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Kikapu's time in Cyprus........

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Postby Kikapu » Fri May 11, 2007 4:10 pm

Birkibrisli wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:Kikapu...I think you did the right thing in not going to the North.
Anyone who has a free spirit,whose hairs stands up at the sight of soldiers and military bases and "Askeri Bolge...Girmek Yasaktir" signs (Military area...Forbidden to enter!),and who is used to getting things done without fuss and with due respect,would feel terribly uncomfortable in the Trnc...I am speaking from experience...

I do not regret making the decision by not going to the "TRNC" under the conditions that I found myself in. I do however regret not being able to go, and visit all of Cyprus.

If and when the conditions change on the ground, I will most certainly pay a visit, to see the rest of my country.

Next time I will come with you,and we will make a documentary in the North...Just don't let VPs hear of this...We will both end up in the military for life... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Trust me Bir, all our information is posted on the wall of the "Asal Sube". The moment we walk in, they will know who we are.

A Yank and a Aussie. :lol:

You being a little bit older, would be sent to work in the kitchen. :wink:

As for me, it will be the latrines. :cry:

Today's "TRNC" Military Training. :roll:

I also heard, that we may also be asked to pick up butts. :D

I was actually excited about this. Finally we get to pick up Girls, but they actually meant picking up cigarette butts, of the ground. :lol:

Probably the one's VP throws away. :lol:

As long as we are not asked to pick up fags,it'll be apples,mate... :lol: :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby T_C » Fri May 11, 2007 4:25 pm

You guys act so Cypriot in thinking you know best and f*** what anyone else thinks :wink:. VP/zan have as much right to express their viewpoints as anyone else does. The "propagandist" accusation is wearing thin and you guys should use something else to discredit him or perhaps try countering his posts with evidence of the contrary instead of attacking him all the time..

I've always said that I hope GCs get their houses and everything else back..however for the time being I am very happy supporting TRNC. The GC government doesn't give a shit about TC' didn't matter what the TCs wanted back in the Enosis days when they were trying to annex the country to Greece nor does it matter to them now.

What would a GC of done to me had I told them I opposed Enosis? A giggle at the best of times, a bullet through the head at worst...Did the GCs see union with Greece such a big problem? No!

Did it matter what we wanted or were the GCs just looking after their own? Did anyone spare a thought for what the TCs wanted? NO! Did anyone care? NO!

Bearing all this in mind you guys now expect TCs to do "what is right" and not put themselves first and foremost :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Yeah right!!!!

It's never going to happen guys. All the people in here who aspire to be Mother Teresa are not thinking straight...It's cute yes, but you are thinking like simple ordinary people, you are not thinking politically or realisticly.
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Postby Kifeas » Fri May 11, 2007 5:04 pm

turkish_cypriot wrote:
I've always said that I hope GCs get their houses and everything else back..however for the time being I am very happy supporting TRNC. The GC government doesn't give a shit about TC' didn't matter what the TCs wanted back in the Enosis days when they were trying to annex the country to Greece nor does it matter to them now.

What would a GC of done to me had I told them I opposed Enosis? A giggle at the best of times, a bullet through the head at worst...Did the GCs see union with Greece such a big problem? No!

Did it matter what we wanted or were the GCs just looking after their own? Did anyone spare a thought for what the TCs wanted? NO! Did anyone care? NO!

Bearing all this in mind you guys now expect TCs to do "what is right" and not put themselves first and foremost :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Yeah right!!!!

It's never going to happen guys. All the people in here who aspire to be Mother Teresa are not thinking straight...It's cute yes, but you are thinking like simple ordinary people, you are not thinking politically or realisticly.

Well, your little story above sounds very reasonable to the unawares, however people should never forget that there is a substantial qualitative difference between the two situations.

Yes it is true that for Greek Cypriots, in their pursue for enosis, what the Turkish Cypriots may have wanted (politicaly) did not matter! However, enosis itself was a political aim that did not require or presupposed the violation of the TC's fundamental human rights, or individual political rights, or communal cultural rights, at all! Enosis was an aim that assumed the political union of the island with Greece, without this implying neither the enslavement of the TC community, nor their destruction and elimination from Cyprus, nor the usurping of their homes, properties and their religious and cultural places, towns and villages.

Enosis itself, even though it did not take into consideration the political views and desires of the Turkish Cypriot community, it was a perfectly legitimate option, since it was the wish of the overwhelming majority of the people legally inhabiting the island! Yes, you had the right to object to it, but only politically, even though such a right was far less legitimate that enosis itself! What was not legitimate is what you support right now, and which you base on the fact that the Greek Cypriots did not care about your community's wishes. The Greek Cypriots had the legitimate right to seek for enosis! You did not have the legitimate or moral right, as an answer to the above, to kick 200,000 people out of their ancestral places and usurp all their properties and belongings and their cultural heritage, so that you build your "own" separate and "independed" territory /state! You did not have the moral right to ethnically cleanse 200,000 people so that you transfer 60,000 TCs from the south and another 100,000 (+) from Turkey and claim the area you call "TRNC" as your "god's given" homeland, just because the GCs had the (legitimate) political ambition to unite Cyprus with Greece!

