I just want to say how much I have enjoyed reading about your trip to Cyprus, it was very moving.
Birkibrisli wrote:humanist wrote:Oh Birkibrisli have you two caught the infectious disease from the greek speaking cypriots called "anti-trnc"?![]()
You know what we say,dear humanist...Uzum uzume baka baka kararir (Grapes go darker in colour by looking at other grapes...)It loses a bit in the translation but you get my drift...![]()
karma wrote:Birkibrisli wrote:humanist wrote:Oh Birkibrisli have you two caught the infectious disease from the greek speaking cypriots called "anti-trnc"?![]()
You know what we say,dear humanist...Uzum uzume baka baka kararir (Grapes go darker in colour by looking at other grapes...)It loses a bit in the translation but you get my drift...![]()
''korle yatan sasi kalkar''
Pyrpolizer wrote:
He proved a lovable person and love was what he received by everyone even from a lady bureaucrat at a government office. Damn Kikapu, I felt jealous of how she treated you so favourably. The last time I was there, I spent 3 days!
You paid absolutely no attention to the numerous efforts and research Kikapu has done and HIS CLEAR INTENTION to visit is own community at the occupied as well, if that were possible. Yet it proved that the odds would be he would be in trouble regarding the military service. This is the ONLY reason he hasn't crossed. And don't tell me he was wrong in his decision.
Sunshine01 wrote:Kilapu
I just want to say how much I have enjoyed reading about your trip to Cyprus, it was very moving.
zan wrote:I suppose, as you girls are not respecting the fact that I said that We should let this dog die (Kikapu) then I can break my promise with impunity.
Corrupt President TPap. Bigtime crook.
Drugs epidemic.
Illegal hotels springing up every where to replace the old illegal ones.
And much much more that you can be sure that I will give you an update on when I get them, and you laugh at the TRNC/KKTC. We seem to know no better in your eyes. What is your excuse? You have recruited two honorary GCs to your ranks but we out trump you with Fanos. We also have the right thinking GCs on our side whom I will not drag into again. Well not quite on our side but on the side of what is right. They see our mistakes but what is more important is that they see yours and see that you ain’t so sweet. You can giggle like little girls all you like in your little self-gratifying group but the tears will soon follow. I promise I will not laugh. You have my word on that.
Kikapu wrote:zan wrote:I suppose, as you girls are not respecting the fact that I said that We should let this dog die (Kikapu) then I can break my promise with impunity.
Corrupt President TPap. Bigtime crook.
Drugs epidemic.
Illegal hotels springing up every where to replace the old illegal ones.
And much much more that you can be sure that I will give you an update on when I get them, and you laugh at the TRNC/KKTC. We seem to know no better in your eyes. What is your excuse? You have recruited two honorary GCs to your ranks but we out trump you with Fanos. We also have the right thinking GCs on our side whom I will not drag into again. Well not quite on our side but on the side of what is right. They see our mistakes but what is more important is that they see yours and see that you ain’t so sweet. You can giggle like little girls all you like in your little self-gratifying group but the tears will soon follow. I promise I will not laugh. You have my word on that.
Hello Zan,
May I ask why should this dog (thread) die. Is it because, you have said so. On what grounds, do you want this thread to die. Don't you think it is informative to TC's and GC's. Or do you want this thread to disappear into the "Cyber Space" and forgotten. Is this thread really that troublesome to the P & P Department, or what.?
As far as I know, nobody attacked Fanos for living in the "TRNC", which he very much likes. He was attacked only where and to whom he worked for. I told Fanos to live and work where ever he wished to do so, but to expect criticism to whom he worked for.
...according to Article 10 of the Constitution( ) of the said state Military's powers override those of the civil politicians and those of the Parliament,essentially making the so called Trnc a police state.
zan wrote:
I can only hope that you have taken the last bit of advice you gave to Fanos your self.
I said I would let this thread die because people were asking for it to die. I could see that they were getting fed up with the bickering. The fact is that you will not let it die a peaceful death and are still challenging my questions without ever actually answering them. I have said before that I am glad you had a good time but I will also have to say that it was not my idea of a holiday. When I go on holiday it is to unwind and sit in the sun or sight seeing. I do not go on a political quest just so I can come back and say I told you so when the people you are saying that to, told you so already. You never did say whether you asked about the growing crime rate or TPaps court case or the surge in drug use or the illegal Hotels and buildings going up everywhere or whether they were tooling up for a war if and when the Turkish army move out or what would have happened if you were caught taking pictures when you were not supposed to and.................
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