

What on earth has been going on?!?!? I have missed so much drama! :evil:

Why is Fanos begging on the forum???? :lol:
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Postby T_C » Sat May 12, 2007 3:15 am


The reason I needed the money was to cover late payments of bills including my rent because of my daughter's illness end of last month which drained me financially, and as a result I am supposed to leave the apartment before Monday.

Sorry Fanos I didn't see that part. Accept my apologies mate, if you genuinely need the money then I hope you get it, and I hope your daughter is ok...
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Postby Sotos » Sat May 12, 2007 7:25 am

In the South I could not come because there is an arrest warrant against me because I work for BRT which is considered illegal in the south.

Thats another lie!! So many TCs work in Bayrak and other jobs in the pseudo government and they cross the gates with no problems. If there is an arrest warrant against you there must be another reason you didn't tell us about. I think fanourios is trying to take advantage of the humanitarian feelings of the forum members and cheat them. If you have some extra money and you want to help others go give them to the poor or the children of Africa not to this crook!! He only knows of how to cheat to get money like when he was supposedly reporting from Iraq while he was in Paphos or when he stole the article of that TC and sold it us his own.

Or call me just to prove you are human and not some kind of machine

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby fanourıo » Sun May 13, 2007 6:06 am

I truly wonder why Lena and Sotos are so eager to prove I am a liar when at the same time they didnt spend a penny....i really wonder what right they have to judge somebody who simply asked for a loan. In such a case either you do it or you dont..why criticise, to show that is is un ethical to ask for a loan from a forum? Those people who did help should not sleep at night because they wasted their money? well ask them!
And Lena, if it was law you were studying I would have advised you to change!
I mentioned your name in my threat not to accuse you, and if you took it that way i truly apologise, but because I heard over an accidentally opened phone line, what T.A was saying and I quote:
"Why did he not ask me for money?" - I did, I said I was broke, but he replied : I am short too.
"I am sure he goes to the Casino" - I dont! I even made reports about families shut off because of gambling!
"He never mentioned he had a daughter that was ill" - I said that I had to find a way of sending 1640 CYP to the clinic, (dont expect me to disclose the manner...)
"It is not right to beg for money in a forum" - As if he offered a penny
"Police was looking for him and they called me" - Yes! for two seat belt offenses!!!
"He is going to lose his job" - I am not the one who makes political reactionary projects...

What made me wonder was the fact that you have changed your mind after talking to TA or am i wrong?
Another thing, I truly appreciate your offer to send your own mother to see my daughter but the child was already out of the clinic and the reason I was short of cash was the fact that the clinic was already paid for! Trying to get my friends, and I do consider you a friend, in touch with my ex wife, who does not even allow me to see my children, was totally out of the question..I mean if the woman does not even answer my phone calls as i have told you in person when you asked me about the kids, do you expect her to welcome MY friends?
Its ok to mistrust me Lena, afterall its your choice, and just because i gave you a tour from Nicosia to Famagusta and my places of work ,does not mean that I could ask you for money, but did I ask you personally? NO!
Why did you start wanting proof for what I said, what gives you the right? The fact that I asked for a loan means that I have to prove anything to anybody? I asked for a LOAN not charity! and because money is expensive you might have noticed that I offered 10% extra in return!
So if you or anybody did not believe me then all you had to do was ignore my call, and wait until 1/6/07 to see if those who helped were cheated, and even laugh at them! YOU BLEW YOUR CHANCES LIKE SOTOS DID..
Nevertheless I do apologise to you if you took my comments as an attack, I was just wondering why did you have to speak to TA, for confirmations>ad of course why you have changed your mind about helping.
You could have "BOUGHT" my word as Free Cyprus described in yet another threat about this , by sending as much as 25-50 as others did, and have something to be "proud" or proud about, or not take part in this at all if you didnt trust me..You did tust me enough to visit and meet me and be guided around just a few weeks ago, but one word from TA and you totally changed your mind, that was the reason why i wrote what I wrote, and if this was wrong, please accept my apologies...(Note: Unfortunately I heard TA speaking over an open phone line and i was shocked....but i did not discuss anything else with him because he mambled later when he called me again to inform me that police was looking for me and they called him, as if they could call me, and when I asked him if they came to the faculty, he initially said yes, then asked me where I was at the moment and when I replied "I am at the faculty he changed the policemen "visit" into "phoned". So for you to know, this is the end of any relationship wtih TA, especially if he spoke to others about me and not speak to me directly....
Anyway, to finish this, if you have offered anything you most probably had the right to ask for proof etc and confirmations, others that helped did not ask for anything of the sort, but since you did not lose a penny, I am just a little bit questioning your right for such proof...afterall you could have emailed me your questioning, or even call me and not just make a complete threat about all this...
If I had to post in this forum to save my ass, I did it because it was the last thing I could do Lena, and I hope to God almighty that you or anybody else, even people that dont like me, to never get in a position like mine.
Thanks for your time anyway, I still consider you a friend!
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Postby andri_cy » Sun May 13, 2007 7:43 am

