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tasty snack

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Re: tasty snack

Postby GorillaGal » Mon Apr 30, 2007 3:17 pm

Sotos wrote:
villawagen wrote:i discovered a new tasty snack on Friday night while i was in a bar drinking, shown to me by a Cypriot from north London :D

what you do is get some paprika flavoured pringles, put them in a bowl and drizzle tabasco source all over them :shock:

they are well yummy and it makes you want to drink more carlsberg !!!
so that was a bonus :D

more tasty snack recopies are welcome :wink:

I thought you were trying to lose the beer belly!! Now you are adding pringles and tabasco sauce? I don't think your wife will be very happy about that ;)

i thought he was in training so that he can become fatr enough for the belly dancer to straddle him and do her stuff, while he just lays there.
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Postby Cyprus Vending » Mon Apr 30, 2007 3:27 pm

Another one for you to try:

Take 1 bag of GTS Pork Scratching or Pork Crackling and a glass of your favourite drink.

Sit out in the sun and think of the old days in a cold & misrable England!!!
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Postby Crivens » Mon Apr 30, 2007 3:42 pm

Nah, had to give up on Pork scratching after almost choking to death on a hair. Yuck....

Pint of cider and a pickled egg though.....

Personally my favourite alcoholic drink is Guiness and black. Tastes like milkshake :) I drank Guiness for years, but only when I'm drunk enough I pluck up the courage to ask for that (it is pink...). Bar tender I knew who normally wrote the clover on the top of the Guiness used to draw a penis instead when I asked for that drink. Sigh. If only society didn't frown on bloke drinks that were pink. And man bags.

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Postby Cyprus Vending » Mon Apr 30, 2007 3:52 pm

Crivens wrote:Nah, had to give up on Pork scratching after almost choking to death on a hair. Yuck....

Pint of cider and a pickled egg though.....

Hi Crivens

Sorry to hear about that mate, I'll send you some 'free' sample packs to check ours have have a short, back and sides... :lol:

I wonder how we could get a 'pint of cider and a pickled egg' into a vending machine??? :? :? :?
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Postby Crivens » Mon Apr 30, 2007 4:11 pm

Short, back, and sides.... the memories are flooding back... noooooo.... Now a cockles bloke like we used to have in the UK would be good. At the end of night he would turn up with cockles and jellied eels, and a load of vinegar. I hate sea food normally, but the combo of vinegar and being fairly pickled yourself is a strong temptation. Very nice. Of course you had to be a quick as my back teeth were always floating by then, as were everyone elses. Fond days :)

I wonder how we could get a 'pint of cider and a pickled egg' into a vending machine???
Ah, yeah... Still how about taking out the middle and replacing it with cider? Cidereggs. Total gap in the cheap end of the night any-food-will-do culture. :) Bit like a really down market alternative to those chocks your grandad always used to eat with brandy in them and the like.

Oh, and make a Cideregg extra hot variety covered in peri-peri sauce and powder. Yum.

Hmmmm. Just realised I cannot work out how you can make an egg like that. Still, where there is a will there is a way and all that...

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Postby villawagen » Mon Apr 30, 2007 6:40 pm

[quote="Crivens"]Short, back, and sides.... the memories are flooding back... noooooo.... Now a cockles bloke like we used to have in the UK would be good. At the end of night he would turn up with cockles and jellied eels, and a load of vinegar. I hate sea food normally, but the combo of vinegar and being fairly pickled yourself is a strong temptation. Very nice. Of course you had to be a quick as my back teeth were always floating by then, as were everyone elses. Fond days :)

thats right we always had a cockles bloke who turned up at the pub every night.

we used to say to him, every week without fail have ya got any crabs on ya cock and then we would all laugh at him uncontrollably :lol: :lol:
he just looked at us in a sort of you sad gits sort of way :? and then we bought about 10 quids worth of pickled seafood of him coz we all had the munchies :?
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Postby Crivens » Mon Apr 30, 2007 10:14 pm

Yeah, you got the idea that cockles bloke was actually a pretty canny operator. Pretty much everyone was peckish around 10.50. Plus you know British people and vinegar. :)

Although I wouldn't touch jellied eels with a bargepole. Bloody Londoners (I only lived near there; I'm actually Welsh) loved the stuff. They can keep the eels. And their weak shandy drinks. :)

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