cyprusgrump wrote:Worse still, my car has more sand on it now than it did when I took it to the ‘wash on Tuesday…
Where did all that come from?

Straight from the Sahara. When a depression approaches, the prevailing wind is South. A few dust storms in N. Africa can easily carry it to here, where it rains out. This happens frequently in spring, when the khamsin blows. The word khamsin is derived from the Arabic 50, because the season lasts 50 days from mid-Feb to April. Bit late now for a khamsin, but an ordinary dust storm can happen at any time. Once, when I was in Egypt, in Feb. 1952, I experienced a particularly violent khamsin, absolutely impossible to go out in it, dust everywhere, winds estimated at strong gale force. In exposed places, some vehicles were sandblasted to bare metal on the windward side. Hot, as well. Sand drifting in depths of over 1 m on roads. You could see nothing at the time, but new dunes had formed and old ones had disappeared.