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That's how human you are? Thanks!

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Moderator: Piratis

That's how human you are? Thanks!

Postby fanourıo » Fri May 11, 2007 8:08 pm

Well since admin has locked the post whereby I was requesting financial help, without giving me the chance to explain why, I had to make this present post.
In the North where I live, the banks would not give any credit to a Greek Cypriot, banks will not approve 1000 CYP in a day, and of course there is no chance for a credit card...In the South I could not come because there is an arrest warrant against me because I work for BRT which is considered illegal in the south. Ex Friends and relatives could not help because they dislike the fact that I came to the North to live and work. The companies/organisations for which I work could not give me an advance because I am employed as a part time employee and such advances could not be approved. The reason I needed the money was to cover late payments of bills including my rent because of my daughter's illness end of last month which drained me financially, and as a result I am supposed to leave the apartment before Monday. End of May, my salaries, all three of them, would have covered the total amounts loaned to me. Maybe I am crazy for coming to the North to live and work but I am no crook!
Nevertheless, some people even met me at Ledra Palace in person and brought me what they could and some people sent me money from as far as USA and UK for which I am deeply obliged.
These people I must mention and thank publicly along with the public promise to repay them in full at the end of May.
Get Real came to the Ledra Palace and gave me 100 CYP
Aussiegrillman came to the Ledra palace and gave me 60 CYP
Gorilla Girl sent me 150 USD via Western Union from the USA,
Nikie2410 sent me 50 STG from the UK and Richard B sent me another 25 STG from abroad. Even Kafenes promised to help although he posted something about a rat smell, after I PMd him the reasons for this embarrassing condition and I did get the same promise from Lena, who suddenly changed her mind and stopped every communication, probably after a gossip she had with someone we both know....who did NOT know the details.
Those who got involved in this thinking they are investigators of "a major internet scam", managed to lock the post and i am wondering why admin is so one sided against a person who needed help... without even giving me the chance to explain....
and then you tell me I should return to the South....WHY??? there are no humans left excluding those mentioned above ,whose help I deeply appreciate.
I truly apologise to everyone if I gave the impression of a beggar or a crook, but the opening post is speaking about a LOAN and not any DONATIONS to me, some people dont understand the difference...
Well, for those who still are willing to help my address is [email protected] and my numbers are +357 99987654 and
+90 533 832 1422
After all these explanations I hope admin does not get mislead yet once more by those who try to dominate this forum, who lost ever sense of humanism and of course carry nails in their pockets. I understand that such a posting could be "fishy" or "smelly" but you can go ahead and ask those who met me if I am some kind of a crook....
Once again thanks for the help, and I was delighted to meet those that I met.

Admin note:

Thread locked.

Please do not start another one about this topic. If you would like more information for the reasons this thread was locked please contact me via a Private Message.

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Postby GorillaGal » Fri May 11, 2007 8:42 pm

oh fanos, i hope things get better for you, and i hope you get the money you need.
glad i could help.
i hope other people feel so inclinded to help with a few bucks here or there.
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Postby fanourıo » Fri May 11, 2007 8:45 pm

well we still have Monday......thanks once more GG
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Re: That's how human you are? Thanks!

