turkish_cypriot wrote: I've always said that I hope GCs get their houses and everything else back..however for the time being I am very happy supporting TRNC. The GC government doesn't give a shit about TC's...it didn't matter what the TCs wanted back in the Enosis days when they were trying to annex the country to Greece nor does it matter to them now.
What would a GC of done to me had I told them I opposed Enosis? A giggle at the best of times, a bullet through the head at worst...Did the GCs see union with Greece such a big problem? No!
Did it matter what we wanted or were the GCs just
looking after their own? Did anyone spare a thought for what the TCs wanted? NO! Did anyone care? NO!
Bearing all this in mind you guys now expect TCs to do "what is right" and not put themselves first and foremost

Yeah right!!!!
It's never going to happen guys. All the people in here who aspire to be Mother Teresa are not thinking straight...It's cute yes, but you are thinking like simple ordinary people, you are not thinking politically or realisticly.
Well, your little story above sounds very reasonable to the unawares, however people should never forget that there is a substantial qualitative difference between the two situations.
Yes it is true that for Greek Cypriots, in their pursue for enosis, what the Turkish Cypriots may have wanted (politicaly) did not matter! However, enosis itself was a political aim that did not require or presupposed the violation of the TC's fundamental human rights, or individual political rights, or communal cultural rights, at all! Enosis was an aim that assumed the political union of the island with Greece, without this implying neither the enslavement of the TC community, nor their destruction and elimination from Cyprus, nor the usurping of their homes, properties and their religious and cultural places, towns and villages.
Enosis itself, even though it did not take into consideration the political views and desires of the Turkish Cypriot community, it was a perfectly legitimate option, since it was the wish of the overwhelming majority of the people legally inhabiting the island! Yes, you had the right to object to it, but only politically, even though such a right was far less legitimate that enosis itself! What was not legitimate is what you support right now, and which you base on the fact that the Greek Cypriots did not care about your community's wishes. The Greek Cypriots had the legitimate right to seek for enosis! You did not have the legitimate or moral right, as an answer to the above, to kick 200,000 people out of their ancestral places and usurp all their properties and belongings and their cultural heritage, so that you build your "own" separate and "independed" territory /state! You did not have the moral right to ethnically cleanse 200,000 people so that you transfer 60,000 TCs from the south and another 100,000 (+) from Turkey and claim the area you call "TRNC" as your "god's given" homeland, just because the GCs had the (legitimate) political ambition to unite Cyprus with Greece!
Yes my friend, there is a huge qualitative difference between the two kinds of wishes and actions! The GC one was perfectly legitimate, even though politically it may have been wrong! The TC one was both illegitimate (i.e. immoral) and, as it is proved, a politically wrongful one, simply because you not only you did not gain your independence and freedom -unlike what you may like to think, but you are also threatened with a complete disappearance as a cultural entity from Cyprus!