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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby DT. » Tue May 15, 2007 4:07 pm

zan wrote:
turkish_cypriot wrote:Offffffffffff.....BK I haven't got anything against you or your wishes...

The only problem is your unification dream knows no limits!!!

There is not a single TC I know who thinks along the same lines as you. Absolutely NONE!

There is NO WAY (and I can't stress that enough) TCs are going to unify to and be controlled by GCs. Even if this is was something I personally wanted, I would know to give up on such ideas by now because it just isn't going to happen and no matter how much people go on or try TCs will never ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever.....ever, ever, ever, ever....agree to that.

This is the 1 thing I wish people would just get through their heads. TCs do not want to be administered by GCs, and judging by our past they are NOT being unreasonable.

We're prepared to unite and we've proven this. The GC government on the other hand have a bit of catching up to do since it's obvious what they want to unify for, and it has nothing about "Cypriots being 1 people" or "peace for eternity"...that's what they're telling you and you're falling for their fairy tales. :roll:

If you want unification so much stop trying to force TCs to join the RoC because you and everyone else is wasting their time. Instead start trying to persuade the GC's for 2 federal states...

TC culture has remained despite the exodus of Turkiyeliler that came and went from the TRNC over the years. You are absolutely drowning in the GC point of view sometimes BK. If you think that theres going to be a solution other than a 2 states one then you are dreaming and again wasting more of your time.

Again I think we have shown that we are prepared to unite but GC government is not prepared to compromise in the slightest which goes to show that they have no concern about "unity" just about controlling the whole island and people. Is that Turkish peoples fault? No! Is asking for 2 states, asking too much? NO!

And again BK you go on like it's all TC's fault but I don't see you trying to persuade anyone for anything other than what suits Greek Cypriots best!!! :evil:

Weather you or me like it or not the solution is going to be something along the lines of 2 states. People better start getting used to it because anything else is almost IMPOSSIBLE. If the GC government can't accept or stomach that then that's their problem and good luck to them because sooner or later they'll practically be living in Turkiye (hence why they're trying to scare TCs like it's us who should be afraid!). :lol: :lol: :lol:

and by the way Big Oz...since you insist on the fact that GC's have not comrpomised on anything could you please tell me ONE point that Turkey compromised on in the Annan plan????????
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Postby Piratis » Tue May 15, 2007 4:08 pm

zan wrote:
Piratis wrote:
Weather you or me like it or not the solution is going to be something along the lines of 2 states

If the solution was found with the current balance of power yes.

But that will not happen. Cyprus problem will remain unsolved until the balance of power will allow a fair solution that will restore legality, human rights, and International law. There will be no solution that will legalize our human rights violations and the Turkification of the northern part of our homeland.

TC, try reading this with a German accent......Its hilarious!! :lol: :lol:

Hilarious only to a low life like you maybe. (Tip: Look who agreed with you)
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Postby bigOz » Tue May 15, 2007 4:11 pm

DT wrote:
bigOz wrote:
DT wrote:
bigOz wrote:
DT wrote:BAsically BigOz is saying that all Greeks are morons for believeing that the Greeks did nothing wrong. he does this by showing us how the Turks did nothing wrong.... :roll:

You have definitely proved what a moron you are by taking out of context what I have said and misrepresenting it (again)! I never said Turks did nothing wrong - show me where I say that or stop chatting shite! On the contrary, I have said Turkish army could have raped and shot GCs but so did the Greek army and further stated that both were WRONG! Which part of this argument is it exactly your brain cells do not comprehend? :roll:

charming attitude. Moron is the one that goes on to quote wikipedia without knowing that any tom dick and harry can contribute to wikipedia.

The only reason I quote anything, is to support what I already know for 40 years, before the presumptions morons in this forum start claiming it is rubbish that I make up myself! Perhaps you would be kind enough to let us all know what sources of information you rely that will contradict the quotes I have given from Wikipedia... :roll:

My problem is I cannot stand idle against people who choose to insult and pacify a newcomer the way some have carried on in this forum. So much as I would prefer not to, I cannot halp responding in the same manner, so see me as a mirror if you like - you smile and I'll smile back, you grawl and I'll do the same. Perhaps now we can turn to our subject of discussion... :D

I'd rather not...learn to hold you tongue and talk in a civilised manner little man.

I am 6ft 1 inch - how tall are you moron?
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Postby bigOz » Tue May 15, 2007 4:13 pm

Piratis wrote:
zan wrote:
Piratis wrote:
Weather you or me like it or not the solution is going to be something along the lines of 2 states

If the solution was found with the current balance of power yes.

But that will not happen. Cyprus problem will remain unsolved until the balance of power will allow a fair solution that will restore legality, human rights, and International law. There will be no solution that will legalize our human rights violations and the Turkification of the northern part of our homeland.

TC, try reading this with a German accent......Its hilarious!! :lol: :lol:

Hilarious only to a low life like you maybe. (Tip: Look who agreed with you)

And who agrees with you? Don't expect any support from any TC.
Heil piratis! :lol:
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Postby Piratis » Tue May 15, 2007 4:15 pm

BigOZ, answer this questions please:

1) Should the past be used to stop legality, democracy and human rights for any Cypriot?

