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Kikapu's time in Cyprus........

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Postby Kikapu » Tue May 08, 2007 7:03 pm

Viewpoint wrote:Now this is where i drop to your level, (I tried being civlized but with some people it just doesnt work) I thought you had a penis between your legs but it looks like you have a cunt.

We are not disputing your holiday in the south why do you still ignore this? your only reconfiriming how idiotic you are. What we are saying is that you have a GC perspective of things, and anything you convey is 100% biased, you have not been to the north and for all you know we could be swinging in trees. Your problem is that you could not stand the sight of TCs enjoying a good life thus spoiling your pathetic image of us starving under Turkish rule. Well open your lug holes and cop a load of this we dont give a shit about you and obviously your family doesnt either and for good reason, stay and die in abroad or even better move to the "RoC" and lick GC arse for rest of your pathetic life you moron.

It appears, that the only person who is swinging from the trees, is you.

You have once again demonstrated your 15th Century mentality with your hatred to civilized people. You have now used the "C" word three times in the last few months, which shows me your level of maturity, and respect for women. But then again, I do not think a person of your nature has the capacity to appreciate and respect women. You are a mean spirited and hateful person. This is your whole nature. You have time and time again, have shown us, the true nature of yourself. Unfortuanately, you have done more damage to the reputation of the "TRNC" than I could ever have done, by not visiting the North, with your thoughtless outbursts, that will leave the image of the 15th Century mentality, on it's citizens.

You have become "Radioactive" to your own community.
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Postby miltiades » Tue May 08, 2007 7:38 pm

Viewpoint wrote:Now this is where i drop to your level, (I tried being civlized but with some people it just doesnt work) I thought you had a penis between your legs but it looks like you have a cunt.

We are not disputing your holiday in the south why do you still ignore this? your only reconfiriming how idiotic you are. What we are saying is that you have a GC perspective of things, and anything you convey is 100% biased, you have not been to the north and for all you know we could be swinging in trees. Your problem is that you could not stand the sight of TCs enjoying a good life thus spoiling your pathetic image of us starving under Turkish rule. Well open your lug holes and cop a load of this we dont give a shit about you and obviously your family doesnt either and for good reason, stay and die in abroad or even better move to the "RoC" and lick GC arse for rest of your pathetic life you moron.

There is but one vindictive hateful moron on this forum and that surely is an honour you must accept , you are a pathetic little prick and unfortunately you have coerced the other vindictive individual , Zan the plonker to come down to your pathetic level. Out of a hundred independent readers on this forum will see Kikapu as an honourable Cypriot and one that will command the respect of all apart from the fanatics such as you , the partitionist the impostors on this land. Hurry up mate and grow old just as disrespectfully as you behave. Your are full of shit and air and it shows .
I dont hate you , I just find your views reprehensibly insulting .
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Postby Get Real! » Tue May 08, 2007 7:53 pm

The thread has degenerated way too much unnecessarily. I hope nobody else is tempted to post any more of the same. :(
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Postby Viewpoint » Tue May 08, 2007 9:31 pm

Jerry wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Now this is where i drop to your level, (I tried being civlized but with some people it just doesnt work) I thought you had a penis between your legs but it looks like you have a cunt.

We are not disputing your holiday in the south why do you still ignore this? your only reconfiriming how idiotic you are. What we are saying is that you have a GC perspective of things, and anything you convey is 100% biased, you have not been to the north and for all you know we could be swinging in trees. Your problem is that you could not stand the sight of TCs enjoying a good life thus spoiling your pathetic image of us starving under Turkish rule. Well open your lug holes and cop a load of this we dont give a shit about you and obviously your family doesnt either and for good reason, stay and die in abroad or even better move to the "RoC" and lick GC arse for rest of your pathetic life you moron.

VP you have just about lost any credibility you ever had by your sexist vulgar profanities. Your outburst demonstates that you know you have lost the argument so you resort to filthy language, you should be ashamed.

Just take a step back and read Kikapolouses post before mine, he ridciules and mocks my gender which we have discussed ho to many times and I did warn I would let rip if anyone else should try to play this stupid game.

