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Kikapu's time in Cyprus........

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Postby humanist » Wed May 09, 2007 10:32 am

VP said
Easy to say when you are in the driving seat.

Kikapolous only cares for GCs full stop. He could not even visit the TRNC, that shows how one sided and biased he is, sucking up to you people, anyway lets cut the crap about Kikapolous I dont really care if he never visits the island ever again let alone the TRNC, judging from the progress made since 1983 the TRNC will be around for a good many years.

You under estimate TCs they are not stupid and they do not need me to tell them ehat to do your, the GC leadership is doing a great job in ensuring that the many thousands of viewpoints continue to exsist and increase.

VP what is eating away at you is the fact that a Turkish Cypriot is man enough to accept other human beings who are not of turkish background more so and how dare he, have a positive experience in the RoC and furthermore he wrote about.

I suggest you thank him for one as he is actually saying Cyprus is one Island for one people and that consists of those speaking Greek/ Tukish/ Armenian/ Hebrew to mention a few. Get it through your head VP Cyprus is one country for all its people and all its people own property everywhere, and deserve the human right to own it use it access it sell it and dispose of it at their own accord.

You are in the driving seat of your own destiny and you choose one of separation and hate and racism. You choose to occupy land that does not belong to you and you choose to live through an economic embargo. Stop trying to show trnc residents as the victims they choose to live there in an illegal regime, they can choose tomorrow to move south and experience a european lifestyle. You may wish to blame the RoC for many things just remember that the whole world is saying no to the illegal regime you cal trnc.

What excactly is our leadership doing VP? offering health, education, equal rights, and european passports to those turkish speaking cypriots who wish to access them? Any more complaints?
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Postby Murataga » Wed May 09, 2007 10:45 am

What excactly is our leadership doing VP?

Your leadership signed an agreement in 1960 without the intent of honoring it. Your leadership invaded and stole the posts of TCs in the government of Roc. You leadership did all within their power for years to hand over the independence and sovereignity of this island to Greece. Your leadership invited the Greek military to murder innocent TCs when those TCs refused to succumb to ENOSIS. Your leadership wrote the Akritas Plan. Your leadership to this very day visions a Hellenic Cyprus and denies the rights of the TCs. Your leadership lies to you and to the whole world that they represent the whole of Cyprus. You want me to go on?
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Postby pitsilos » Wed May 09, 2007 1:20 pm

mutaga you make me :lol:
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Postby BirKibrisli » Wed May 09, 2007 2:13 pm

Murataga wrote:What does Article 10 of the Constitution say exactly?

I don't know what it says exactly,but words to the effect: "in times of seizefire,and until a peace agreement is signed,the power of the Military overrides the power of the parliament"...Not so long ago,the cheif of the military in TRNC reminded Talat et al that they had the supreme power in that state because officially the situation was a "seizefire"...remember?
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Postby humanist » Wed May 09, 2007 2:16 pm

don't leave a stone unturned Murataga .......... get that anger out ............
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Postby BirKibrisli » Wed May 09, 2007 2:20 pm

zan wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:Just before we all sign off from this thread,I want to remind everyone that VPs did not answer Kikapu's vital question about what difference it would've made had he visited the Trnc as well...

You know, Viewpoint et al,I suspect kikapu's report would've been even less acceptable to you had he visited the North...There he would've found he is not in Cyprus at all but in a foreign country,largely populated by people from Adana,Hatay and,and other parts of Anatolia. He would've learned that just recently the Turkish General in charge of the Cyprus Peace Forces ( :!: :) ) refused to shake the hand of the democratically elected leader of the TCs...He would've been stunned to find out that the general demanded that Soyer proved his Turkishness by singing the Turkish national anthem at his political party meeetings,and fly the Turkish flag and decorate the room with Ataturk's posters...

Kikapu would've learnt that no soldier of TC origin can ever became the commander of the armed forces in the pariah state of the TRNC...That no person of TC origin cound become president of the Central Bank (or the Reserve Bank as it is known in Oz) of the above said pariah state...He might have become gobsmacked to learn that according to Article 10 of the Constitution( :!: ) of the said state Military's powers override those of the civil politicians and those of the Parliament,essentially making the so called Trnc a police state. Talking about Police,Kikapu might have learned that the Trnc police comes under the Chief of Staff of Turkey's armed forces,and not under the civilian PM...

