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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Get Real! » Sat May 12, 2007 1:10 pm

DT wrote:
Rain wrote:Hello everyone:
First I will like to thank the organizers of this forum and I have no dought in my mind that all the participants in this forum have only one dream of a peaceful, prosperus country that we can call our land Cyprus.
I am a cypriot and a new comer to this forum. I am sure that with a constructive dialog among us we will be able to understand each other better. This paradise Island of ours and its people have been suffering for years now,can we change things? Yes we can, first we must say that we are all Cypriots,Greek,Turkish,Armenian,Maronite speaking people of Cyprus at the end of the day pray to one and only God.
All your constructive comments are welcomed.

Hey Rain...welcome to the forum and don't take things too personally.

He said "constructive comments" DiropiTta! :)
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Postby TOTIS MILIOTIS » Sat May 12, 2007 3:44 pm

TOTIS MILIOTIS, with one word only!

You are c l u e l e s s!

Your understanding of the Cyprus issue is that of a 6 year old pupil! If I were you, I would have just kept silent and tried to read as much as possible!

How old are you, by the way?

Kifeas do you know the word "DOKISISOFOS" in Greek? THAT WHAT YOU ARE.

Tell me a simple reason why you consider that you know Cyprus problem better than all of us.

As for the political party you are looking for, is coming very soon. On basis your ideas and "knowledge" of Cyprus poblem colapsed and give no solution after 40 years then is time to look on a different base/ideas for a solution

What you suceeded by your position for a Cyprus nationality and other nonesess is the invated country slowly slowly to be considered as the victim and the Greeks the bad guys.

You crated an atmosphere around where, whenever a Cypriot is declaring himself clearly as Greek then you start shouting about facist/nationalist and other famous aerologies.

Maybe is time for you to wake up and realise that your ideas are these guiding the Island to be a "poupishariko gaidouri" without culture, education, stable socity. All because you choose to create a new nation with bastard language (what language -just noices coming out of a mouth), with no previeus history (just Cypriots of your kind appeared in the Island coming from the sky and we, the Greeks, are trying to destroy your famous Cyprus Nation.

I start to believe that you have studied , if you did, the Cyprus problem through the British books.

Tell us something, do you live in UK? If yes since when are you there (since what age?)

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Postby BirKibrisli » Sat May 12, 2007 4:29 pm

Dear Totis...

Cyprus problem has come to the present tragic point because the GCs and TCs were convinced they were really Greeks and Turks,and there was no such thing as a Cypriot nation...This is putting things in a nutshell,but i hope you will be able to comprehend what I am saying...

We have our unique way of speaking Greek and Turkish,and that is called "with a Cypriot accent"...We don't speak Turkish or Greek,we speak Cypriot turkish and Cypriot greek...Our gene pool is unique to us,Cypriots,and different from the gene pools of the mainlanders...It is called a Cypriot gene pool...Our worldview,our sense of humour,our customs and traditions,our cuisine etc are largely different than people from Greece and Turkey...It is called Cypriot temperement,character,personality etc....Do you get my drift?Greeks and Turks are part of the problem in Cyprus,they cannot be part of the solution as well...Do you get my drift??? :evil:
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Postby Rain » Sat May 12, 2007 5:03 pm

Dear birkibrisli:
Do you think that it will be better if we refer GC's and TC's as Greekfonic and Turkikfonic Cypriots? As my opinion is that there are no Greeks or Turks in Cyprus and only Cypriots.
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Postby Kifeas » Sat May 12, 2007 5:52 pm

TOTIS MILIOTIS, first of all, you have been in the forum for a while and I suppose that by now you should have learned how to quote other people in the proper way, like everybody else. If you do not know yet, then live a message to any of the moderators to help you how to do it!

TOTIS MILIOTIS wrote: Kifeas do you know the word "DOKISISOFOS" in Greek?

Yes I do know! It means someone who is a dogmatist! Exactly what you seem to be!

TOTIS MILIOTIS wrote: Tell me a simple reason why you consider that you know Cyprus problem better than all of us.

I do not know if I know Cyprus problem better than all of you! I only know that I know it better than you! Stick around and have a word or two with me, and the entire forum will be our judge!

TOTIS MILIOTIS wrote: As for the political party you are looking for, is coming very soon.
Many political parties came around, in the past, but after a few years of getting 0%-1% in elections, they all disappeared! You are free to take your turn! May I ask what will be the platform of your existence, and what type of solution are you going to propose to the people.

