There are special tablets for the mosquitoes that work just fine... I hate mosquitoes and in Cyprus the number is increasing year by year.
I tried giving them these tablets Lena but they just refused to swallow them.
There are special tablets for the mosquitoes that work just fine... I hate mosquitoes and in Cyprus the number is increasing year by year.
Sotos wrote:The most effective is to have an aircondition and to keep the windows closed Those things about garlic are urban myths. Eating garlic will repel humans but not mosquitoes
kafenes wrote:LENA wrote:There are special tablets for the mosquitoes that work just fine... I hate mosquitoes and in Cyprus the number is increasing year by year.
I tried giving them these tablets Lena but they just refused to swallow them.
rawk wrote:I remember last year waking up after being bitten by a mozzie.
I got up and went to the kitchen to get the insecticide spray from under the sink. I'm short sighted so I wear contact lens but take them out at night.
I got the spray and saw the mozzie buzzing around the bedside light, I gave it a good blast from the aresol and was astonished to see it turn white, it started flying slower and slower and then crashed to the floor where it shattered like glass!
I found my specs and discovered I'd given it a blast of "Spray Starch" my wife uses for keeping creases whilst ironing.
This method of killing mozzies is probably not so effective as fly spray but more rewarding. I have a small collection of crystal white insects, perfectly preserved as trophies on my study shelf.
rawk wrote:I remember last year waking up after being bitten by a mozzie.
I got up and went to the kitchen to get the insecticide spray from under the sink. I'm short sighted so I wear contact lens but take them out at night.
I got the spray and saw the mozzie buzzing around the bedside light, I gave it a good blast from the aresol and was astonished to see it turn white, it started flying slower and slower and then crashed to the floor where it shattered like glass!
I found my specs and discovered I'd given it a blast of "Spray Starch" my wife uses for keeping creases whilst ironing.
This method of killing mozzies is probably not so effective as fly spray but more rewarding. I have a small collection of crystal white insects, perfectly preserved as trophies on my study shelf.
Sotos wrote:Poor mosquitoes. Nobody loves them. Everybody wants them dead Where are our animal lovers to protest this behavior?
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