Had he crossed over Kikapu might've learned that there are regular electricity cuts,and water only flows on certain days of the week. He might've found out that the average TC is petrified of the crime rates,and drug barrons and the brothel and casino operators who have more power than the members of parliament...And he might've found out that it was impossible to drive on the roads,for there are more cars and more bad drivers (often driving left-handed cars) on the roads...

Then of course there would be the visit to Asal Sube (the office which deals with military service) which would've made him sorry he had ever set foot in the North (as I personally felt in 1999,when it took me 3 days out of the 7 days I was in the North,to get the exit permit,and I had people high in the army helping me )...

I wonder what Kikapu's report would be like my humble advice to you Viewpoint et al,is to count your blessings Kikapu never made it to the North,and remember the saying "Be careful what you wish for...for it might come true" :wink: :D One day when you are least expecting it!!! :wink:

But what do I know? I live 20,000 kms away in sunny Australia... :!:
Right,VP??? :)

He would have also found his brothers and the pain they are going through and maybe, just maybe thought of helping them and not vilifying them at every chance he gets. He would have found hundreds of TC that have gone back home and are trying to make the place better instead of moaning all the time and doing all he can to make their lives harder. He could have spent one night in and donated the money he saved to a hospital. In short he could have experienced what you have over exaggerated above and said to you, "It is not that bad really Bir". And you would have felt better from 20,000 kms away.

Now that is my last post on this thread......Promise.

How can you be sure Kikapu would've said "It is not that bad,Bir"???

And can you kindly point out where in my post am I "exaggerating"???

There was a big ommission in my post above...I forgot to mention the destruction of the environment,cutting down hundreds of years old olive trees,and ruining the beauty of the Besparmak Mountains via rock-mines and real estate developments,mostly on GC refugee land...Tchut tchut tchut...I doubt that Kikapu would've approved of that either!..
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Postby humanist » Wed May 09, 2007 2:24 pm

Oh Birkibrisli have you two caught the infectious disease from the greek speaking cypriots called "anti-trnc"? :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Kikapu » Wed May 09, 2007 2:54 pm

Birkibrisli wrote:Just before we all sign off from this thread,I want to remind everyone that VPs did not answer Kikapu's vital question about what difference it would've made had he visited the Trnc as well...

You know, Viewpoint et al,I suspect kikapu's report would've been even less acceptable to you had he visited the North...There he would've found he is not in Cyprus at all but in a foreign country,largely populated by people from Adana,Hatay and,and other parts of Anatolia. He would've learned that just recently the Turkish General in charge of the Cyprus Peace Forces ( :!: :) ) refused to shake the hand of the democratically elected leader of the TCs...He would've been stunned to find out that the general demanded that Soyer proved his Turkishness by singing the Turkish national anthem at his political party meeetings,and fly the Turkish flag and decorate the room with Ataturk's posters...

Kikapu would've learnt that no soldier of TC origin can ever became the commander of the armed forces in the pariah state of the TRNC...That no person of TC origin cound become president of the Central Bank (or the Reserve Bank as it is known in Oz) of the above said pariah state...He might have become gobsmacked to learn that according to Article 10 of the Constitution( :!: ) of the said state Military's powers override those of the civil politicians and those of the Parliament,essentially making the so called Trnc a police state. Talking about Police,Kikapu might have learned that the Trnc police comes under the Chief of Staff of Turkey's armed forces,and not under the civilian PM...

Had he crossed over Kikapu might've learned that there are regular electricity cuts,and water only flows on certain days of the week. He might've found out that the average TC is petrified of the crime rates,and drug barrons and the brothel and casino operators who have more power than the members of parliament...And he might've found out that it was impossible to drive on the roads,for there are more cars and more bad drivers (often driving left-handed cars) on the roads...

Then of course there would be the visit to Asal Sube (the office which deals with military service) which would've made him sorry he had ever set foot in the North (as I personally felt in 1999,when it took me 3 days out of the 7 days I was in the North,to get the exit permit,and I had people high in the army helping me )...

