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Kikapu's time in Cyprus........

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Postby pitsilos » Thu May 10, 2007 3:32 am

Get Real! wrote:
pitsilos wrote:come on vips, all of you, here are your presents


So now you're flogging off Chinese plastic eh? I'll take the piggy nose thank you... there's someone very dear to me I'd like to improve. :D

hands off they are not for you. its the presents that kikapu forgot to bring to the vips and co.

thats why kikapu never went to the north, as to not lose face, since he forgot the presents... :lol:
Last edited by pitsilos on Thu May 10, 2007 4:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby BirKibrisli » Thu May 10, 2007 3:58 am

Murataga wrote:I am not playing anything. It is fair and square. You said that according to Article 10 Military`s power overrides the civilian power. I am pointing to you Article 10 of the constitution. Better yet, I am giving you the link to the whole constitution. Please translate to us what what Article 10 reads. If you do not want to for the obvious reason, than please show us where it says "Military`s power overrides the power of the civilian power".

It is unacceptable to say the least for you to come to TRNC, and than take a piss on it on public forums like this based on your negative attitude. Anyone can reflect the best country in this world, let alone TRNC, like a shithole in hell with the right motive and you know it. You are not playing fair. I do not and never have claim/claimed that it is a perfect state. It has its faults, it has its mistakes it has its problems. But when you come here and reflect whatever is wrong with TRNC as the only things that exists there, you are crossing the line. I recall you saying that you were sick and tired of getting abused by TCs and mentioned how you appreciated my moderate tone of discussion with you. If you do not want to be abused than you should extend the same courtesy to the other side, just a simple principle of human correspondance. Whether you like it or not, whether you recognize it or not, whether you believe it or not, TRNC is where 300.000 people call home and their state.

I get my information mostly from the online version of the TC papers like Kibris,Yeni Duzen,Afrika and Halkin Sesi,Murataga...Are you denying that when Talat went to see Buyukanit in Ankara about dismantling that stupid Lokmaci bridge he was told that site was a "military site" and Military decides what happens there? And are you denying all that noise and fury in the TC papers when the local general in charge of the military in Trnc (Kivrikoglu?) openly said that according to the article 10 of the Trnc constitution when there was a seize fire situation the army's power overrode that of the parliament???And the general implied that his was the situation in Cyprus for the past 33 years...Are you saying this is figments of my imagination? Are you denying this uproar never happened?
Or are you saying the TC newspapers make up things as they go along???
Or perhaps you are saying the General was totally misguided on this issue???
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Postby BirKibrisli » Thu May 10, 2007 5:33 am

Just to say a few things about the rest of your post,Murataga.
I know that 300,000 people call trnc home.Of this figure no more than 100,000 is of TC origin...This is what I lament.The inevitible loss of TC identity and culture.The inevitible loss of TC political power and the right to be our unique selves...We ran away from the frying pan (ROC) to fall right into the fire (total submission to Turkish rule)...You and people who think like you obviously find that more acceptable.You probably see no other choice given the GC NO at the referandum.I see all that.What is the real sad thing for me is to see the TCs stack in the past hatred and prejudices,the past fears for their physical safety.I believe the times has changed,and with Cyprus in the EU this is our unique opportunity to assert ourselves as a community deserving to take their place along the rest of Cypriots as equal citizens,fighting to attain what has been denied to us for so long...our Cypriot nationhood.If you think it gives me pleasure to say these things,you are mistaken.It breaks my heart every time I feel the need to warn you of the impending and ineveitable danger of total cultural ,social and political submission to foreign rule,even if most of us consider those foreigners our cousins... :cry:
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Postby Kikapu » Thu May 10, 2007 7:51 am

zan wrote:




I was not sure how much you knew of VP's plans for me in the "TRNC" Zan, but you have just proven to me, that you knew it also. First denial came from you, followed by VP, in your own "special" ways. I did not expect a signed confession from you two.