If your answer to the above was "yes" then answer the following:

2) Who started the aggression in Cyprus and caused more deaths and suffering. Who insists on crimes and illegalities today?
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Postby Get Real! » Tue May 15, 2007 4:15 pm

BIgOz, I should quickly mention that the Wikipedia link “Inter-communal Violence” you keep quoting is garbage written by a TC idiot and it was actually my job 2-3 months ago to do a complete rewrite of that and blow it away but the assignment was passed on to someone else, a guy called “Angelo” I think, because I didn’t have enough time at the time and it looks like he neglected that or something.

The bottom line is that ANYONE can write up articles for the Wikipedia which is why I insist that it is NOT a credible source to study and quote from.
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Postby Piratis » Tue May 15, 2007 4:18 pm

And who agrees with you? Don't expect any support from any TC.

Only civilized people support my ideas. I don't expect any support from those that are not civilized.

Do you believe in human rights for all people BigOz?
Do you believe in democracy?
Do you believe in international law?

Or maybe ..

You support illegalities and crimes?

Your answers to the above will determine if you a civilized person or not.
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Postby T_C » Tue May 15, 2007 4:19 pm

zan wrote:
Piratis wrote:
zan wrote:Weather you or me like it or not the solution is going to be something along the lines of 2 states

If the solution was found with the current balance of power yes.

But that will not happen. Cyprus problem will remain unsolved until the balance of power will allow a fair solution that will restore legality, human rights, and International law. There will be no solution that will legalize our human rights violations and the Turkification of the northern part of our homeland.

TC, try reading this with a German accent......Its hilarious!! :lol: :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Piratis wrote:Hilarious only to a low life like you maybe. (Tip: Look who agreed with you)

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Postby bigOz » Tue May 15, 2007 4:21 pm

DT wrote:
zan wrote:
turkish_cypriot wrote:Offffffffffff.....BK I haven't got anything against you or your wishes...

The only problem is your unification dream knows no limits!!!

There is not a single TC I know who thinks along the same lines as you. Absolutely NONE!

There is NO WAY (and I can't stress that enough) TCs are going to unify to and be controlled by GCs. Even if this is was something I personally wanted, I would know to give up on such ideas by now because it just isn't going to happen and no matter how much people go on or try TCs will never ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever.....ever, ever, ever, ever....agree to that.

This is the 1 thing I wish people would just get through their heads. TCs do not want to be administered by GCs, and judging by our past they are NOT being unreasonable.

We're prepared to unite and we've proven this. The GC government on the other hand have a bit of catching up to do since it's obvious what they want to unify for, and it has nothing about "Cypriots being 1 people" or "peace for eternity"...that's what they're telling you and you're falling for their fairy tales. :roll:

If you want unification so much stop trying to force TCs to join the RoC because you and everyone else is wasting their time. Instead start trying to persuade the GC's for 2 federal states...

TC culture has remained despite the exodus of Turkiyeliler that came and went from the TRNC over the years. You are absolutely drowning in the GC point of view sometimes BK. If you think that theres going to be a solution other than a 2 states one then you are dreaming and again wasting more of your time.

Again I think we have shown that we are prepared to unite but GC government is not prepared to compromise in the slightest which goes to show that they have no concern about "unity" just about controlling the whole island and people. Is that Turkish peoples fault? No! Is asking for 2 states, asking too much? NO!

And again BK you go on like it's all TC's fault but I don't see you trying to persuade anyone for anything other than what suits Greek Cypriots best!!! :evil:

Weather you or me like it or not the solution is going to be something along the lines of 2 states. People better start getting used to it because anything else is almost IMPOSSIBLE. If the GC government can't accept or stomach that then that's their problem and good luck to them because sooner or later they'll practically be living in Turkiye (hence why they're trying to scare TCs like it's us who should be afraid!). :lol: :lol: :lol:

and by the way Big Oz...since you insist on the fact that GC's have not comrpomised on anything could you please tell me ONE point that Turkey compromised on in the Annan plan????????

Althoygh the posts you quoted had nothing to do with me I would like to answer your question this way DT. The sooner GCs realise Cyprus issue is not a problem between Turkey and GCs but it is more of a problem between TCs and GCs, the easier it will be to find a solution in the long run. There is no point in pretending "Oh, we have no problems with TCs, look we all get on well crossing into each others' areas - it's Turkey stopping us!" When TCs voted to support Annan plan, Turkey had no say - did they? Yet GCs refused it...

Now if there is going to be another vote, the Annan plan will have to be changed because even the blidfolded left of the time has realised its flaws and will not encourage the TCs to sign it. That change will involve a federal TC state with powers to self govern. Otherwise there will never be an agreement. That is my opinion and perception of the current position anyway. :)
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Postby T_C » Tue May 15, 2007 4:21 pm

Get Real! wrote:BIgOz, I should quickly mention that the Wikipedia link “Inter-communal Violence” you keep quoting is garbage written by a TC idiot and it was actually my job 2-3 months ago to do a complete rewrite of that and blow it away but the assignment was passed on to someone else, a guy called “Angelo” I think, because I didn’t have enough time at the time and it looks like he neglected that or something.

The bottom line is that ANYONE can write up articles for the Wikipedia which is why I insist that it is NOT a credible source to study and quote from.

GR is this a propagandist confession coming from you?!? :wink:
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