I wonder what Kikapu's report would be like my humble advice to you Viewpoint et al,is to count your blessings Kikapu never made it to the North,and remember the saying "Be careful what you wish for...for it might come true" :wink: :D One day when you are least expecting it!!! :wink:

But what do I know? I live 20,000 kms away in sunny Australia... :!:
Right,VP??? :)


Thanks for telling me, what's on the "other side", because had I gone to the "TRNC", I would not have been able to write "Kikapu's time in Cyprus" any time soon. I can tell you for sure, I would still be there, and would have been there, for a long, long time, and not as a tourist either. At this point in time, I do not wish to add any more to this. I may write another page on the reasons ( military service was one) later, as to why I did not go to the "TRNC" or ever will in the future, until conditions change on the ground.

I know this will disappoint VP very much.
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Postby BirKibrisli » Wed May 09, 2007 3:23 pm

humanist wrote:Oh Birkibrisli have you two caught the infectious disease from the greek speaking cypriots called "anti-trnc"? :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You know what we say,dear humanist...Uzum uzume baka baka kararir (Grapes go darker in colour by looking at other grapes...)It loses a bit in the translation but you get my drift... :wink: :lol:
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Postby BirKibrisli » Wed May 09, 2007 3:27 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:Just before we all sign off from this thread,I want to remind everyone that VPs did not answer Kikapu's vital question about what difference it would've made had he visited the Trnc as well...

You know, Viewpoint et al,I suspect kikapu's report would've been even less acceptable to you had he visited the North...There he would've found he is not in Cyprus at all but in a foreign country,largely populated by people from Adana,Hatay and,and other parts of Anatolia. He would've learned that just recently the Turkish General in charge of the Cyprus Peace Forces ( :!: :) ) refused to shake the hand of the democratically elected leader of the TCs...He would've been stunned to find out that the general demanded that Soyer proved his Turkishness by singing the Turkish national anthem at his political party meeetings,and fly the Turkish flag and decorate the room with Ataturk's posters...

Kikapu would've learnt that no soldier of TC origin can ever became the commander of the armed forces in the pariah state of the TRNC...That no person of TC origin cound become president of the Central Bank (or the Reserve Bank as it is known in Oz) of the above said pariah state...He might have become gobsmacked to learn that according to Article 10 of the Constitution( :!: ) of the said state Military's powers override those of the civil politicians and those of the Parliament,essentially making the so called Trnc a police state. Talking about Police,Kikapu might have learned that the Trnc police comes under the Chief of Staff of Turkey's armed forces,and not under the civilian PM...

Had he crossed over Kikapu might've learned that there are regular electricity cuts,and water only flows on certain days of the week. He might've found out that the average TC is petrified of the crime rates,and drug barrons and the brothel and casino operators who have more power than the members of parliament...And he might've found out that it was impossible to drive on the roads,for there are more cars and more bad drivers (often driving left-handed cars) on the roads...

Then of course there would be the visit to Asal Sube (the office which deals with military service) which would've made him sorry he had ever set foot in the North (as I personally felt in 1999,when it took me 3 days out of the 7 days I was in the North,to get the exit permit,and I had people high in the army helping me )...

I wonder what Kikapu's report would be like my humble advice to you Viewpoint et al,is to count your blessings Kikapu never made it to the North,and remember the saying "Be careful what you wish for...for it might come true" :wink: :D One day when you are least expecting it!!! :wink:

But what do I know? I live 20,000 kms away in sunny Australia... :!:
Right,VP??? :)


Thanks for telling me, what's on the "other side", because had I gone to the "TRNC", I would not have been able to write "Kikapu's time in Cyprus" any time soon. I can tell you for sure, I would still be there, and would have been there, for a long, long time, and not as a tourist either. At this point in time, I do not wish to add any more to this. I may write another page on the reasons ( military service was one) later, as to why I did not go to the "TRNC" or ever will in the future, until conditions change on the ground.

I know this will disappoint VP very much.

We mustn't do anything to disappoint VP et al...
He/she is holding up the trnc propaganda unit all by him/her self...with a little help from his/her friends... :D
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