I was not aware I was trying to win anything only state the fact that this individual is biased and he is prone to lieing. He only knows one side of the story and due to 2 weeks holiday in the sun feels he can dictate his usual bullshit to TCs of how wrong we are, I tried the polite route and all it got me was abuse and mickey taking, so when faced with fire all you are left with is to return the same medicine in a much larger dose, which is exactly what he deserved and got. He still continues with his bloody minded posts ignoring that we have not said he would have abad time either side of the divide, the only thing is visiting just one half of the island does not provide him with the most balanced view. Why is this so difficult to understand?
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Postby Viewpoint » Tue May 08, 2007 9:42 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Now this is where i drop to your level, (I tried being civlized but with some people it just doesnt work) I thought you had a penis between your legs but it looks like you have a cunt.

We are not disputing your holiday in the south why do you still ignore this? your only reconfiriming how idiotic you are. What we are saying is that you have a GC perspective of things, and anything you convey is 100% biased, you have not been to the north and for all you know we could be swinging in trees. Your problem is that you could not stand the sight of TCs enjoying a good life thus spoiling your pathetic image of us starving under Turkish rule. Well open your lug holes and cop a load of this we dont give a shit about you and obviously your family doesnt either and for good reason, stay and die in abroad or even better move to the "RoC" and lick GC arse for rest of your pathetic life you moron.

It appears, that the only person who is swinging from the trees, is you.

You have once again demonstrated your 15th Century mentality with your hatred to civilized people. You have now used the "C" word three times in the last few months, which shows me your level of maturity, and respect for women. But then again, I do not think a person of your nature has the capacity to appreciate and respect women. You are a mean spirited and hateful person. This is your whole nature. You have time and time again, have shown us, the true nature of yourself. Unfortuanately, you have done more damage to the reputation of the "TRNC" than I could ever have done, by not visiting the North, with your thoughtless outbursts, that will leave the image of the 15th Century mentality, on it's citizens.

You have become "Radioactive" to your own community.

Even a saint of the highest order has patience to a certain degree, when provoked by your bloody minded and mengolomania posts all thats left is to drop to your level and talk to you in the only language you understand, the referral in slang to a cunt refers to you a person used by GCs to further their cause and derive pleasure from your stupidity. You have and are doing more damage to the TC people than I could ever do and I for one do not regard you as a TC as I have stated many times, you will rot in foreign lands and with any luck you will never see any inch of the TRNC which will be here long after you pop your GC socks.
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Postby Viewpoint » Tue May 08, 2007 9:49 pm

miltiades wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Now this is where i drop to your level, (I tried being civlized but with some people it just doesnt work) I thought you had a penis between your legs but it looks like you have a cunt.

We are not disputing your holiday in the south why do you still ignore this? your only reconfiriming how idiotic you are. What we are saying is that you have a GC perspective of things, and anything you convey is 100% biased, you have not been to the north and for all you know we could be swinging in trees. Your problem is that you could not stand the sight of TCs enjoying a good life thus spoiling your pathetic image of us starving under Turkish rule. Well open your lug holes and cop a load of this we dont give a shit about you and obviously your family doesnt either and for good reason, stay and die in abroad or even better move to the "RoC" and lick GC arse for rest of your pathetic life you moron.

There is but one vindictive hateful moron on this forum and that surely is an honour you must accept , you are a pathetic little prick and unfortunately you have coerced the other vindictive individual , Zan the plonker to come down to your pathetic level. Out of a hundred independent readers on this forum will see Kikapu as an honourable Cypriot and one that will command the respect of all apart from the fanatics such as you , the partitionist the impostors on this land. Hurry up mate and grow old just as disrespectfully as you behave. Your are full of shit and air and it shows .
I dont hate you , I just find your views reprehensibly insulting .

Rest assured there are thousands of Viewpoints both in the TRNC and the UK but only a few Kikapolous who have surrended to the GCs mentality and domination due to their own dilluted and pitiful lives scattered all over the world. What have they left "Cypriots"? nothing once you and he die your line is finished no more "Cypriots".

