-mikkie2- wrote:I think this is another thing that Tassos has in his armoury. The British know this. They do not want to loose the bases in Cyprus and for that reason they will not rock the boat in Cyprus.
boulio wrote:does the treaty of establishment and guranteror make the british bases sovergin territory because for some reason or another before the annan plan was voted on and people were discussing it the topic always came up that the british bases as part of the annan plan would be permanent.if they are soverign territory why did the keep bringing it up and why would there need to be a whole seperate clause if all the treatys are already included,unless the british label them as sovergnin.
-mikkie2- wrote:The status of the british bases is that they are leased from the RoC. They are not british territory like the falklands for example. The term 'sovereign' means that Cyprus laws would not prevail in the SBA areas, but rather British or British Army laws would. Also, the British are supposed to pay the RoC and annual fee for their use. They haven't been paying this since 1964!
The Annan plan actually made the bases into british territory. They would be part of Great Britain. The cosequence of this was that the British would get sea shelf rights as well. So, you can imagine that when oil is found, the British will claim a percentage of that oil revenue as well. Both the TC's and the GC's should be against this move. The price of the British giving back some of this land is that the remainder will become UK territory for ever.
-Treaty of establishment- wrote:ARTICLE 1
The territory of the Republic of Cyprus shall comprise the island of Cyprus, together with the islands lying off its coast, with the exception of the two areas defined in Annex A to this Treaty, which areas shall remain under the sovereignty of the United Kingdom These areas are in this Treaty and its Annexes referred to as the Akrotiri Sovereign Base Area and the Dhekelia Sovereign Base Area.
1. The Republic of Cyprus
2. The Republic of Cyprus shall co-operate fully with the United Kingdom to ensure the security and effective operation of the military bases situated in the Akrotiri Sovereign Base Area and the Dhekelia Sovereign Base Area, and the full enjoyment by the United Kingdom of the rights conferred by this Treaty.
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