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Kikapu's time in Cyprus........

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Postby Viewpoint » Fri May 11, 2007 12:47 am

LENA wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Lena you are being silly now how can I just turn up in the south and prove who I am by showing my passsport or id card, they would still say I work for TRNC government and take the piss. Kikapolous coming north would have allowed me to show him my work place, introduce him to my work colleagues, my family and friends and proved once and for all that they have been so stupid about accusing me of things I have nothing to do with, but of course this would not serve their purpose of discrediting me and my viewpoint.

But you could prove that you are a man as you said. And usually government jobs have a sort of ID or something. I am sorry if I am wrong but I think you admitted that you work for the "government" or not? Anyway, I agree that you have your point as well. You are right on that but why you dont believe what he said? Why you dont believe that he is TC? Did you talk with him in Turkish?

Let leave it Lena you seem confused and are jibbering. If I worked for the governement do you think I would just turn up in the south and show my id card and everything would be ok, I would do nothing of the sort just to confuse matters but in the north I could prove beyond a shadow of a doubt exactly how stupid these people have been and to avoid this they would never agree to meet in the north and excuse themselves by making up reasons not to travel to the TRNC. If you cant see the truth behind their facade thats your problem. And I will just for you say once again ı am male and do not work for the TRNC government so dont ask again or I will blow my top at you and then you will complain.
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Postby LENA » Fri May 11, 2007 12:59 am

Viewpoint wrote:
LENA wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Lena you are being silly now how can I just turn up in the south and prove who I am by showing my passsport or id card, they would still say I work for TRNC government and take the piss. Kikapolous coming north would have allowed me to show him my work place, introduce him to my work colleagues, my family and friends and proved once and for all that they have been so stupid about accusing me of things I have nothing to do with, but of course this would not serve their purpose of discrediting me and my viewpoint.

But you could prove that you are a man as you said. And usually government jobs have a sort of ID or something. I am sorry if I am wrong but I think you admitted that you work for the "government" or not? Anyway, I agree that you have your point as well. You are right on that but why you dont believe what he said? Why you dont believe that he is TC? Did you talk with him in Turkish?

Let leave it Lena you seem confused and are jibbering. If I worked for the governement do you think I would just turn up in the south and show my id card and everything would be ok, I would do nothing of the sort just to confuse matters but in the north I could prove beyond a shadow of a doubt exactly how stupid these people have been and to avoid this they would never agree to meet in the north and excuse themselves by making up reasons not to travel to the TRNC. If you cant see the truth behind their facade thats your problem. And I will just for you say once again ı am male and do not work for the TRNC government so dont ask again or I will blow my top at you and then you will complain.

Calm down VP...dont blow too much ... you might blow up your self!!! :lol: Thanks for the lovely answer. No complains dont worry...and dont threaten me...I dont like it!!! Tamam? :wink:
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Postby Natty » Fri May 11, 2007 2:17 am

Kikapu wrote:
Natty wrote:I'm impressed Kikapu, 61 pages... :wink: 8)

I'm sure we will break One Hundred Natty. I'm almost 99.9% certain. :wink:

:lol: :lol:

Only almost 99.9% certain? You should be more confident Kikapu, you should be absolutely 99.9% certain, like I am! :D

(As always.. :lol: ).

Surely there should be a most popular thread of the month award..because if there was, this one would win hands down, especially if we can actually get the pages to 100! 8)

Anyone else with me on that?
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Postby BirKibrisli » Fri May 11, 2007 4:07 am

No worrries,Natty mou...This thread will reach even 200 pages...This thread sums up Cyprus problem very well. This is exactly how it happened.There were some TCs and GCs who wanted to be Cypriots,live together,play together,work together,enjoy themselves together...
There were also big bad wolves who didn't want that to happen.They had other plans for Cyprus,and they went about telling the TCs how bad the GCs were,and vice versa for the GCs.Most people got scared and started seeing the other side as the enemy.Those who persisted in wanting to live together as one nation ws first threatened,and if continued to dream their one people one country dream KILLED by TMT or EOKA...People were made to take sides and pull apart.This was not enough to ruin the country though,the had to start a civil war as well.And establish the division for good.Some random killings and planned massacres later the job was half done. Further down the line the big bad wolves knew they would get another oppostunity to finish the job they started. That came in 74 and the rest is history...From then on the two sides wrote scripts and kept making the same film about how bad the other side was.How they couldn't probably live together.And if any misguided fool(!) wanted to go against the script and sing his/her own song,the vultures decended on him/her and tried to tear him apart...Cyprus problem has been going for more than 50 years...this thread has a long way to go yet... :wink: :( :(
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Postby Kikapu » Fri May 11, 2007 10:05 am

Viewpoint wrote:
Lena you are being silly now how can I just turn up in the south and prove who I am by showing my passsport or id card, they would still say I work for TRNC government and take the piss. Kikapolous coming north would have allowed me to show him my work place, introduce him to my work colleagues, my family and friends and proved once and for all that they have been so stupid about accusing me of things I have nothing to do with, but of course this would not serve their purpose of discrediting me and my viewpoint.

You are the biggest BS man here VP. You may want to mislead those who does not read your or my every post in the Forum, and why should they, but for you to take advantage of their innocence, should bring shame upon on yourself. But of course I understand how you propagandist work. When confronted with an accusation, first thing to do is Deny, Deny, Deny and Deny until the corner you paint yourself into gets smaller and smaller. Then you start to change the story a little and a bit more and a bit more, hoping all the while, for the whole initial question to go away.

