free_cyprus wrote:LENA
Free_cyprus…tell me did Admin contact with you again? That’s why you talk more decent and calm?
lol lena the admin did contact and i know you lot are clicky in here......................................a few days ago line someone in thsi forum wished someone to die and you steped in and you argued regarding that not going to repeat the post but im going to repeat what i wrote im going to paste it right here
perfect topic for perfect wankers who want to talk about it ......................are you peaople really that thick in this forum, does it come from studying or does it come natural be such wankers........................that your talking about the same fecking thing in here cyprus. dont you people in here realise your talking about yourselves when it comes to talking about cyprus our island.............................what kind of morons are you people?????????? dont you have any pride as cypriots and you have to behave like animals. and when i openly question you lot about this very thing you cannot even give me an lot are a fecking disgrace......................................... you feckerssssssss will say anything, post anything to keep us apart. and you call yourselves cypriots.?????????? why dont you just call yourselves traitors cos in my eyes thats just what you are for writing such shit in here
i did not get a letter from administration can you explain why........................................
another point is this i post things in here for people not to limit their imaginations when it comes to problem solving................but everyone takes offence like for example the htread i put saying cypriots are uneducated uncultured and so forth......................go and have a look and see if one person in this forum came back with a reply that says........... listen we do have uneducated people and we do have educated people and make an argument about it ................and when i say your thinking is tunneled vissioned you are all up in arms about it a cypriot myself.............................i have just posted another post here entitled cypriots are the most cultured people un the world under the name when it comes to cypriots they are the best at more thing did administrator write and give warnings to the person you had a go at regarding what he wished for the person to die.......................................i doubt it ..................the ugly stuff that is said in here and the ugly stuff that is put in here as a direct result of trying to inflame the cyprus problem defies imagination...........and yet i say a few fecks and i get warnings lol and you come back pointing your finger at me and saying i been a naughty boy and i should behave in a certain way lol
Free_cyprus...can I ask you one thing? I am not going through again what i said about the other stuff and what you said and when...because I promise that i will not discuss that anymore with you. Do as you wish...i will avoid reading your post and that will keep the situation more relaxed
Do you really believe that because I am a woman I am "gunaikoula" as well? Do you believe that I ask from the Admin to delete your post or tell you to behave? I am a teacher but as a profession I am not here to teach you or anybody. I am a woman but I am not your mother to tell you what to do or not....and as I said to another thread to you...I respect you...what ever you are whatever you believe and whatever you that clear or you have any doubt? Go and ask Admin if I ever send him a pm about you...since I sign in I send 3 times pm...and that has nothing to do with you