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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby halil » Wed May 09, 2007 11:03 am

free_cyprus wrote:halil
you did not answer my question.........perhaps you need to read it again and tell me if you agree at least on the point i have raised....................true or false

i wonder if i made a documntery about the present leaders in cyprus, and how they practice devide and rule, among our own people, from the soo called presidents, down to media, t v, and radio. i wonder if it will be well recieved, and aired on cyprus tellevision, if i exposed the greek speaking and turkish speaking. soo called goverments of cyprus, of actively participate,appointing into goverment post the extreme right thinkers, who will defend anything that is turkish and greek, and leaving cypriots as cypriots abondaned forsaken and deluded. i wonder if they will air such documentery on their televisions................................what do you people in the forum think??????????????????????

you have to show your projects to tv owners.200 tv channels are broadcasting from turksat. i am definetly sure some of them will show your have to name it.other wise no one knows your child.
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Postby free_cyprus » Wed May 09, 2007 11:07 am

you still havent answered my question

i wonder if i made a documntery about the present leaders in cyprus, and how they practice devide and rule, among our own people, from the soo called presidents, down to media, t v, and radio. i wonder if it will be well recieved, and aired on cyprus tellevision, if i exposed the greek speaking and turkish speaking. soo called goverments of cyprus, of actively participate,appointing into goverment post the extreme right thinkers, who will defend anything that is turkish and greek, and leaving cypriots as cypriots abondaned forsaken and deluded. i wonder if they will air such documentery on their televisions................................what do you people in the forum think??????????????????????

i m asking you a direct question and im asking the forum a direct question regarding cyprus here greek speaking and turkish speaking .................can you answer me without pusssyfooting around
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Postby Sotos » Wed May 09, 2007 11:20 am

halil wrote:
Sotos wrote:
halil wrote:duvar was for both sides.

Did you say there that Turks killed 1000s of Greek Cypriots?

İ am not a writer.
let it to watcher to decide it.ask to PİK to show the all the documanteris are made by the Greek Cypriots writers.we showed their documents as well.u have to learn to listen every view.let them to decide what is right what is wrong.this is the democracy.from this form ı found out that what ever is against your own idea u are interfering .try to be not fanatic man otherwise we will never have a peace in this little are not few on this forum acting like this ,from both side.

I didn't ask you if you are a writer but I asked you if in the documentary you talk about it was said that Turks killed 1000s of Greek Cypriots. So whats the answer? You watched the documentary didn't you? And which RIK documentaries did you show and from which channel?

i will not answer your coments or others agin. i will keep writing and informing forum members from now .

So you want to use the forum for one way Turkish propaganda instead of discussing anything? This is a discussion forum not Bayrak ;)
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Postby free_cyprus » Wed May 09, 2007 11:28 am

since your well informed perhaps you can answer my question ??????????????????????

i wonder if i made a documntery about the present leaders in cyprus, and how they practice devide and rule, among our own people, from the soo called presidents, down to media, t v, and radio. i wonder if it will be well recieved, and aired on cyprus tellevision, if i exposed the greek speaking and turkish speaking. soo called goverments of cyprus, of actively participate,appointing into goverment post the extreme right thinkers, who will defend anything that is turkish and greek, and leaving cypriots as cypriots abondaned forsaken and deluded. i wonder if they will air such documentery on their televisions................................what do you people in the forum think??????????????????????
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Postby karma » Wed May 09, 2007 11:58 am

Both ''missing bus'' and ''missing child'' sux...Sotos and Halil still keep missing though..
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Postby free_cyprus » Wed May 09, 2007 12:02 pm

cors they keep missing. cos when a direct question is put forth they dont know how to answer it .............actualy the question is so straight forward it does not need an answer, its self evident that they cannot give an answer without taking sides,
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Postby halil » Thu May 10, 2007 12:12 pm

Tonight 'The Missing Bus’ drama documentary will be held at the Ataturk Culture and Congress Centre of the Near East University .it is free for everybody.İ hope Greek Cypriots will come and see the gala as well.
i will let u know when it will be onair.
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Postby Get Real! » Thu May 10, 2007 12:58 pm

halil wrote:Tonight 'The Missing Bus’ drama documentary will be held at the Ataturk Culture and Congress Centre of the Near East University .it is free for everybody.İ hope Greek Cypriots will come and see the gala as well.

You gotta be kidding me... the name "Ataturk Culture and Congress Centre" alone is enough to make us puke! :x
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Postby T_C » Thu May 10, 2007 1:01 pm

Sotos wrote:Did you make any documentary about the Greek Cypriots that you killed also?

Did you ever make a documentary about the "intercommunal violence" period?

What happened to the only man that did? He was called a traitor by almost everyone :roll:. Did they also air his documentary in RoC? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You sound like such a little child... :roll:
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Postby Get Real! » Thu May 10, 2007 1:11 pm

turkish_cypriot wrote:Did you ever make a documentary about the "intercommunal violence" period?

Have a guess why they call it "intercommunal violence" and NOT "genocide" as some of your brainless countrymen like to twist?

Because over a period of about 15 years around 500 people died from each side in very sporadic mini clashes and/or revenge attacks.
Sounds like a single day's "work" for the yanks in Iraq. :(
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