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What exactly is happening.

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Get Real! » Thu May 10, 2007 11:45 pm

zan wrote:
zan wrote:The question was::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

I just wondered what people saw happening in the immediate future. We are pressing for recognition and will continue to do so. It seems that Europes hands are tied but they did also say that to Nelson Mandela so who knows. There are other places on earth other than Europe though so the probability is quite high that even a couple of countries will eventually recognise the TRNC/KKTC. Even if this does not happen then we can go on like this forever I suppose until Turkeys EU hopes are dashed when she will annex the north. We also have the situation of Taiwan to look forward to. In other words, the people of the TRNC/KKTC have something to look forward to so hope is high. We can always have the prospect that the "RoC" will do something that will shock us all and get off its high horse. Although all this sounds provocative and as if I am gloating, I don't mean it to be. It is just my bull in a china shop technique that you all know and love.

When it comes to the "RoC", what are its options besides waiting to wage war on us it is getting nowhere. Not one single soldier has left the island and not one single inch of land has been handed over. Umpteen law decisions have gone its way but it cannot enforce a single one so is this the only options that the "RoC" is offering us. Dissolve or death?

No one to answer???????

Here’s some miscellaneous thoughts Zan…

The UN resolutions will never go away unless revoked or modified by the UN, and the chances of that happening is remote.

TC's are slowly assimilating with the RoC out of need for jobs etc. Every year more and more will become reliant on the south.

If Turkey is taken over by the hard liners then Turkey’s standing will decrease and the RoC’s increase.

Europe can’t offer you anything unless it goes via the RoC for legal reasons and that can’t change… for legal reasons again.

You’re locked in a catch-22 and reliant on Turkey remaining as strong and as influential as possible for you to “hold out”. How long can she last though?

The RoC is clearly going for a long term “solution” and not prepared to give you any special rights or territory and in the meantime more and more Turks are arriving among you thinning you out.

What else can I say?
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Postby free_cyprus » Fri May 11, 2007 12:41 am

What is wrong with you Free_cyprus? Moody again? I didnt know that we have to ask permission from you to express our selves here? What was wrong with his post? He can say what ever he wants as you do it as well

you are right lena he can say whatever he wants its his right. i think i have the same right to say whatever i want ..............its called diffrent horses for diffrent courses
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Postby LENA » Fri May 11, 2007 12:48 am

free_cyprus wrote:LENA
What is wrong with you Free_cyprus? Moody again? I didnt know that we have to ask permission from you to express our selves here? What was wrong with his post? He can say what ever he wants as you do it as well

you are right lena he can say whatever he wants its his right. i think i have the same right to say whatever i want ..............its called diffrent horses for diffrent courses

But not insulting people that is not your right...especially when you are treated with respect!
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Postby free_cyprus » Fri May 11, 2007 9:13 am

if that is waht you call respect when someone is trying to have a serious conversation..............then you must have diffrent kind of respect, then the respect, i know it as respect.
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Postby BirKibrisli » Fri May 11, 2007 10:53 am

zan wrote:
zan wrote:The question was::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

I just wondered what people saw happening in the immediate future. We are pressing for recognition and will continue to do so. It seems that Europes hands are tied but they did also say that to Nelson Mandela so who knows. There are other places on earth other than Europe though so the probability is quite high that even a couple of countries will eventually recognise the TRNC/KKTC. Even if this does not happen then we can go on like this forever I suppose until Turkeys EU hopes are dashed when she will annex the north. We also have the situation of Taiwan to look forward to. In other words, the people of the TRNC/KKTC have something to look forward to so hope is high. We can always have the prospect that the "RoC" will do something that will shock us all and get off its high horse. Although all this sounds provocative and as if I am gloating, I don't mean it to be. It is just my bull in a china shop technique that you all know and love.

When it comes to the "RoC", what are its options besides waiting to wage war on us it is getting nowhere. Not one single soldier has left the island and not one single inch of land has been handed over. Umpteen law decisions have gone its way but it cannot enforce a single one so is this the only options that the "RoC" is offering us. Dissolve or death?

No one to answer???????

Well,I will,but I don't think you'll like it...

The Trnc will never be recognised by any self respecting government.given that it was not even recognised by Afganistan under the Taliban...

So,everything will stay the same...More and more settlers will come and settle in the North.They will begin to openly run the country,stopping the charade that is going on know Talat and Co pretending that they have any say in the running of the pariah state...Real TCs will decline in numbers,and over the next 25 years their numbers will be counted in thousands only...

When every other "heading" is discussed to the satisfaction of the EU,the nationalist government in Ankara will put the question :"Do you agree to leave the TRNC and come and join your motherland who loves you very much" to a referandum in the TRNC.This will be carried overwhelmingly by 95% of the new TCs,all 500,000 of them...Everyone will shut shop and go and live in Turkey...Cyprus will be reunited,and some TCs like myself,if we are still alive,will return to live the rest of our life in the Republic of Cyprus,if we have not already done so... :wink: :wink: :wink:
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Postby aussiedrillerman » Fri May 11, 2007 2:20 pm

I notice that my serious reply to TCs "feck you aussiedrillerman" thread has been removed.

wonder why that is????????????????????????????????????????????????

Administrator was I too close to the truth???????????????????????????
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Postby LENA » Fri May 11, 2007 3:12 pm

free_cyprus wrote:LENA
if that is waht you call respect when someone is trying to have a serious conversation..............then you must have diffrent kind of respect, then the respect, i know it as respect.

Respect is to accept everybody as they are, respect is to accept their opinion, respect is when you are discussing issues and not yelling, respect is when you talk and not insult, respect is when you know when you have to talk and when you have to close your mouth in fond of somebody, respect is when you do what you ask from others to do for you...

Do you want me to keep going? Do you know what respect is? Did you respect aussiedrillerman's right to post? Did you respect him as a person and you didnt insult him? Did you?
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