turkish_cypriot wrote::lol: Dearest Kikapu! Seriously mate. VP is mad because you are a TURKISH Cypriot who hasn't been to his country for decades and it appears as though you shunned and turned your nose up at your own community. No one in his right mind would do that and not expect some really angry responses Kikapu. Your community should come before politics. I could never holiday in the South and not visit the North, I would jump over the barriers if I had to. That's how I would be now, if I were you and went after decades of not seeing Cyprus

........?!?!? And you didn't even say anything about wanting to see your community, you practically told us how repulsed you was by everything Turkish. You have to expect some serious backlash from that gardash

The TCs are mad because you have been so negative about them, come to all sorts of conclusions while it appears you don't even have the slightest bit of interest in them! No TC is going to sit there and let someone who is sooooooooo unattached from his people speak on behalf of them or judge them. What the GCs did to Fanos the TCs did to you.
I can't help but think that you've lost your "Turkish connection" Kikapu

. There obviously isn't anything thats pulling you towards the Turkish community. Why is that? It has to be more than Cyprob because politics don't come into these things...I'm just baffled to be honest!
I wish you would of gone and seen the North though. Unfortunately it seems you fell for GC propaganda much more than the TC ones. The picture you have in your head of the TRNC and TCs is the one GCs have painted, it's so obvious! Sounds like you were literally too scared to walk through into the North

. I understand your concerns but you are seriously being OTT paranoid and I'm sure you're overly brainwashed by the GC viewpoint. You can't even see why someone from your own community (VP) might have a fit if you (a TC) are being so negative and snobbing your own people without even giving them a chance. Coming to the North would definately of opened up your eyes to something you lost a long time ago I think*, shame you never got the chance to though

PS: Lets not start the "VPs" thing either because you guys accuse VP of all sorts just to discredit him but don't like it when you get accused back and try to discredit him some more for trying to do the same thing you're doing to him
There are other people on here who work like
true propagandists and people fall for their tricks all too easily. It's always the case, blaming the innocent while the guilty gets away with murder (or at least tries to

*never say never!

My dear T_C,
Thank you for taking the time to explain the situation to me. Lets get few things straight. My problems on this forum, is with VP and not the Turkish Community. VP likes to think, he is the Turkish Community. He thinks, he is the King of the Turkish Community..Sorry to burst his bubble, but all he is a Propagandist, that tells tales, all day long. That is what I argue about, which has been going on for while, since I stated, that I wanted to visit both sides of the island, back in January. Since then, VP and I have been at odds, so naturally, he would take every advantage he could, at my weakest point, and that would have been, while visiting the "TRNC". VP is not your ordinary person, who comes on the forum, just to kill some time. His purpose is to promote the "TRNC" agenda, true or not. So I challenge him every time, specially when he make wild accusations, of who I am.
I do not have any TC's or GC's friends, that I buy into any one's propaganda. There's no buying into any ones propaganda. When I state facts, just like my meetings with my cousin's family, and in plain language is told to me, that peace is not an option, because of too much Greek Cypriot land is being bought and sold, VP has the nerve to say, that is not true, because it looks bad on the Turkish Cypriots community. He may not want to accept the truth T_C, but don't claim it to be a lie, so that I can get points from the GC's. I consider all Cypriots to be my people. When one side does or did some wrongs to the other, I blame them, for their illegal doings, whether they are TC's or GC's. I'm not here for popularity contest.
Just what is the GC's point of view anyway. I sure as hells don't know. Is it written somewhere that I can go and read perhaps. Is it too much to ask, that we do not display that huge monster of a flag on the mountain, so that we don't appear to look like aggressors, by having it in the GC's faces. As a TC, I found that to be very offensive, as well as, Ataturk's cut out, on the Hills of Pyle/Pile. These are the only two things that I criticized in my report. As far as condemning those who bought GC's lands for financial gains, instead of re-uniting the island for all Cypriots, in what ever form of Government, these people are committing crime against their own people, unless of course, like VP, does not consider GC's as his own people, because he does not buy into being a Cypriot. He is a partitionist and that is the end game for him. So I will re state what I said before, those who bought GC land to live of the skin of the rightful owners, are committing "HARAM". Let me once again state, I do not accuse those, who have been given land, just to live, until peace is found. I made that very clear.
T_C, I was on my way to the North, even 2 months ago. I was even prepared to pay half the money and do 1 months military service later on. Then my brother was told in London at the "TRNC" office, due to my age, I could be held upon entering the "TRNC", and forced to do my military service. I'm sure VP would have had a field day, with his connections at the "TRNC". You can call it Paranoia if you want. I saw VP as a Danger to my well being. He is a fascist at first order. He will do what ever he needs to do, to get his Partition, and if he can stop me from writing on the forum, or worse try to ruin my life, he would not have had a second thoughts, if he had the chance. Why would I trust VP, when he would not come and meet with me in the RoC, but would only come, after we had a meeting in the "TRNC" first. Does this sound logical to anyone.??
I'll let you put the pieces of the puzzle together.