Ho and I dont hate anyone...I only hate those that want to do me and my loved ones harm.
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Postby zan » Tue May 08, 2007 11:00 pm


I think that we should leave this thread as it is. I personally have found out all I need to know about how some operate on this forum. Unfortunately it is as I have always stated that when mob mentality takes over it is curtains for those that are on the outside of hat writhing mass of hypnotised souls. I do not wish to offend anyone in particular except for the author of the story that has caused all this. I really do not accept that anyone thought that the story would not attract criticism. I refuse to get into a slagging match with Kikapu any more. I have said my piece and believe in everything I said. That is the end of that. Kikapu will have to live with his story and as I have found in the past with every story I have written, you always go back and find that you could have done better. Kikapu, you could have done better.
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Postby karma » Tue May 08, 2007 11:02 pm

zan wrote:VP

I think that we should leave this thread as it is. I personally have found out all I need to know about how some operate on this forum. Unfortunately it is as I have always stated that when mob mentality takes over it is curtains for those that are on the outside of hat writhing mass of hypnotised souls. I do not wish to offend anyone in particular except for the author of the story that has caused all this. I really do not accept that anyone thought that the story would not attract criticism. I refuse to get into a slagging match with Kikapu any more. I have said my piece and believe in everything I said. That is the end of that. Kikapu will have to live with his story and as I have found in the past with every story I have written, you always go back and find that you could have done better. Kikapu, you could have done better.

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Postby Pyrpolizer » Tue May 08, 2007 11:27 pm

Viewpoint wrote:Now this is where i drop to your level, (I tried being civlized but with some people it just doesnt work) I thought you had a penis between your legs but it looks like you have a cunt.

We are not disputing your holiday in the south why do you still ignore this? your only reconfiriming how idiotic you are. What we are saying is that you have a GC perspective of things, and anything you convey is 100% biased, you have not been to the north and for all you know we could be swinging in trees. Your problem is that you could not stand the sight of TCs enjoying a good life thus spoiling your pathetic image of us starving under Turkish rule. Well open your lug holes and cop a load of this we dont give a shit about you and obviously your family doesnt either and for good reason, stay and die in abroad or even better move to the "RoC" and lick GC arse for rest of your pathetic life you moron.

A sssssiktir malaka.

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

You think I haven't been watching you big mouth in all this thread? You think nobody spotted your crying begging for Kikapus apology just a few weeks back, assuring everybody that you have absolutely no relation with the pseudo administration in the occupied? And in this very thread you boasted around that you had OFFICIAL personal contacts with the RoC Government?

Kikapu was very clear that the time he spend in his home country was not a TYPICAL vocation time. In fact he did not stay in a hotel all day relaxing at the swimming pool. It was more a get to know the people time. Speak to them, learn from them, arrange some government documents, and yes why not travel 1500+ miles and see all the interesting places that he missed during his childhood.

He proved a lovable person and love was what he received by everyone even from a lady bureaucrat at a government office. Damn Kikapu, I felt jealous of how she treated you so favourably. The last time I was there, I spent 3 days!

I can imagine what kind of treatement yourself would be receiving VP -in case you wonder it is described in the first line of this post. :lol: :lol:

You paid absolutely no attention to the numerous efforts and research Kikapu has done and HIS CLEAR INTENTION to visit is own community at the occupied as well, if that were possible. Yet it proved that the odds would be he would be in trouble regarding the military service. This is the ONLY reason he hasn't crossed. And don't tell me he was wrong in his decision.

For me you are just a pathetic person and a liar. Yet your condition is not critical. Zan's is critical, as he is on the verge of paranoia.
Last edited by Pyrpolizer on Tue May 08, 2007 11:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Viewpoint » Tue May 08, 2007 11:27 pm

zan wrote:VP

I think that we should leave this thread as it is. I personally have found out all I need to know about how some operate on this forum. Unfortunately it is as I have always stated that when mob mentality takes over it is curtains for those that are on the outside of hat writhing mass of hypnotised souls. I do not wish to offend anyone in particular except for the author of the story that has caused all this. I really do not accept that anyone thought that the story would not attract criticism. I refuse to get into a slagging match with Kikapu any more. I have said my piece and believe in everything I said. That is the end of that. Kikapu will have to live with his story and as I have found in the past with every story I have written, you always go back and find that you could have done better. Kikapu, you could have done better.

I agree, hes made his bed let him take what comes and say thank you Mr GC.
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