Yes my friend, there is a huge qualitative difference between the two kinds of wishes and actions! The GC one was perfectly legitimate, even though politically it may have been wrong! The TC one was both illegitimate (i.e. immoral) and, as it is proved, a politically wrongful one, simply because you not only you did not gain your independence and freedom -unlike what you may like to think, but you are also threatened with a complete disappearance as a cultural entity from Cyprus!
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Postby T_C » Fri May 11, 2007 6:21 pm

Kifeas wrote:
turkish_cypriot wrote:
I've always said that I hope GCs get their houses and everything else back..however for the time being I am very happy supporting TRNC. The GC government doesn't give a shit about TC' didn't matter what the TCs wanted back in the Enosis days when they were trying to annex the country to Greece nor does it matter to them now.

What would a GC of done to me had I told them I opposed Enosis? A giggle at the best of times, a bullet through the head at worst...Did the GCs see union with Greece such a big problem? No!

Did it matter what we wanted or were the GCs just looking after their own? Did anyone spare a thought for what the TCs wanted? NO! Did anyone care? NO!

Bearing all this in mind you guys now expect TCs to do "what is right" and not put themselves first and foremost :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Yeah right!!!!

It's never going to happen guys. All the people in here who aspire to be Mother Teresa are not thinking straight...It's cute yes, but you are thinking like simple ordinary people, you are not thinking politically or realisticly.

Well, your little story above sounds very reasonable to the unawares, however people should never forget that there is a substantial qualitative difference between the two situations.

Yes it is true that for Greek Cypriots, in their pursue for enosis, what the Turkish Cypriots may have wanted (politicaly) did not matter! However, enosis itself was a political aim that did not require or presupposed the violation of the TC's fundamental human rights, or individual political rights, or communal cultural rights, at all! Enosis was an aim that assumed the political union of the island with Greece, without this implying neither the enslavement of the TC community, nor their destruction and elimination from Cyprus, nor the usurping of their homes, properties and their religious and cultural places, towns and villages.

Enosis itself, even though it did not take into consideration the political views and desires of the Turkish Cypriot community, it was a perfectly legitimate option, since it was the wish of the overwhelming majority of the people legally inhabiting the island! Yes, you had the right to object to it, but only politically, even though such a right was far less legitimate that enosis itself! What was not legitimate is what you support right now, and which you base on the fact that the Greek Cypriots did not care about your community's wishes. The Greek Cypriots had the legitimate right to seek for enosis! You did not have the legitimate or moral right, as an answer to the above, to kick 200,000 people out of their ancestral places and usurp all their properties and belongings and their cultural heritage, so that you build your "own" separate and "independed" territory /state! You did not have the moral right to ethnically cleanse 200,000 people so that you transfer 60,000 TCs from the south and another 100,000 (+) from Turkey and claim the area you call "TRNC" as your "god's given" homeland, just because the GCs had the (legitimate) political ambition unite Cyprus with Greece!

Yes my friend, there is a huge qualitative difference between the two kinds of wishes and actions! The GC one was perfectly legitimate, even though politically it may have been wrong! The TC one was both illegitimate (i.e. immoral) and, as it is proved, a politically wrongful one, simply because you did not only gain your independence and freedom -unlike what you may like to think, but you are also threatened with a complete disappearance as a cultural entity from Cyprus!

Enosis was your aim at joining Cyprus with Greece. I don't care if it was your right since your government didn't even flinch when people were murdering our people in order to achieve it. They didn't care about the fate of TCs and I believe everyone was aware of how Turks in other Greek countries were being treated at the time which was even more reason to oppose it. It may of been your right but you totally took the piss when you didn't even consult the TC community about Enosis let alone when people were murdered (GC&TC) in the name of it!!!!!! What was to be expected once we did join Greece...? If they were prepared to kill their own people in order to achieve it, what would of happened to the Turkish people once they did?

There was no "morals" when it came to Enosis and you're a fool if you believe otherwise! Call it your right or whatever you want but they didn't care about us in the slightest.

I am not a fool to believe that;
"Enosis was an aim that assumed the political union of the island with Greece, without this implying neither the enslavement of the TC community, nor their destruction and elimination from Cyprus, nor the usurping of their homes, properties and their religious and cultural places, towns and villages. ".

Maybe thats what it was in essence though what it turned out to be was far from what you just stated Kifeas....