Fanos, you are not the only one who was ever in a tough spot. You have to keep in mind that if you air your dirty laundry on a forum or elsewhere, just a tad enough to ask for any kind of help, that one or more of the people that you are asking for help, have also the right to do what they consider right for themselves and ask questions, It doesn't mean you oughta like it but you need to respect it. What I do not understand is why you didn't tell us the reason you needed the money to begin with, since you ended up spilling the beans anyway. If it is true-and don't take me wrong I am not saying it isn't- you have nothing to be ashamed of. Lord knows I have been struggling myself and having a sick kid is no joke. You need extra money for all kinds of reasons. Asking for help isn't easy, but if you have a legitimate reason like the one you stated, there is no reason to be cryptic about it. After all you went public with the fact that you needed the money, whats so shameful about saying why? I am not saying you are lying or you are not and if it had been closer to payday I wouldn't have cared why you needed it, I would have helped too because I know how it is to be broke; nevertheless, when you put yourself out there, into a position where you have to ask people for help, you need to be prepared to answer questions like why, without getting irritated about it.
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Postby fanourıo » Sun May 13, 2007 7:59 am

I agree with you and thats why I ended up answering.....
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Postby LENA » Sun May 13, 2007 1:23 pm

Fanos lets take things from the beginning. Did I even before came and tell you, you have done this wrong in your life, do that and do the other? NO NEVER. I never judge you. Did I ever said anything to any of our lovely and kind members, like not to give you money or something about you? NO NEVER. Nobody got any pm from me telling them what to do or what I know about you or what I think about you. I don’t mess with others life.

I will not comment on anything about your or him. Are your lives not mine. I am not your mum or his mum to tell you what to do. If you ask my opinion I will tell you what I think but I am not going into your lives.

But let me tell you something before I keep going. Cyprus is soooo small. You know lots of people in both sides. Do you think that is so difficult that we accidentally know the same people? Do you believe that all those people are crazy and only you and I we are the intelligent of this life? Fanos…from every single one I heart something different about you. By accident I know more about you than I should knew. BUT is not my job to judge you or tell you what to do.

I contact with the Admin, I didn’t ask him to close the thread I just told him 2-3 of the smallest things that I know just in case…I didn’t ask him to ban you and I didn’t ask him to close the thread. I just said that you are probably lying. I was going to believe you, you and not him as you say, if you gave me more convincing evidence and not denying every single one. You don’t have to do it, but the post that you put yes offended me because you said that I am not human, I don’t have human feeling and either admin, and that he is racist as well. I felt guilty because I brought him to this position…to been accused as a racist because he tried to help. I AM SORRY ADMIN! Well is his job to protect the members of this forum. As for me, I stopped because you said in the forum about £1000 AND TO ME £1640, you said to me it was your daughter and the you came and post that is financial reasons…I was mad because you used your daughter as an excuse, I am a bit sensitive with children matters, sorry that I had to interfere trust me I will not do that again, I will just take my chances to see people fucked up even if I could do something. I am not saying that you will not give the money back…now I am sure you will you want to prove that I am wrong and I am glad that even like that those people they will get their money back. I didn’t help at the end for my own reasons which it will not help none of us to mention them.

As for being broke, penniless, fucked in difficult situations financial and not…thanks but don’t preach me but other people ok? You know nothing about me and what you might be able to see is not even close to the reality. I will end this discussion with you here…since you don’t want to prove me…not even through private … that I am wrong. It’s your life and others lives. I am sorry that I saw the danger and try to warn some people. Next time I promise to keep my fucking mouth close. Happy to talk to you Fanos, as always!
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Postby pantheman » Sun May 13, 2007 4:10 pm

LENA wrote:Fanos lets take things from the beginning. Did I even before came and tell you, you have done this wrong in your life, do that and do the other? NO NEVER. I never judge you. Did I ever said anything to any of our lovely and kind members, like not to give you money or something about you? NO NEVER. Nobody got any pm from me telling them what to do or what I know about you or what I think about you. I don’t mess with others life.