TOTIS MILIOTIS wrote: What you suceeded by your position for a Cyprus nationality and other nonesess is the invated country slowly slowly to be considered as the victim and the Greeks the bad guys.

You know who else says the above empty cliché in Cyprus? Those in opposition of Papadopoulos, blaming him for the non-solution of the Cyprus issue! Do you know what else the same people say about him? They also say that he is a “die hard nationalist” and a “hard-liner!”

Do you know who would have made the above allegations of yours? Someone who is demoralised and confused! Someone that has gotten tired of the existence of the problem and cannot bear it any longer! Only such a person would have used what some foreigners say in relation to the problem, in order to blame his own side!

Who considers the invading country as the “victim,” and the Greeks the “bad guys?” Some do! Don’t you know who they are? They are only those that want to do so! Only those (foreigners) that have vested interests in seeing Turkey been “cleared out!” Don’t you know that when someone wants to do or say something, the easiest thing to do is finding a cheap excuse, a pre-text, in order to justify his clams! I bet you do know this fact! Yet, you choose to use it as a mean to hit your own government under the belt, simply because you have lost your moral due to the fact that not many share your views on the way the Cyprus issue should be handled!

TOTIS MILIOTIS wrote: You crated an atmosphere around where, whenever a Cypriot is declaring himself clearly as Greek then you start shouting about facist/nationalist and other famous aerologies.

This is what I said to you in a different thread:
Kifeas wrote: PS: You are free to regard and call yourself a Greek, as much as you like! No one has disputed you or anyone else such a right, neither there is such an issue at stake! The same right that you have to self-identify yourself in any way you wish, exists also for those that wish to regard and self-identity themselves as Cypriots or Turks or Turkish Cypriots or Greek Cypriots or Turkish speaking Cypriots, etc! It is one thing what one wishes to self-identify himself to be, and another thing what the state whose citizenship he posses and /or the international community and law do!

Each type of identification (be it a self-made /adopted one, or a State /law based one) have their meaning, reason, usefulness, purpose and application!

TOTIS MILIOTIS wrote:Maybe is time for you to wake up and realise that your ideas are these guiding the Island to be a "poupishariko gaidouri" without culture, education, stable socity. All because you choose to create a new nation with bastard language (what language -just noices coming out of a mouth), with no previeus history (just Cypriots of your kind appeared in the Island coming from the sky and we, the Greeks, are trying to destroy your famous Cyprus Nation.

I start to believe that you have studied , if you did, the Cyprus problem through the British books.

I wonder who has been transplanting in your brain all the above ultra-conservative rubbish thoughts and “ideas!”

You sound like someone spending his time in the theological “Sunday school” (“katichtiko,”) and is made to believe that the whole nation is falling apart, out of some devil’s conspiracy with the enemies of Hellenism and Christianity! You sound exactly like the masses in turkey that take it out in the streets almost every other day, shouting anti-western slogans, waving flags and holding Ataturk’s posters, thinking that the entire nation and their Turkishness is falling apart because the entire planet is conspiring to undermine them internally, split and destroy them, along the way that they did against the ottoman empire! At least the majority of them have the alibi of their illiteracy and miss-information! You? What is your alibi?

Don’t worry TOTIS MILIOTIS, we do not try to form a “new nation!” We have a nation, and a country, and we have culture, education and history! I wholeheartedly wish you to be cured out of your ultra-conservative paranoia and your narrow-mindedness, the soonest possible!

PS: I do live in Cyprus (not seating in Athens like yourself,) I have a G-3 at home with full ammunition and equipment, I do know where and what to do when the alarm rinks, I do know the history of Cyprus (yes there is such a thing) and the history of Hellenism, both inside-out, and I do know how to read and write in ancient Greek! Hardly a guy to be served with patriotic “capstones” by someone like you! Yet, I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that you and people like you and Nikiphorakis talk nonsense and rubbish!
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Postby cypezokyli » Sat May 12, 2007 6:11 pm

there is no problem if you want to consider yourself greek.
the problem with that, is usually the implications that this has on peoples ideas, for the solution on the cyppro.
as a rule , almost all people i met, that consider themselves "greeks" in 2007 (and consider cypriotism as the root of all problems :roll: ) , have ideas for solution which lie in the phantasy-world.

so instead of fighting who is "more greek" , why dont you tell us your solution-proposal about the cyprus problem?
and how it can be achieved, ofcource....
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Postby BirKibrisli » Sat May 12, 2007 6:18 pm

Rain wrote:Dear birkibrisli:
Do you think that it will be better if we refer GC's and TC's as Greekfonic and Turkikfonic Cypriots? As my opinion is that there are no Greeks or Turks in Cyprus and only Cypriots.