Postby pantheman » Fri May 11, 2007 9:01 pm

fanourıo wrote:Well since admin has locked the post whereby I was requesting financial help, without giving me the chance to explain why, I had to make this present post.
In the North where I live, the banks would not give any credit to a Greek Cypriot, banks will not approve 1000 CYP in a day, and of course there is no chance for a credit card...In the South I could not come because there is an arrest warrant against me because I work for BRT which is considered illegal in the south. Ex Friends and relatives could not help because they dislike the fact that I came to the North to live and work. The companies/organisations for which I work could not give me an advance because I am employed as a part time employee and such advances could not be approved. The reason I needed the money was to cover late payments of bills including my rent because of my daughter's illness end of last month which drained me financially, and as a result I am supposed to leave the apartment before Monday. End of May, my salaries, all three of them, would have covered the total amounts loaned to me. Maybe I am crazy for coming to the North to live and work but I am no crook!
Nevertheless, some people even met me at Ledra Palace in person and brought me what they could and some people sent me money from as far as USA and UK for which I am deeply obliged.
These people I must mention and thank publicly along with the public promise to repay them in full at the end of May.
Get Real came to the Ledra Palace and gave me 100 CYP
Aussiegrillman came to the Ledra palace and gave me 60 CYP
Gorilla Girl sent me 150 USD via Western Union from the USA,
Nikie2410 sent me 50 STG from the UK and Richard B sent me another 25 STG from abroad. Even Kafenes promised to help although he posted something about a rat smell, after I PMd him the reasons for this embarrassing condition and I did get the same promise from Lena, who suddenly changed her mind and stopped every communication, probably after a gossip she had with someone we both know....who did NOT know the details.
Those who got involved in this thinking they are investigators of "a major internet scam", managed to lock the post and i am wondering why admin is so one sided against a person who needed help... without even giving me the chance to explain....
and then you tell me I should return to the South....WHY??? there are no humans left excluding those mentioned above ,whose help I deeply appreciate.
I truly apologise to everyone if I gave the impression of a beggar or a crook, but the opening post is speaking about a LOAN and not any DONATIONS to me, some people dont understand the difference...
Well, for those who still are willing to help my address is [email protected] and my numbers are +357 99987654 and
+90 533 832 1422
After all these explanations I hope admin does not get mislead yet once more by those who try to dominate this forum, who lost ever sense of humanism and of course carry nails in their pockets. I understand that such a posting could be "fishy" or "smelly" but you can go ahead and ask those who met me if I am some kind of a crook....
Once again thanks for the help, and I was delighted to meet those that I met.


are you for real ? You open critisize the GCs, hurl abuse at them and at a time of need you are extending your hand for support.

You must be taking the piss mate, Why don't your puppet masters help you ? Tora irtes pososou as they say.

Keep scrounging, you may even fool the few good hearted people that helped you and the rest of us are still evil humans to you.

On yer bike.
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Postby fanourıo » Fri May 11, 2007 9:09 pm

I didn't criticise the GC ever because I AM A GC! I heavily criticised the crook that's running the country, Tassos Papadopoullos! I extended my hand for support and i must say that the biggest amount I ever borrowed was given to me three months ago by a TC, living in UK who never met me before! He asked me to leave him anonymous but we met last month when he was here for a shot visit. Karma knows the case, I mentioned it to her....please fell free to confirm. In human issues, nationality or political positions do not ave a place. And to cut the long story short I may hate Papadopoullos but if he needed a kidney for example and I was his match, i would have given it to him!
and please dont start taking the piss , my problems are far more important than ...piss! I salute your interest...
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Re: That's how human you are? Thanks!

Postby Get Real! » Fri May 11, 2007 9:52 pm

pantheman wrote:are you for real ? You open critisize the GCs, hurl abuse at them and at a time of need you are extending your hand for support.
You must be taking the piss mate, Why don't your puppet masters help you ? Tora irtes pososou as they say.

Keep scrounging, you may even fool the few good hearted people that helped you and the rest of us are still evil humans to you.

Your willingness to assist is conditional. So what have you proven with your spitefulness, that Fanos was right about some people after all? :(
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Postby free_cyprus » Fri May 11, 2007 11:03 pm

the man is a cypriot he can live wherever he wants in cyprus. and rightly so...............i critize both sides soo what we all have our own opinion about cyprus.and their people ...................listen the administrator worned me about the feck word and not to iuse it ok so im not going to tell you to you know
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Postby RichardB » Fri May 11, 2007 11:22 pm

well said free_cyprus

feck um all eh!!!!

Thats what I say
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Postby fanourıo » Sat May 12, 2007 12:01 am

Speaking of which, I am HOME, I work in Famagusta where I was BORN and i dont give a damn about who is in power who is occupying what and who left what or who was kicked out etc etc BUT tell me: Does Papadopoullos care? if he does, what did he do about it other than reject any negotiations? He rejects Talat who is not a recognised head of state and he wants to negotiate with Turkey, who in turn does not recognise the Cyprus Republic! He wrapped himself up in his own sheets!! and dont start that it happened to me as well, because I am not the president! Oh and one more thing....I believe I am one of the few fighters left since I am living where I believe belongs to me and I think I am the only Greek Cypriot who is .....harming the Turkish Economy, after all they do pay me dont they? If now a wise guy comes up with a comment like I am representing the turkish murderer propaganda because I work for BRT, then make another offer! Propose a solution if you present a problem, do not just sit there in your nice homes and criticise criticise criticise....OFFER SOLUTIONS!
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