I will not comment on anything about your or him. Are your lives not mine. I am not your mum or his mum to tell you what to do. If you ask my opinion I will tell you what I think but I am not going into your lives.

But let me tell you something before I keep going. Cyprus is soooo small. You know lots of people in both sides. Do you think that is so difficult that we accidentally know the same people? Do you believe that all those people are crazy and only you and I we are the intelligent of this life? Fanos…from every single one I heart something different about you. By accident I know more about you than I should knew. BUT is not my job to judge you or tell you what to do.

I contact with the Admin, I didn’t ask him to close the thread I just told him 2-3 of the smallest things that I know just in case…I didn’t ask him to ban you and I didn’t ask him to close the thread. I just said that you are probably lying. I was going to believe you, you and not him as you say, if you gave me more convincing evidence and not denying every single one. You don’t have to do it, but the post that you put yes offended me because you said that I am not human, I don’t have human feeling and either admin, and that he is racist as well. I felt guilty because I brought him to this position…to been accused as a racist because he tried to help. I AM SORRY ADMIN! Well is his job to protect the members of this forum. As for me, I stopped because you said in the forum about £1000 AND TO ME £1640, you said to me it was your daughter and the you came and post that is financial reasons…I was mad because you used your daughter as an excuse, I am a bit sensitive with children matters, sorry that I had to interfere trust me I will not do that again, I will just take my chances to see people fucked up even if I could do something. I am not saying that you will not give the money back…now I am sure you will you want to prove that I am wrong and I am glad that even like that those people they will get their money back. I didn’t help at the end for my own reasons which it will not help none of us to mention them.

As for being broke, penniless, fucked in difficult situations financial and not…thanks but don’t preach me but other people ok? You know nothing about me and what you might be able to see is not even close to the reality. I will end this discussion with you here…since you don’t want to prove me…not even through private … that I am wrong. It’s your life and others lives. I am sorry that I saw the danger and try to warn some people. Next time I promise to keep my fucking mouth close. Happy to talk to you Fanos, as always!

Lena mou,

don't let fanos upset you so much you are now using the F word. I read you posts and you are the voice of reason. I can understand and can feel your anger, but you are too nice to resort to such language. Forget Fanos and his lies, he is a lost cause and he has brought it all upon himself.

iremise. :)
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Postby LENA » Sun May 13, 2007 4:18 pm

pantheman wrote: Lena mou,

don't let fanos upset you so much you are now using the F word. I read you posts and you are the voice of reason. I can understand and can feel your anger, but you are too nice to resort to such language. Forget Fanos and his lies, he is a lost cause and he has brought it all upon himself.

iremise. :)


I apologise for that, the F* word, yes you are right I was a bit upset, thank you for your support. Tha iremisw min anisuxeis :D . Euxaristw. After my post I got a pm that I really didnt expect, that made me feel much much better. A big thank you to that person and you as well.

For me the story is finished as he will not insult me anymore.

Thanks one more time
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Postby pitsilos » Sun May 13, 2007 4:43 pm

Lena, I'm shocked...not for the use of the f word, but actually coming from you :oops: ...I also have doubts about Fanos, and i hope he comes through with his promises...

Fanos i had/have my doubts, as you can understand...your actions since joining the forum didn't seem honourable from the start...allow me to elaborate...

1..Putting your name under someones article didn't help.
2..Bagging at every opportunity GCs that offered a different view from you didn't help. you could have argued your point better, as a journo. i don't want to go into your past posts to find more negatives.

I will admit I send a couple of PMs warning members, not for the amount but not to be taken a ride...because I know a bit more about you, way before you asked for a public loan, than meets the eye to which i don't want to elaborate and betray trust...

anyway its ludicrous to spill the beans in an open forum and not to expect a a grown man you should know for your not been able to cross the line to the free areas its bullshit mate...what do you think they are gonna do? hang you coz you work in the north? come on mate you could have crossed the free areas gotten your wrists slapped, sta arhidia mou, taken care of your business and then popped over the occupied areas and carried on...rather than having to go what you have gone gotta set your priorities right...and do it quitely...

Anyway I hope your daughter is ok and hopefully you put this behind you... and ffs you are in your mid 40's mate and should start acting like it...sort your life out and its never too late...

PS... Lena take it easy...i had the same feeling as you if that makes you any happier...
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