Dear Rain...Welcome to the forum...

I think the sooner we started calling ourselves just Cypriots the better.
The language we speak should not matter in the least.I know and I hope most people on this forum know that Greeks or Turks do not think we speak Greek or Turkish in any case... :)

If we need to identify or clarify the ethnicity we could use Greek-speaking or Turkish- speaking I suppose.Here in the forum we use GC and TC because it is short and simple.But if everybody who lived in Cyprus spoke both the main languages,how would we differentiate between them?Turkish and Greek speaking Greek-Cypriots?Turkish and Greek speaking Turkish-Cypriots?It would be simpler and much better if we didn't differentiate then,don't you think? :wink:
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Postby TOTIS MILIOTIS » Sun May 13, 2007 11:01 am

Cyprus problem has come to the present tragic point because the GCs and TCs were convinced they were really Greeks and Turks,and there was no such thing as a Cypriot nation...This is putting things in a nutshell,but i hope you will be able to comprehend what I am saying...

Or because some others convisted some of Cyprus citizens that they do not have a nationality and they must create one!!!!!! Can you ever thing the story to have its base on this?

As you know a coin has two sides.

On basis some theories (fo me aerologies) by Kifeas all Spanish or Chilean citizens should be Cypriots as well as all Mainland Greece and Turkey should be also Cypriots because some fanatics in these and other countries applied a junta regim for a period.

As for the "clever" question which o the political party in Cyprus support my ideas lets have a reply which political party is officialy referering o Greek speaking and Turkish speaking Cypriots and not to GREEK CYPRIOTS AND TURKISH CYPRIOTS.That means my friend Kifeas you are the person without any political representation in the Cyprus society.

Nevertheless can you reply on the main subjet whether citizens of a state ho are no paying taxes, are cooperating with the invasion forces, they are living in stolen properties should be allowed a citizenip with all rights? Do you know any other counry in the world, respective itself, hich apply such a redigulus status?

Kifeas , to be Greek, biologically is not your option. is just happen to you, personally i am very glad for you to count as another GREEK IN THIS EARTH.In theory ofcourse you can feel and say whatever you want but your problem is there -YOU ARE A GREEK AND YOU CAN NOT CHANGE IT

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Postby DT. » Sun May 13, 2007 1:09 pm

Get Real! wrote:
DT wrote:
Rain wrote:Hello everyone:
First I will like to thank the organizers of this forum and I have no dought in my mind that all the participants in this forum have only one dream of a peaceful, prosperus country that we can call our land Cyprus.
I am a cypriot and a new comer to this forum. I am sure that with a constructive dialog among us we will be able to understand each other better. This paradise Island of ours and its people have been suffering for years now,can we change things? Yes we can, first we must say that we are all Cypriots,Greek,Turkish,Armenian,Maronite speaking people of Cyprus at the end of the day pray to one and only God.
All your constructive comments are welcomed.

Hey Rain...welcome to the forum and don't take things too personally.

He said "constructive comments" DiropiTta! :)

You called me a cheesecake!! :shock: :lol: I've never been called a cheesecake before :lol:
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Postby Kifeas » Sun May 13, 2007 2:15 pm

TOTIS MILIOTIS, didn’t I tell you to stop, because you just talk nonsense and the more you do, the more you make a fool of yourself!

Read what you have posted!

Kifeas , to be Greek, biologically is not your option. is just happen to you...

Only an illiterate could possibly maintain such a view, namely that he is biologically a Greek, or a Turk, or whatever else for this matter!

Let’s make a deal MILIOTIS! If you can prove to me, with scientific evidence, that biologically you are a Greek, I will declare in this forum that I am an idiot and whatever you have said is 100% correct, and I was 100% wrong, and I will stop posting in this forum!


Let’s now hear how you will prove to us that you are a Greek ...biologically!
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