zan wrote: You think thats bad. Our form teacher, in my junior school was not only the deputy head mistress but also a country dancing teacher. Instead of playing rounders or football, we danced every P.E lesson. Any music I hear with the traditional "TADA" start, reminds me of.....Heel toe heel toe-one-two-three,heel toe heel toe one-two-three.

Zan that made me laugh A LOT that loud that my flat mate knocked my door to see what was wrong with me...
I would loved to see you practising those steps...come on Zan...heel toe heel toe one-two-three heel toe heel toe one-two-three

Niki2410 wrote: Lena not at all, you would never offend me.
The first day of the month of May is known as May Day. It is the time of year when warmer weather begins and flowers and trees start to blossom. It is a time of love and romance, when people celebrate the coming of summer with lots of different customs that are expressions of joy and hope after a long winter. A May Queen is crowned with flowers to add to the festival.
Niki sound like a nursery teacher...I was telling all those things to a friend of mine during this weekend because she had to talk about the “May Day” yesterday. Well I know all this stuff and to be honest I was teasing you earlier. I know that there are parts of the earth that they celebrate this day with different kind of traditional customs, like voting for the most beautiful girl (the queen of May and she have to wear a white dress), the wreath made of flowers, songs etc. Also this day was celebrating by the ancient Greeks as the day that they honour the Sun and the Seasons. Around the world they used to celebrate this day because it was the begging of a season that the ground offer to people food. There are believes also that who ever get married this month of the year will not be happy and he/she will get a divorce.
Also as said...
cypezokyli wrote:besides spring..... i would just like to mention that it is the workers day today....
Is a day that is known as a worker day...because after the protestation of the workers at Chicago on 1886 for their rights for the 8 hours work, 8 hours rest and 8 hours sleep. That day lots of people were killed trying to protect their rights.
As for you Get be honest I put this part of my threat especially for you. I did not mention anything about the workers apart from the fact that we don’t work in Cyprus because is a holiday...just to see what you will say. I notice that you post every now and then...and you notice every new I said why not...
LENA wrote: Today is a lovely day to celebrate the Spring! In Cyprus is holiday...but here in UK everybody works...
And look what you had to say ...
Get Real! wrote: Thanks for the reminder cypezokyli. The way some people are going on in here you'd think it's caricature day!

I thought...well he might have a good side and come and add something good could say something like … “ok Happy May Day but you know we celebrate the workers day on first of May as well”…but one more time I was good words from you!!! Why putting emoticons bother you that much? Why to have something good to say is so bad for you?