If Turkey hadn't of come then we would of been wiped out long ago, at least with Turkey we're being assimilated and not assasinated.

The prospect of being a part of Turkey is as big a deal to TCs as Enosis was for the GCs :wink: It's only really a problem for you as Enosis was for us :wink:

GCs should reach an agreement with Turkish Cypriots. As long as theres no borders, no problems living anywhere on the island, human rights restored etc etc...thats all that really matters! Why are they still trying to fight over power? As long as it's given to CYPRIOTS then it shouldn't matter who runs this part and who runs that part. I'm sure they could reach a solution while making compromises if they wanted to do it for the Cypriots. While negotiating GCs could voice their concerns about Turkey and reduce her involvement in Cyprus to a near ZERO along with anything else they want. That is what I hope would happen anyways.

Is something like that impossible to achieve?
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Postby Viewpoint » Fri May 11, 2007 11:27 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:How childish, im not responding again until you remind everyone what you accused me of and why you apologised admitting what an idiot you had been.

Yes, I have apologised to you for my bad language and insults from our recent past arguments, which no person deserves and that you were a Human being after all, and a fellow TC Cypriot.

I did not get an apology from you however, and you still continue with your arrogance.

I guess we all know who has the better character between the two of us.

Oh I know, you have said, that I had a good character for admitting and apologizing for my behavior.

We are all still waiting for you to "rise to the occasion" also, but instead, you want to have your 15th Century mentality with vulgarity, as a hateful and mean spirited person.

Did I forget anything VP. :?:

Oh yes, I remember, I accused you of being a Turk, but the apology was not for that, because you actually would love to be a Turk, instead of being a silly Cypriot, who has lost his Cypriot identity long ago.

I think that just about covers everything.

You apologised because you were wrong when you accused me of being just a Turk and I provided information to prove that in fact I am a TC, thus disposing how ignorant you had been joining in the pack mentality falsely accusing me of things I have absoulutely nothing to do with but when I rose to the challange the pack backed away with haste.

If you go back I sıre you will find an apology there somewhere but like most of my posts you read but either you do not understand or you do not really absorb them due to your predetermined opinion of me.

Character wise we will let others be the judge but I have not sold my community down the river like you.

You know absoulutely nothing about me and my character, I have rights to air my viewpoint just like anyone else and as I show respect to your call for reunification under GC domination you to have to show respect to my call for a 2 state solution.

Ill also add that I love being a TC, I know that pains you as you have lost your identity in foreign lands and you have no TC or even Cypriot line to carry on after you are long gone, thinking about it that may be a good thing :lol:

This line of posting is very boring and getting stale as we appear to going around in circles going nowhere.

For me as before your visit to the island your views will always be biased
and one sided as you have not even once said anything positive about the TC community and their plight, that for me and many others says a great deal, your not travelling to the TRNC should not suprise anyone.
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Postby Kifeas » Fri May 11, 2007 11:48 pm

turkish_cypriot wrote:
GCs should reach an agreement with Turkish Cypriots. As long as theres no borders, no problems living anywhere on the island, human rights restored etc etc...thats all that really matters! Why are they still trying to fight over power? As long as it's given to CYPRIOTS then it shouldn't matter who runs this part and who runs that part. I'm sure they could reach a solution while making compromises if they wanted to do it for the Cypriots. While negotiating GCs could voice their concerns about Turkey and reduce her involvement in Cyprus to a near ZERO along with anything else they want. That is what I hope would happen anyways.

Is something like that impossible to achieve?

turkish_cypriot, I can tell you one thing only!

Give the above passage of yours to Talat, and ask him to put his signature under it! If you get him to sign the above paragraph, then, as a GC I can assure you we have a solution in 24 hours! However, I bet my head you will never get Talat to put his signature under what you have stated, and you will hear one million of lame excuses for not doing so!

Ask Talat to sign the above statement, and you will find out yourself how right I am!

PS: Did you hear or read Talat's very latest statements?
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Postby T_C » Sat May 12, 2007 2:30 am

Kifeas wrote:
turkish_cypriot wrote:
GCs should reach an agreement with Turkish Cypriots. As long as theres no borders, no problems living anywhere on the island, human rights restored etc etc...thats all that really matters! Why are they still trying to fight over power? As long as it's given to CYPRIOTS then it shouldn't matter who runs this part and who runs that part. I'm sure they could reach a solution while making compromises if they wanted to do it for the Cypriots. While negotiating GCs could voice their concerns about Turkey and reduce her involvement in Cyprus to a near ZERO along with anything else they want. That is what I hope would happen anyways.

Is something like that impossible to achieve?

turkish_cypriot, I can tell you one thing only!

Give the above passage of yours to Talat, and ask him to put his signature under it! If you get him to sign the above paragraph, then, as a GC I can assure you we have a solution in 24 hours! However, I bet my head you will never get Talat to put his signature under what you have stated, and you will hear one million of lame excuses for not doing so!

