The champions of human rights show their humanity by denying people the simple right to call themselves Turkish.
If the Cypriots did not call themselves "Greek"/"Turkish" Cypriots, there wouldn't have been a Cyprus Problem.
These "innocent" groups do not come out to challenge the agreements between the two countries, without a reason.
It is standard policy of Turkish ruling elite to use such groups outside Turkey, in order to arouse the ethnic/patriotic feelings of the Turkish masses as means to divert attention from the real problems that Turkish people face, like unemployment, poverty, healthcare, corruption, etc.
The official Turkish government may not be involved directly in the encouragement of with these foreign "Turkish" related groups, but there are other ways to finance and organize them. The Turkish military are not happy with the good relations between the Greek and Turkish governments, or with Turkey’s EU “road map”. They want to have control of Turkey, they want to get the tax money form the Turkish people and into their military “expenditures”, but give nothing back to the people, except fear (maintains them in power). The Turkish Army is the biggest private corporation in Turkey, with its own money to use as it pleases. They even invest their pension funds in French banks, because they do want trust the Turkish Lira. The EU will never allow this situation to continue, when Turkey joins the Union.
Pay attention in what is going on with Turcoman in Iraq. Northern Iraqis (mainly Kurds) have voted in the general elections last Sunday, but also voted for their own separate parliament. Turkey wants assurances from the US, that there will be no split in Iraq. What do you think is going to happen when the Kurdish parliamentarians disagree with the Shiites? (The Kurds will be used by the Americans in order to counter-balance any unilateral decisions of the Arab Iraqis – same as the British used the Turkish Cypriots) The British during their Cyprus occupation used to be called us simply “Moslems” and “Christians” until they realized that their stay in Cyprus was not secure. The “Greek” and “Turkish”, part of the Cypriot people names, were cultivates and established by the British, for a reason.
If these Turkish speaking Iraqis are not called the Turcoman but Iraqi Turks, they will become more useful to Turkey's interests in Iraq in South Eastern Turkey or “South Kurdistan” for some.
This is how one day, “Shit Happens” as they say!
Do I make myself clear, dear Brother?