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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Get Real! » Tue May 15, 2007 4:44 pm

bigOz wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
bigOz wrote:I am 6ft 1 inch - how tall are you moron?


I'm 7ft 6" and weigh 470 pounds! :lol:

They don't call me "Anrde the Giant" for nothing you know... :lol:

You must then hold the title for "THE BIGGEST MORON" in the Guiness Book of Records! :lol: :lol: :lol:

After spelling "Andre" like that I have to accept the title... :(
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Postby Get Real! » Tue May 15, 2007 4:45 pm

turkish_cypriot wrote:With all due respect you only need to look at whats happening in todays world to see what is likely to happen. There are people getting killed and tortured in their countries while other countries watch on doing absolutely jack.

Does anyone actually believe that someday some big country will bother to go to war with Turkey for the sake of a tiny island like Cyprus, 700.000 people and some human right voilations just so GCs can rule supreme over the whole island?

MUHUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA....:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

There is a streak of evil in everyone... T_C included... :(
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Postby T_C » Tue May 15, 2007 4:45 pm

Get Real! wrote:
bigOz wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
bigOz wrote:I am 6ft 1 inch - how tall are you moron?


I'm 7ft 6" and weigh 470 pounds! :lol:

They don't call me "Anrde the Giant" for nothing you know... :lol:

You must then hold the title for "THE BIGGEST MORON" in the Guiness Book of Records! :lol: :lol: :lol:

After spelling "Andre" like that I have to accept the title... :(

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby MR-from-NG » Tue May 15, 2007 4:46 pm

Get Real, (I wish he would)
BIgOz, I should quickly mention that the Wikipedia link “Inter-communal Violence” you keep quoting is garbage written by a TC idiot and it was actually my job 2-3 months ago to do a complete rewrite of that and blow it away but the assignment was passed on to someone else, a guy called “Angelo” I think, because I didn’t have enough time at the time and it looks like he neglected that or something.

The bottom line is that ANYONE can write up articles for the Wikipedia which is why I insist that it is NOT a credible source to study and quote from

And I guess you rewriting it would have made it more credible? What a joker.

welcome bigOz,

I promised never to post on this forum for obvious reasons but I had to say hello to you. I remember you flying over Mare Monte dropping fliers for your brothers club. I always sh*t myself thinking this guy is flying too low and too slow, he's gonna fuc*ing stall it but you always handled her like an ace.

welcome and good luck with our GC friends who has mastered the art of living in denial.:lol: :lol: .
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Postby Piratis » Tue May 15, 2007 4:47 pm

bigOz wrote:
Piratis wrote:bigOZ, forget the Annan plan. We are not going to capitulate and accept a partition plan. The solution will came when the balance of power will change that we allow the liberation of Cyprus from the illegal occupation.

Piratis, OK partition may not be the ideal solution and I have not asked for that in any of my posts. I do believe in Democracy and I do believe in many of the things you asked earlier, but I am not sure how far they go where two ethnic groups with different religions are forced to live together. That is the problem!

The way I see it, a federal solution for a few years that will help bring the two coimmunities even closer would be ideal. It would also give both sides the chance to clear their sector of any fanatics or enmies of the republic as well Aas help bring up a new generation correctly educated for the purpose. A federal solution is surely preferable to a partition is it not?

As things stand, TCs cannot and will not trust the intentions of GCs, especially when they are trying their best to deny even the basic human rights of TCs - such as flying direct to their homes from abroad! Or persisting on blocking trade or economic improvement for the North. These are not harming Turkey, they are making TCs suffer. AND you expect them to respect GCs or trust them? Please think rationally and look at it from their perspective, you might start to see what I am on about... :)

BigOz, thats why they call the "Cyprus Problem". Nobody wants problems and as a TC I understand why you would prefer to make the "Cyprus Problem" just a "Greek Cypriot Problem" by solving only the part of the problem that concerns the TCs. I hope you understand that can not happen.

The solution should be a comprehensive one, solving the problems of all Cypriots, not just some.

However I have said many times that I don't mind a solution in stages, and what you suggest can be a stage. But I hope you will agree that in the same way that GCs will have restrictions to their rights for some time, the TCs should have an equal amount of restrictions as well. This will make both sides more willing to move to the next step.
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Postby Piratis » Tue May 15, 2007 4:59 pm

turkish_cypriot wrote:With all due respect you only need to look at whats happening in todays world to see what is likely to happen. There are people getting killed and tortured in their countries while other countries watch on doing absolutely jack.