Ask Talat to sign the above statement, and you will find out yourself how right I am!

PS: Did you hear or read Talat's very latest statements?

Ok I don't think I managed to say what I wanted properly. I didn't mean a unitary state, I meant 2 federal states.

Have 2 states, have GC's involved and see through setting up the new state so it's not designed to specially cater for TCs but to all will just be a peace of mind for TCs that, should anything go wrong again they will not be out in the cold...a bit of insurance :wink:.

This way Turkey doesn't get an inch of Cyprus...No one gains anything from anyones losses...instead Cypriots gain the whole of Cyprus...the only damage done will be to Tpapas pride...

Would you still want me to get him to sign it? :wink:
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Postby Natty » Sun May 13, 2007 3:22 am

Birkibrisli wrote:No worrries,Natty mou...This thread will reach even 200 pages...This thread sums up Cyprus problem very well. This is exactly how it happened.There were some TCs and GCs who wanted to be Cypriots,live together,play together,work together,enjoy themselves together...
There were also big bad wolves who didn't want that to happen.They had other plans for Cyprus,and they went about telling the TCs how bad the GCs were,and vice versa for the GCs.Most people got scared and started seeing the other side as the enemy.Those who persisted in wanting to live together as one nation ws first threatened,and if continued to dream their one people one country dream KILLED by TMT or EOKA...People were made to take sides and pull apart.This was not enough to ruin the country though,the had to start a civil war as well.And establish the division for good.Some random killings and planned massacres later the job was half done. Further down the line the big bad wolves knew they would get another oppostunity to finish the job they started. That came in 74 and the rest is history...From then on the two sides wrote scripts and kept making the same film about how bad the other side was.How they couldn't probably live together.And if any misguided fool(!) wanted to go against the script and sing his/her own song,the vultures decended on him/her and tried to tear him apart...Cyprus problem has been going for more than 50 years...this thread has a long way to go yet... :wink: :( :(

True, actually I should be hoping that this thread doesn't get to 200, but actually finishes soon (70 maybe?) with both parties reaching some sort of agreement? Hmmm...can it happen? Lets see...

(Come one people don't let me down, the future of Cyprus depends on it.. :wink: )
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Postby humanist » Sun May 13, 2007 3:51 am

Turkish Cypriot said
GCs should reach an agreement with Turkish Cypriots. As long as theres no borders, no problems living anywhere on the island, human rights restored etc etc...thats all that really matters! Why are they still trying to fight over power? As long as it's given to CYPRIOTS then it shouldn't matter who runs this part and who runs that part. I'm sure they could reach a solution while making compromises if they wanted to do it for the Cypriots. While negotiating GCs could voice their concerns about Turkey and reduce her involvement in Cyprus to a near ZERO along with anything else they want. That is what I hope would happen anyways.

Is something like that impossible to achieve?

Turkish Cypriot, well said I second this and I commend you on your post.

Wel done ... spoken like a true Cypriot ...... well done
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Postby BirKibrisli » Sun May 13, 2007 4:35 am

Natty wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:No worrries,Natty mou...This thread will reach even 200 pages...This thread sums up Cyprus problem very well. This is exactly how it happened.There were some TCs and GCs who wanted to be Cypriots,live together,play together,work together,enjoy themselves together...
There were also big bad wolves who didn't want that to happen.They had other plans for Cyprus,and they went about telling the TCs how bad the GCs were,and vice versa for the GCs.Most people got scared and started seeing the other side as the enemy.Those who persisted in wanting to live together as one nation ws first threatened,and if continued to dream their one people one country dream KILLED by TMT or EOKA...People were made to take sides and pull apart.This was not enough to ruin the country though,the had to start a civil war as well.And establish the division for good.Some random killings and planned massacres later the job was half done. Further down the line the big bad wolves knew they would get another oppostunity to finish the job they started. That came in 74 and the rest is history...From then on the two sides wrote scripts and kept making the same film about how bad the other side was.How they couldn't probably live together.And if any misguided fool(!) wanted to go against the script and sing his/her own song,the vultures decended on him/her and tried to tear him apart...Cyprus problem has been going for more than 50 years...this thread has a long way to go yet... :wink: :( :(

True, actually I should be hoping that this thread doesn't get to 200, but actually finishes soon (70 maybe?) with both parties reaching some sort of agreement? Hmmm...can it happen? Lets see...

(Come one people don't let me down, the future of Cyprus depends on it.. :wink: )

Make mine Kupriakon kafe,Natty mou...Did you bring the backgammon set? Good...I'll just light the fire,open the bottle of red,and we are away..
But where is Lenacigim,miltiades,karma,Kikapu,and Pyros??? :wink: :lol: :lol:
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