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Looking for job, 19yo Egyptian girl

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Looking for job, 19yo Egyptian girl

Postby sarahabdh » Tue May 01, 2007 1:47 pm

Dear Forum
I'm confused about the rules (and possibilitys) for me as Egyptian to get a job in Cyprus. Does it cost more for the Employer to hire me compared to a EU citizen?
What if I offer to pay the difference out of my salary, would that make my chances better?
I have a very outgoing personality and excelent customer skills, I would accept any kind of decent job.
I can email my CV if needed.
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Postby CyprusFan81 » Tue May 01, 2007 6:37 pm

The problem with non EU citizens compared to EU citizens is that the eomployer has to proof that he could not have employed a local or an EU citizen instead of the non EU citizen.
The approval from the government takes weeks, as they check their own database if they have applicants seeking for a job, that would fit as well.

What the employer of course could do is to write a job description that no non EU-citizen can ever (or hardly) meet.

Small example from the shipping business: if you wanna employ sbdy from non EU country (e.g. Japan), you write in your job description that you need somebody for this job who speeks fluently japanese... hard to find a cypriot who can meet this criteria.
About the cost side I cannot say anything, I am sorry. But I would strongly recommend not to offer to pay the difference if there is one, 'cause the wages here on the island are relatively low anyway and the costs of living are quite high... so at the end of the day you'll hardly have enough to survive.

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Postby Cyprus Vending » Wed May 02, 2007 6:20 am

Hi Sarah

Am employer has to wait 42 days before they can take on a non-EU.

He/she then has to pay to bring a person to Cyprus - £650 upwards.

A live-in unskilled house maid would earn just £150pm + social tax!

I hope this helps & Good Luck
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Postby amazed » Wed May 02, 2007 7:37 am

Did you try contacting some placement agencies?? What is your qualification??
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dear amazed

Postby sarahabdh » Tue May 08, 2007 4:55 pm

No qualifications my dad don't believe in education for girls, I have worked hard the last 2 years as a assistant in a Nursery and as an assistant to a marketing manager in a toy company; mainly because I can translate english/arabic.
I want to make a life for myself, I will never be able to take a course or learn anything as long as I am with my family - they just want me to marry! I want to learn and make a future for migself, even if I have to start washing toilets!
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Postby Cyprus Vending » Tue May 08, 2007 5:26 pm

Hi Sarah

Have you seen our advert? (copy below).

Hi All

We are looking for a childminder for our 2 year old son Louis.

Fulltime with mixed duties when needed.

Please email us on [email protected] or call 26 622 627.
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Postby jambo » Tue May 08, 2007 5:39 pm

Cyprus Vending wrote:Hi Sarah

Have you seen our advert? (copy below).

Hi All

We are looking for a childminder for our 2 year old son Louis.

Fulltime with mixed duties when needed.

Please email us on [email protected] or call 26 622 627.

There you go sarah ...
good luck with the interview . :wink:
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Postby cyprusclearance » Fri May 18, 2007 1:35 am

Hello Sarah,
We are you located! Can you send a resume (CV) to [email protected]
We might be able to help!

Thank you
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Postby raymanuva » Fri May 18, 2007 2:09 am

No qualifications my dad don't believe in education for girls.... that is truly sad to be honest. Not to disrespect your father but WTF???
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Dear Raymanuva

Postby sarahabdh » Fri May 18, 2007 10:11 am

You are right WTF***
Unfortunately my dad prefered to keep me in the house to clean and cook for him, my littel sister and big brother. Even my brother don't have more than 8 grade and it is impossible for him to get job's. Education is not free in Dubai and in Egypt our family woun't support the idea of study.
THIS is why I am trying to MAKE something of myself, if I work I can pay for courses and better myself. If I sit in the house any longer I will loose my mind and my dad will marry me off.
This is MY reality.
Not looking for pitty, just a job.
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