You two really are "Partners in Crime".
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Postby Kikapu » Thu May 10, 2007 7:55 am

Viewpoint wrote:Image

You over estimate your importance, what a jerk.

What's the matter VP, lost for words. It's not like you to be so "one liner".

I know, it must be the "shock effect" of being found out.

As I told your "Partner in Crime", I did not expect a signed confession from you both.
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Postby zan » Thu May 10, 2007 9:33 am

Kikapu wrote:
zan wrote:




I was not sure how much you knew of VP's plans for me in the "TRNC" Zan, but you have just proven to me, that you knew it also. First denial came from you, followed by VP, in your own "special" ways. I did not expect a signed confession from you two.

You two really are "Partners in Crime".

Classic case of lunacy Kikapu, although I don't know why I am telling you because you just don't understand due to your condition but.....First the lunacy and then trying to justify the lunacy. I would love to get inside your head for just one day (I am sure there is plenty of room) to see the world you live in. You take things in life and completely misunderstand the meaning. Now lets get into my world for a second. I know it will be alien to you but I assure you it is the world in which reality is first and foremost and the fantasies of a nut are not even allowed to surface. Here it is....Now brace your self.........The first "denial", as you put it, came from me because I was the only person on the forum at the time. Now sit down for a minute because I know your head must be spinning.......Breath normally.....That’s better! See! The real world is not so bad. Once you get over the initial fear you will be just fine. I am afraid that your conspiracy theory will take a lot more work and is probably best left to the professionals. My, My! The whole of the TRNC, including the army was waiting for he arrival of Kikapu. Enemy of the people and of he state. Did you have the James Bond theme playing through your head all the while you were in Cyprus. Shame you did not realise it was just your ipod. I wonder if hey have put up the wanted posters yet?

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Postby Kikapu » Thu May 10, 2007 9:55 am

zan wrote:
Classic case of lunacy Kikapu, although I don't know why I am telling you because you just don't understand due to your condition but.....First the lunacy and then trying to justify the lunacy. I would love to get inside your head for just one day (I am sure there is plenty of room) to see the world you live in. You take things in life and completely misunderstand the meaning. Now lets get into my world for a second. I know it will be alien to you but I assure you it is the world in which reality is first and foremost and the fantasies of a nut are not even allowed to surface. Here it is....Now brace your self.........The first "denial", as you put it, came from me because I was the only person on the forum at the time. Now sit down for a minute because I know your head must be spinning.......Breath normally.....That’s better! See! The real world is not so bad. Once you get over the initial fear you will be just fine. I am afraid that your conspiracy theory will take a lot more work and is probably best left to the professionals. My, My! The whole of the TRNC, including the army was waiting for he arrival of Kikapu. Enemy of the people and of he state. Did you have the James Bond theme playing through your head all the while you were in Cyprus. Shame you did not realise it was just your ipod. I wonder if hey have put up the wanted posters yet?


If you did not know anything about all this Zan, why would you even make an attempt, to make it into a joke. Should you not have waited for VP to respond first, since my accusations were against him and not you. The fact that you jumped right in, before VP did, you would have had to have knowledge of what I was talking about.!!

Don't you think this is logical.?

Of course, lets not forget your attempts on helping me on how to find my family members in the "TRNC", before I went to Cyprus, so that VP could meet with them.!!!
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Postby zan » Thu May 10, 2007 10:05 am

I had no idea how VP would react to your accusations but I am glad that he found it equally amusing. I reacted to your ridiculous story, as any one in their right mind would do. Again, because you have got it in to your paranoid head that the TRNC/KKTC is out to get you, then what else would you think. You think that they have nothing better to do then to waste time and money on you. What real danger do you imagine you are to them? You really are taking this thing personally. There are problems in the TRNC/KKTC that I would prefer they cleared up but persecuting insignificant individuals is one that I find very hard to believe. In fact I know not to be true or possible. Go back to your original paranoia and start again. You will find that none of your imaginative theories make sense. If you stick to your ridiculous theory then it will only scare you to an early internship to the nearest padded cell.
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Postby Kikapu » Thu May 10, 2007 10:28 am