Does anyone actually believe that someday some big country will bother to go to war with Turkey for the sake of a tiny island like Cyprus, 700.000 people and some human right voilations just so GCs can rule supreme over the whole island?

MUHUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA....:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

TC, I am afraid you see things in a very narrow way. I am guessing you know about the mighty Ottoman empire. How do you think some slaves like the Greeks manages to get their liberation?
Another modern example: Latvia. This country was part of the mighty USSR, a nuclear power 10 times more powerful than Turkey. Latvia has a 30% Russian minority in it. Yet this country is now independent. How do you think it happened?

So when I am talking about balance of power I am not talking about Cyprus becoming super power and going on a 1 on 1 against Turkey, nor I am talking about some other power deciding that they will go in war with Turkey for the sake of GCs. (unless they want to use Cyprus as an excuse).
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Postby bigOz » Tue May 15, 2007 4:59 pm

Get Real! wrote:
bigOz wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
bigOz wrote:I am 6ft 1 inch - how tall are you moron?


I'm 7ft 6" and weigh 470 pounds! :lol:

They don't call me "Anrde the Giant" for nothing you know... :lol:

You must then hold the title for "THE BIGGEST MORON" in the Guiness Book of Records! :lol: :lol: :lol:

After spelling "Andre" like that I have to accept the title... :(

That's your excuse for having the chance to say "It was not my name I was talking about!" :lol:
Anyway, great to see you've got good sense of humour. Remember "best friendships often start after a good fight" :D
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Postby BirKibrisli » Tue May 15, 2007 5:08 pm

Viewpoint,Zan,turkish_cypriot,bigOz...Thank you all for resonding to my post.Please excuse me for not responding to you individually,but I truly do not have the time...

There is no doubt the biggest obstacle is "trust" as you said,bigOz...
And I have often criticised the Papadopoulos government for doing nothing to foster more trust between the communities.Talat and co are doing nothing about it either,so we can safely agree that the "governments" are not going to do anything about anything...They seem to be content with the status quo...

My whole point/dream revolves around the "trust" coming from the bottom up,from the people...I never said it was going to be easy,turkish_cypriot...But the key is empathy...coming from both sides...When we<TCs>can see the issues from the GC point of view,and when the GCs can see the issues from the TC point of view,the solution to the problem will not be far away...

I being from TC origin,try to see things from the GC point...As objectively as I can...You have to give our compatriots these points...Talat can decide nothing by himself,it is true that all depends on Turkey and especially on the political influence of the Military.Why should Tpapa talk to Talat and elevate him to equal status??? Turkey did not stay in Cyprus to protect the TCs...That can be done by placing a special division of 20,000 troops somewhere like Mersin,and keeping a rapid strike force at the ready always...They would only be 7 munites away by jet plane...
Turkey has illegally divided the island,and became an occupier against all international conventions...I am also on record for saying the initial intervention was legal...That became an invasion when Turkey did not restore the legitimate Republic of Cyprus as agreed under the 1960 consititution...Turkey again contravened the Geneva agreement by bringing in the settlers to replace the indigenous population of GCs and TCs who fled to the South or overseas...So Turkey has turned the whole thing into a batttle of political wits between the RoC and herself.And now with Cyprus in the EU the game is played on that stage...There is a good chance that one day when the TC presence in Cyprus becomes totally negligible,and when Cyprus issue is the only one standing between Turkey and the EU membership,there is every possibility that Turkey will dictate a referandum to the "new" Cypriots who have no alliegence to Cyprus at all,and pull them all back to Turkey...Game over for TCs...Now remember I am looking at it from the GC point of view...And I understand every move they make...Can I be sure that they will succeed?Of course not...They could end up losing the baby with the bathwater...But that is not the point.If that happens we hve all lost...All Cypriots...TCs because they have become culturally extinct...and GCs because they have become Turkish subjects again...There is one sure way of making that Cypriots win out of this madness...Putting our Cypriotness first,and reuniting in a democratic Republic with full respect for human rights and equal opportunity principles,under the gaze of the EU institutions to protect people's human rights...20% is a very substantial minority,and with right policies we can easily maintain our uniquness as Turkish speaking Cypriots of Islamic persuation...Any othe endevour will end up in disaster for both sides...Now I need at least one GC on this forum to empathise with the TCs and see the issues from the TC point of view.Because if no one does that,people like VP will jump up and down and say "you see,why should we be the ones to compromise all the time"...and to be honest,I won't know how to answer him...
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Postby bigOz » Tue May 15, 2007 5:20 pm

Piratis wrote:
bigOz wrote:
Piratis wrote:bigOZ, forget the Annan plan. We are not going to capitulate and accept a partition plan. The solution will came when the balance of power will change that we allow the liberation of Cyprus from the illegal occupation.