The story you have painted above sounds all very logical. The only problem you have failed to mention is, that I never accused you of being Multiple VP's or work for the Government before I went to visit Cyprus last month. So how can you make your claims, that you could not prove anything to me, just by coming to the RoC to meet with me. Besides, you wanted me to prove to you, that I was a TC and not the other way around, for you to prove to me, as to who you were. Your logic to meet first in the "TRNC" then you would come to the RoC had raised a lot of RED FLAGS for me, of your intentions. Also lets not forget, that after I asked to meet with you in the RoC, the first person to object to this idea was not you, but your "Partner in Crime" Zan. He was online as soon as I posted my question to you, when he warned you with these words "under no circumstances you should go to the South". It seemed to me, he had major concerns for you.

Just what were those concerns VP.??
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Postby Kikapu » Fri May 11, 2007 10:42 am

Viewpoint wrote:
kikapu wrote:
I saw only hand full of soldiers in the RoC, and they were mostly manning the checkpoints.

Ever thought they were well hidden? they must have the 12.000 soldiers placed somewhere and the 100.000+ armed reservists on call.

Yes VP, they had heard that a TC was coming to visit the RoC, therefore they all hid from me, as not to disrupt my travels, and write negative things about them, in my Cyprus report. :idea:

I'm not saying they don't exists, you just don't see any soldiers anywhere, other than at check points.

You have in fact reminded me, asking this question to my girlfriend, regarding soldiers. I told her, that it seemed funny, to know there were 40,000 Turkish Troops in the "TRNC", ready to "defend" the inhabitants there, but I did not see any threat from this end (RoC) at this moment standing looking across to Famagusta. There was no sense of "going to war" readiness at a moments notice, because the lack of RoC soldiers anywhere to be seen.
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Postby Kikapu » Fri May 11, 2007 10:57 am

Birkibrisli wrote:Kikapu...I think you did the right thing in not going to the North.
Anyone who has a free spirit,whose hairs stands up at the sight of soldiers and military bases and "Askeri Bolge...Girmek Yasaktir" signs (Military area...Forbidden to enter!),and who is used to getting things done without fuss and with due respect,would feel terribly uncomfortable in the Trnc...I am speaking from experience...

I do not regret making the decision by not going to the "TRNC" under the conditions that I found myself in. I do however regret not being able to go, and visit all of Cyprus.

If and when the conditions change on the ground, I will most certainly pay a visit, to see the rest of my country.
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Postby Viewpoint » Fri May 11, 2007 11:37 am

Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
kikapu wrote:
I saw only hand full of soldiers in the RoC, and they were mostly manning the checkpoints.

Ever thought they were well hidden? they must have the 12.000 soldiers placed somewhere and the 100.000+ armed reservists on call.

Yes VP, they had heard that a TC was coming to visit the RoC, therefore they all hid from me, as not to disrupt my travels, and write negative things about them, in my Cyprus report. :idea:

I'm not saying they don't exists, you just don't see any soldiers anywhere, other than at check points.

You have in fact reminded me, asking this question to my girlfriend, regarding soldiers. I told her, that it seemed funny, to know there were 40,000 Turkish Troops in the "TRNC", ready to "defend" the inhabitants there, but I did not see any threat from this end (RoC) at this moment standing looking across to Famagusta. There was no sense of "going to war" readiness at a moments notice, because the lack of RoC soldiers anywhere to be seen.

How silly, because you can not see them and the GCs do a good job of concealing there whereabouts doesnt mean they are not there and do not pose a threat, please burying your head in the sand for the sake of your GC brothers is making you look what you are a one sided GC fool with no real understanding of the TCs. Your agenda to ridicule and defame and demote the TC viewpoint and cause is obvious for all to see.
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Postby Viewpoint » Fri May 11, 2007 11:38 am

Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Lena you are being silly now how can I just turn up in the south and prove who I am by showing my passsport or id card, they would still say I work for TRNC government and take the piss. Kikapolous coming north would have allowed me to show him my work place, introduce him to my work colleagues, my family and friends and proved once and for all that they have been so stupid about accusing me of things I have nothing to do with, but of course this would not serve their purpose of discrediting me and my viewpoint.

You are the biggest BS man here VP. You may want to mislead those who does not read your or my every post in the Forum, and why should they, but for you to take advantage of their innocence, should bring shame upon on yourself. But of course I understand how you propagandist work. When confronted with an accusation, first thing to do is Deny, Deny, Deny and Deny until the corner you paint yourself into gets smaller and smaller. Then you start to change the story a little and a bit more and a bit more, hoping all the while, for the whole initial question to go away.

The story you have painted above sounds all very logical. The only problem you have failed to mention is, that I never accused you of being Multiple VP's or work for the Government before I went to visit Cyprus last month. So how can you make your claims, that you could not prove anything to me, just by coming to the RoC to meet with me. Besides, you wanted me to prove to you, that I was a TC and not the other way around, for you to prove to me, as to who you were. Your logic to meet first in the "TRNC" then you would come to the RoC had raised a lot of RED FLAGS for me, of your intentions. Also lets not forget, that after I asked to meet with you in the RoC, the first person to object to this idea was not you, but your "Partner in Crime" Zan. He was online as soon as I posted my question to you, when he warned you with these words "under no circumstances you should go to the South". It seemed to me, he had major concerns for you.

Just what were those concerns VP.??

Can you tell everyone what you were exactly accusing me of?
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Postby pitsilos » Fri May 11, 2007 12:20 pm

You are the biggest BS man here VP

blink blink blink blink
it's loud and clear for everyone to see :lol:
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