Birkibrisli wrote:Just before we all sign off from this thread,I want to remind everyone that VPs did not answer Kikapu's vital question about what difference it would've made had he visited the Trnc as well...
You know, Viewpoint et al,I suspect kikapu's report would've been even less acceptable to you had he visited the North...There he would've found he is not in Cyprus at all but in a foreign country,largely populated by people from Adana,Hatay and,and other parts of Anatolia. He would've learned that just recently the Turkish General in charge of the Cyprus Peace Forces (![]()
) refused to shake the hand of the democratically elected leader of the TCs...He would've been stunned to find out that the general demanded that Soyer proved his Turkishness by singing the Turkish national anthem at his political party meeetings,and fly the Turkish flag and decorate the room with Ataturk's posters...
Kikapu would've learnt that no soldier of TC origin can ever became the commander of the armed forces in the pariah state of the TRNC...That no person of TC origin cound become president of the Central Bank (or the Reserve Bank as it is known in Oz) of the above said pariah state...He might have become gobsmacked to learn that according to Article 10 of the Constitution() of the said state Military's powers override those of the civil politicians and those of the Parliament,essentially making the so called Trnc a police state. Talking about Police,Kikapu might have learned that the Trnc police comes under the Chief of Staff of Turkey's armed forces,and not under the civilian PM...
Had he crossed over Kikapu might've learned that there are regular electricity cuts,and water only flows on certain days of the week. He might've found out that the average TC is petrified of the crime rates,and drug barrons and the brothel and casino operators who have more power than the members of parliament...And he might've found out that it was impossible to drive on the roads,for there are more cars and more bad drivers (often driving left-handed cars) on the roads...
Then of course there would be the visit to Asal Sube (the office which deals with military service) which would've made him sorry he had ever set foot in the North (as I personally felt in 1999,when it took me 3 days out of the 7 days I was in the North,to get the exit permit,and I had people high in the army helping me )...
I wonder what Kikapu's report would be like my humble advice to you Viewpoint et al,is to count your blessings Kikapu never made it to the North,and remember the saying "Be careful what you wish for...for it might come true"![]()
One day when you are least expecting it!!!
But what do I know? I live 20,000 kms away in sunny Australia...
Why would a GC want to go North, the fact that he had to show papers put the wind up Kikapolous, he must have something sinister to hide. Any real TC would do anything to come to the TRNC and see first hand exactly how TCs live, whay happened to them after 1974 and against all odds how they survived to create a state of TCs. His ficticious belief that there are soldiers patrolling every street corner and man eating Turks would have been smashed to rubble. All he has now are individuals like you who poison him against the North and the plight of the TCs in wanting a peaceful exsistemce where they have a say in their own future. He may have been impressed like many GCs who lead to believe that we running around with no shoes and starving due to GC embargoes. His whole outlook towards TCs may have chnaged if he sat and listened to their fears and dreams of the type of Cyprus they want, where they are not second class citizens and where GCs do not dominate their daily lives of influence their future. A visit would have chnaged many things for Kikapolous good or bad as neither side is perfect, why dont you lecture Kiapolous on the money lanudering issue you have? the rapes that go on there, the drunken British soliders, the drugs problem and drop in tourism and what it means to your economy. No country is perfect so dont throw bricks when you live in a glass house and if you say well we are better off than the north then there are many countires better off than the south, and with the advantages you have we would be more than likely also ahead of south as the north is the more beautiful and potentailly productive part of the island and the GCs know this, thats why they cry so much, not because they love us and want to live with their "Cypriot" brothers, thats a facade which is just to little to late.