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What's Wrong With This Picture.... ?

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What's Wrong With This Picture.... ?

Postby Johnson&Johnson » Thu May 03, 2007 2:07 pm

Compare the two:

The Cyprus Mail
3rd May 2007

A VIETNAMESE man was yesterday sentenced to nine years’ jail for masterminding the armed robbery of a mini-market in the Strovolos area of Nicosia.

Le Xuan Xieu, 23, yesterday listened without emotion as Nicosia Judge Yiasemis Yiasemi imposed a sentence of nine years on him.


The Cyprus Mail
3rd May 2007

A MAN from Deftera was yesterday jailed for 18 months for attacking and injuring his girlfriend with a kitchen knife in August last year.

According to police, the 33-year-old man called an acquaintance of his at Lakatamia police station on the night of the attack from his home and told them that he had stabbed his 39-year-old British-Cypriot girlfriend after a blazing row turned violent.

His girlfriend had moved in with him just two weeks before.

Officers were called to the suspect’s home where they discovered the suspect, half naked and covered in blood, sitting next to the woman in the garden. She was severely injured and lying in a pool of blood.


18 months for stabbing someone repeatedly with a kitchen knife
9 years for knocking over a newsagents !

Maybe if the Cypriot did over the periptero, he would have got 18 months still.
And the vietnamese guy would have got life for the stabbing !

Whats wrong with our society ? Why does nobody ever get punished accordingly ?

And why so much violence against women that goes unpunished ? Or very lightly punished ???
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Postby twinkle » Thu May 03, 2007 4:09 pm

Women are two a penny over here. The Justice system needs to wake up and actually prosecute these people accordingly. The guy was Vietnamese and the girl British-Cypriot. That's where the problem lies. Also the guy had a friend in the police at Lakatamia so they probably put a weapon in the girl's hand and fabricated lots of evidence. Mickey Mouse State!!!
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Postby kafenes » Thu May 03, 2007 4:32 pm

In the first case, it was an organised crime and they hurt someone and left him there. They didn't turn themselves in. They were dobbed by others.
In the second case the guy did something wrong at the spare of the moment and realised his mistake and turned himself in.
That's the difference, so stop picking on the Cyprus Police and the Cypriot law system.
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Postby devil » Thu May 03, 2007 5:45 pm

It is shocking the way you distort appearances by selective quotations.

The Vietnamese, Xieu, Anh and Chien, were found guilty of charges relating to armed robbery, assault and causing grievous bodily harm and had several other cases considered. They left the guy: “The torturous and brutal way in which the first defendant [Xieu] attacked Aresti made him scared for his life. Such criminal activities are of a particularly serious nature and can create a climate of fear and tension but especially a fear of insecurity for the residents of a nation.” and "viciously attacking owner Leonidas Aresti, who was counting the day’s earnings at his desk at the time, with a spanner before tying him up with scotch tape and wire. They then proceeded to rob his shop whilst Aresti lay bleeding unconscious on the floor. which left the mini-market owner seriously injured and almost blind in one eye." This was no Sunday school prank of a periptero attack to get a few packs of cigarettes.

The other guy was charged only with GBH and the girl was not seriously injured, despite several knife wounds.

The interesting thing is that it was the same judge who sentenced both defendants.
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Postby Johnson&Johnson » Fri May 04, 2007 9:44 am


Aaaaah the guy said SORRY ! That makes it alright then !

When he goes psycho again and attacks his wife or kid with a kitchen knife, and maybe kills them next time, we will let him off again ! It was done in the heat of the moment after all and he can't be held responsible !

Hey, maybe it was his genes that made him do it ?

I'm sure glad we let off those British squaddies last year for hacking to death that Danish tour guide with blunt shovels. They were such nice lads, they got a bit drunk and went a bit too far, but they didn't really mean it. No, they did it in the heat of the moment, they can't be held responsible. Glad they got their early release.

Same goes for the young man who wheelied his motorbike into those two schoolchildren in Lakatamia last year and killed them. He left their parents childless and broken, but such a fine young lad, boy could he wheelie that motorbike ! And he cried his eyes out at the trial and the judge let him off - who couldn't be moved by such a tearful repentance...

I am personally petitioning to have released the man who raped, strangled and killed the Czech girl in Ayia Napa last year. He is a good lad. It was summer and he was feeling horny. You can't blame him. And these bloody foreign girls with their blond hair and blue eyes, they are all bloody asking for it !

And the man who set his wife alight in the oil drum a few months ago. She deserved it, the whore. She was having an affair ! They should let him off, he was only preserving his dignity, as any man would do.

Selective ? No, I just copy-pasted the first few parpagraphs from the Cyprus Mail.

Selective is our justice system.
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Postby kafenes » Fri May 04, 2007 10:13 am

As I wasn't present at both court hearings I guess I made a mistake and commented. If by reading a few paragraphs of the Cyprus Mail you have come to the conclusion that they should all be jailed for life, then I am glad your are not a judge.
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