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Postby LENA » Sat May 05, 2007 12:41 am

cyfo wrote:you know lena do not plame men plame women for this many men i know they need sycho help but they survive and enjoy life thanks to cabaret girls .you ask one what services they offer .They call them Holy slaves

Cyfo...look...I dont blame them...but I dont blame only women. To end up to that point they both have fault. Try to think how they might end up there...

1. there are men that they just enjoy those "hole slaves" as you want to put it
2. there are men that end up there because they enjoy "foreign stuff"
3. there are men that end up there because they are bored of there women
4. there are men that they dont get what they want from their women
5. there are men that they suffer in their marriage and they find cabaret as something that please them

But dont blame only women...if sometimes women end up not giving them what they want is because they have so many things to do. I know women that have to work, clean the house, take care the babies, help them to study, cook, wash, life and family obligations...and please their husband who work and play tavli or carts in the coffee shops of their area. There are women that they are stupid enough to forget that they are women after marriage, dont take care of their selves, put weight (dont blame them always...having children often change your body)...and generally act like they have "got their donkey with a bond". Some men forget that their women need love, tenderness etc after marriage. They act like their women are things and their property...I can give you lots of reasons that men and women end up in that situation and they look for a lover out side their marriage...from the simple...get bored of them, day life ruined their more, financial problems etc destroy their love...but dont blame only one side...ok? To end up to the divorce, cabaret or just cheating etc ... most of the times is not only ones fault!!
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Postby cyfo » Sat May 05, 2007 1:18 am

now i aggree with you lena so in Cyprus we unfortunatly need the cabarets
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Postby LENA » Sat May 05, 2007 1:20 am

cyfo wrote:now i aggree with you lena so in Cyprus we unfortunatly need the cabarets

From all that what you got is that?? :shock: :shock: :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby jambo » Sat May 05, 2007 2:27 pm

I have to laugh, I have seen so many tourist couples make the mistake
with the word "cabaret" .. many times I have been passing and seen couples, groups of tourists
walking out them laughing or embarassed..

on the serious subject...It is a supply and demand trade ...
and in pafos there is a very high demand.
I think its all them farmers from strumpi and polis..
the ones with 1 eye in the middle of there foreheads..
someone has to lay them..

I give 100% respect to them girls..
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Postby careylynn » Thu May 10, 2007 12:00 pm

On a serious note,

Most of these caberets 'employ' women as slaves. Most of these women are promised bar and waitressing jobs or are told they will be brought here to go to English Language school, then when they arrive, their passports are taken from them and they are forced to work in these caberets and be raped repeatedly on a daily basis. Google Cyprus and human trafficking. it is shocking. Cyprus is a transit point for these poor women who are forced into this work. please do not go to caberets and support this horrendous crime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Postby Get Real! » Thu May 10, 2007 1:02 pm

careylynn wrote:On a serious note,

Most of these caberets 'employ' women as slaves. Most of these women are promised bar and waitressing jobs or are told they will be brought here to go to English Language school, then when they arrive, their passports are taken from them and they are forced to work in these caberets and be raped repeatedly on a daily basis. Google Cyprus and human trafficking. it is shocking. Cyprus is a transit point for these poor women who are forced into this work. please do not go to caberets and support this horrendous crime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well then how do explain that many of these girls keep renewing their working visas and keep coming back time and time again?
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Postby LENA » Thu May 10, 2007 1:05 pm

careylynn wrote:On a serious note,

Most of these caberets 'employ' women as slaves. Most of these women are promised bar and waitressing jobs or are told they will be brought here to go to English Language school, then when they arrive, their passports are taken from them and they are forced to work in these caberets and be raped repeatedly on a daily basis. Google Cyprus and human trafficking. it is shocking. Cyprus is a transit point for these poor women who are forced into this work. please do not go to caberets and support this horrendous crime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Careylynn...things are not always as you describe them...some of those girls/women...know where they are coming and what for...those things are going on for you think that most of them dont know? Ok I agree that some of their employers treat them bad...and they keep their passport for safety reasons. Most of them they want to come in Cyprus and then try to leave from their employers...that's why most of them keep their passport. When I was younger I was like you...but after I heart one of those girls talking to some other...telling them to chose the older one and the most well dressed to get more money and not be able to want again and again...I change a bit of my mind.

Is the same with the housekeepers. They say that they treat them like slaves etc but the truth is not like that. Some of them yes are true but most of the times...Cypriot families employ those girls because they actually NEED their help...for babies or elder people...they dont want them to take them to institutions or take the babies to nursery schools from their first months or all afternoons etc...and we heart a lot of stories about those innocent girls. I am not saying that is always true and that Cypriots are angels...but dont generalise some stories as a reality.
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Postby zapperatbest » Fri May 11, 2007 11:22 am

Yeah, Lena is right to great extent. Many of these girls know beforehand what they will be up to. They come here for better money. Some of the incidents are true where they are exploited but many do it willingly. Yeah, willingly will be too strong a word but may be out of the need of money.
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Postby careylynn » Fri May 11, 2007 2:57 pm ... 1&cat_id=1

just a couple of links.... I did not say ALL women are forced into this, what I am saying is most, and there are many many statistics and research done to prove this. I was just disturbed by the initial replies to this thread because it is not something to be taken lightly. and for those women doing it 'voluntarily', think about it. if those women felt they had any other means of surviving do you think they would stay prostituting themselves?? Even when it is a 'choice', it is not a choice. Please do not go to these places and promote this slavery.
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Postby Sotos » Fri May 11, 2007 3:09 pm

careylynn wrote:On a serious note,

Most of these caberets 'employ' women as slaves. Most of these women are promised bar and waitressing jobs or are told they will be brought here to go to English Language school, then when they arrive, their passports are taken from them and they are forced to work in these caberets and be raped repeatedly on a daily basis. Google Cyprus and human trafficking. it is shocking. Cyprus is a transit point for these poor women who are forced into this work. please do not go to caberets and support this horrendous crime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:roll: Those women did the same job in their countries and probably in other countries as well. Thats their job. They all have a choice but they prefer the easy money. A prostitute can make more than a waitress.
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