Piratis, OK partition may not be the ideal solution and I have not asked for that in any of my posts. I do believe in Democracy and I do believe in many of the things you asked earlier, but I am not sure how far they go where two ethnic groups with different religions are forced to live together. That is the problem!

The way I see it, a federal solution for a few years that will help bring the two coimmunities even closer would be ideal. It would also give both sides the chance to clear their sector of any fanatics or enmies of the republic as well Aas help bring up a new generation correctly educated for the purpose. A federal solution is surely preferable to a partition is it not?

As things stand, TCs cannot and will not trust the intentions of GCs, especially when they are trying their best to deny even the basic human rights of TCs - such as flying direct to their homes from abroad! Or persisting on blocking trade or economic improvement for the North. These are not harming Turkey, they are making TCs suffer. AND you expect them to respect GCs or trust them? Please think rationally and look at it from their perspective, you might start to see what I am on about... :)

BigOz, thats why they call the "Cyprus Problem". Nobody wants problems and as a TC I understand why you would prefer to make the "Cyprus Problem" just a "Greek Cypriot Problem" by solving only the part of the problem that concerns the TCs. I hope you understand that can not happen.

The solution should be a comprehensive one, solving the problems of all Cypriots, not just some.

However I have said many times that I don't mind a solution in stages, and what you suggest can be a stage. But I hope you will agree that in the same way that GCs will have restrictions to their rights for some time, the TCs should have an equal amount of restrictions as well. This will make both sides more willing to move to the next step.

Piratis - I did not say it is a "Greek problem"! It is a problem between GCs and TCs. It used to involve mainlkand Greece and Turkey in the past but that is history now. Neither can really influence the evolving thought pattern of the people living in Cyprus, if only the two sides allow each other enough space.

Everytime a solution is mentioned the first things that start coming up are the loss and dead, the land left on the other side etc etc. A constant source of threat for the already unstable existance of the Turkish Cypriots. It is as if everyone is looking for an opportunity to grab something. Forget all that because the changes of 33 years (right or wrong) cannot be reversed now - and in any case TCs will not agree to it. In the right proportion TCs had also left land, businesses and homes in the South.

If this is going to be one Cyprus with a single Citizenship, what does it matter if the citizens exchanged land and property long time ago. They will still be in one country and one nation - so where is the problem? The immediate problem is establishing mutual trust and earning the respect of the other side. Put aside the dead and lost - nothing will bring them back now and the repeated claims will only remind people of the old events + animosities. Start afresh and allow a federal unified Cyprus republic mature. Get rid of the education system that preches hatred of Turk and Greek. Make it illegal for any priest or hodja to preach racist hate, and give it 10 years or so. There will not even be a need for any UN plans, people of Cyprus will become one nation practising their own religion and members fluent in 2 languages. The only difference between the two will be one wearing a cross and the other not.

Put your hand on your heart and answer me this: If you were to walk into a cafe in North London, would you be able to tell the difference between the Turkish and Greek cypriots playing cards (as long as they did not speak), by just looking at their facial fearures and physique? There is your answer! :D
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Postby BirKibrisli » Tue May 15, 2007 5:25 pm

mrfromng wrote:Get Real, (I wish he would)
BIgOz, I should quickly mention that the Wikipedia link “Inter-communal Violence” you keep quoting is garbage written by a TC idiot and it was actually my job 2-3 months ago to do a complete rewrite of that and blow it away but the assignment was passed on to someone else, a guy called “Angelo” I think, because I didn’t have enough time at the time and it looks like he neglected that or something.

The bottom line is that ANYONE can write up articles for the Wikipedia which is why I insist that it is NOT a credible source to study and quote from

And I guess you rewriting it would have made it more credible? What a joker.

welcome bigOz,

I promised never to post on this forum for obvious reasons but I had to say hello to you. I remember you flying over Mare Monte dropping fliers for your brothers club. I always sh*t myself thinking this guy is flying too low and too slow, he's gonna fuc*ing stall it but you always handled her like an ace.

welcome and good luck with our GC friends who has mastered the art of living in denial.:lol: :lol: .

Welcome back,MR..
Great to see you posting again...I hope life is treating you and your family well...You are not allowed to disappear like that again,OK???
Be a good Cypriot and show us you are as much a massachist as the rest of us!!! :lol: :lol:
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