BC Numismatics wrote:Bill wrote:BC Numismatics wrote:Bill,why don't you go off & have a wank then? Tossing yourself off is good for you!
I bow down to your superior knowledge as the forum expurt on this subject so I'll take your word for it
But I have read that it does wonders for your prostrate
Bill ~~
Bill,so is having a shag as well! That burns off a lot of calories,& temporarily relieves stress.
So now we are building bit by bit a distressing picture of you Aida.
A small hobbit type person ~ fat and stressed by living alone in a hut surrounded by coins and memorabilia from the commonwealth ~ consumed by hate of all things Catholic and gay ~ not married and probably unlikely to be ~ no children thankfully ~ often has one off the wrist to relieve the stress caused by your Catholic upbringing and suppressed sexual tendencies .
It's not a pretty picture Aida ~ bloody hell you must be suffering badly and need help desperately ~ there must be some dodgy old lady that can help you get rid of some dirty water and put your mind at rest .
After a little research (isn't the internet wonderful) I believe there's a Mrs O'rielly in the next village who could help you out at a price ~ she will even dress up in her lambs wool coat to make you feel more relaxed if you ask nicely.
You could achieve your ultimate dream ~ sticking one into a Catholic, getting rid of some dirty water for a change and paying her with commonwealth money and all without feeling sheepish .
It could change your view on life for ever
Seriously Aida I actually feel sorry for you and feel that the care in the community programme has let you down badly ~ very badly ~ I guess it must be run by Catholics ~ it's so very sad .
Bill ~~~ Cath lic ing this weekend