First guys…this forum has rules…and this is one of the most interesting threats … you can see that from the number of pages….so can you provide us with the translation please so we can laugh with you? Thanks!
turkish_cypriot wrote:iceman wrote:Bu thread,eskilerin dedigi gibi "incir ipine döndü" yani gereginden fazla uzadi...
Zorla güzellik olmaz...

Malesef bu arkadasimizi anlayamadim! Bir yandan TC veya GC tanimadigim yuzden taraf tutmam der. Obir yandanda taniyip bilmedigi insanlarin hayati ile gumar oynar...

Olmaz bugadari gardash! O ne gadar gonusursa sizinda o gadar geri gonusma hakkiniz var!

@ Murataga
Murataga wrote:Kikapu-
I think you should most definitely visit the TRNC. It is a beautiful country where proud and nationally sovereign TCs live. As with any other country in the world we have our military forbidden zones, as with any other country in the world we have our problems with burocracy, as with any other country in the world we have our share of problems. I live in the TRNC and spent some years in the U.S. There are no limitations on my freedom in the TRNC compared to those granted to me in the U.S. TRNC is your country and you are always welcomed here.
Murataga…Kikapu said that he left from Cyprus 40 years before….he left from CYPRUS…not from any “TRNC” …. And yes you are right his country is really beautiful and I am sure that is what he believes as well. He visited his country and he saw that with his own eyes…As for the occupy part…I believe he is more than tired to repeat him self over and over again. Why is so difficult for you to understand? I thought VP and Zan had this problem…but now I see that is a TC problem or something? Sorry birtanem…I am not talking about you
@ VP
I have one question for you. I am not going to comment anything from what I read above…which I am a bit shocked I can admit…but can you tell me please why since you decided that you will keep your anonymity to protect your family and your self…you rejected my offer, Miltiades offer, Pyros offer if I remember correct, why you met Zan first, you said you ask from Miltiades on your last trip in London and you was trying so bad to see Kikapu in north? You don’t want to keep your anonymity?
@ Zan
One question to you as well…no further comments!
Since you said that you met VP and you had often communication…why you never said that VP is one and not VPs as other members say here. Why you don’t say that he is male? Why you don’t say that you know that he is not working for the Turkish “government”? Did you really meet him? Do you really know him?