Very little (born 04.04.07) and pretty puppies of cocker spaniel are looking to find kind and loving home! They are still too young to leave their mother but in 2 weeks will be ready to. There is one boy and three girls, black with a bit of white on the chest.
Call now and don’t miss your chance to get a pure breed dog for very reasonable money.
have to agree with you there GG, got our little guy from the shelter and he's part of the family now, really settled in well..
There are hundreds and hundreds of dogs on deathrow here on the island.. and nearly any kind of breed available if you look in the right places.
They are reallllly cute.... BUT PLEASE Check out the links on called "urgently need help" and "dogs on death row". These animal really need homes. Remember they all grow into adult dogs though however cute they are....