zan wrote:I had no idea how VP would react to your accusations but I am glad that he found it equally amusing. I reacted to your ridiculous story, as any one in their right mind would do. Again, because you have got it in to your paranoid head that the TRNC/KKTC is out to get you, then what else would you think. You think that they have nothing better to do then to waste time and money on you. What real danger do you imagine you are to them? You really are taking this thing personally. There are problems in the TRNC/KKTC that I would prefer they cleared up but persecuting insignificant individuals is one that I find very hard to believe. In fact I know not to be true or possible. Go back to your original paranoia and start again. You will find that none of your imaginative theories make sense. If you stick to your ridiculous theory then it will only scare you to an early internship to the nearest padded cell.

And why should anyone believe what you and VP write, since you will justify anything, in any way, to reach your means. You have both demonstrated at what lengths you would go, even to dispute my "report" from Cyprus. You even accuse me of fabricating materials there, just because it works opposite to what you both are trying to do.

Trust me, in an illegal, de facto "TRNC", VP could have arranged anything, to make life difficult for me. He is after all, the top Partitionist & Propagandist for the "TRNC", is he not ?. Or is this, also my imagination.

It amazes me, that you find all this, not plausible.

Then again, what guilty person would.
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Postby Viewpoint » Thu May 10, 2007 10:43 am

Kikapu wrote:
zan wrote:
Classic case of lunacy Kikapu, although I don't know why I am telling you because you just don't understand due to your condition but.....First the lunacy and then trying to justify the lunacy. I would love to get inside your head for just one day (I am sure there is plenty of room) to see the world you live in. You take things in life and completely misunderstand the meaning. Now lets get into my world for a second. I know it will be alien to you but I assure you it is the world in which reality is first and foremost and the fantasies of a nut are not even allowed to surface. Here it is....Now brace your self.........The first "denial", as you put it, came from me because I was the only person on the forum at the time. Now sit down for a minute because I know your head must be spinning.......Breath normally.....That’s better! See! The real world is not so bad. Once you get over the initial fear you will be just fine. I am afraid that your conspiracy theory will take a lot more work and is probably best left to the professionals. My, My! The whole of the TRNC, including the army was waiting for he arrival of Kikapu. Enemy of the people and of he state. Did you have the James Bond theme playing through your head all the while you were in Cyprus. Shame you did not realise it was just your ipod. I wonder if hey have put up the wanted posters yet?


If you did not know anything about all this Zan, why would you even make an attempt, to make it into a joke. Should you not have waited for VP to respond first, since my accusations were against him and not you. The fact that you jumped right in, before VP did, you would have had to have knowledge of what I was talking about.!!

Don't you think this is logical.?

Of course, lets not forget your attempts on helping me on how to find my family members in the "TRNC", before I went to Cyprus, so that VP could meet with them.!!!

You are truely the laughing stock of the forum, the conspiracy theory you put foward is a reflection of your own warped mentality and what you are capable of in reverse. You know nothing about me and I am not someone who would put anyone in a tight situation or danger let alone you who is clearly a coward. We are hospitable people and protect our visitors who show us the courtesy of wanting to visit our country the TRNC, be they GC, French, German or English.

You are a pathetic individual scared of your own shadow who had the opportunity to understand TCs first hand, a chance to taste and return to your Turkishness if only for a few days but of course for people like you who may even be a GC in disguise this is obviously not a need as you fit closer with the GC community. TCs living abroad love the TRNC with all its faults and feel welcomed, at home and comfortable in this environment, what you have missed out on is meeting and mingling with your real community but you are so used to foreign lands that you have lost your ability to appreciate this, if you are a real TC the TRNC setting would have been unique as you have never seen TCs running their own country, where everyone is of Turkish backround. Your loss our gain as you pose a great danger to TCs.
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