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Kikapu's time in Cyprus........

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Postby karma » Tue May 08, 2007 12:54 am

That's because you cheated by not wanting to share the prize with the person you drew. What you did was bad Karma Karma! :)[/quote]

lol, it is bcoz u refused my love :cry: so it was ur karma :twisted:[/quote]
Ok, I'll ask my wife if it's ok with her tomorrow but if I suddenly stop posting you'll know something's wrong... :([/quote]

Noooooooooooo! Do that and you will end up as a Korma :shock: :lol:[/quote]

Just as long as I don't end up IN A (coma) Korma! :)[/quote]

U only invited every1 back to LOVE IN, remember??
dont mess things up plz :evil:
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Postby zan » Tue May 08, 2007 1:00 am

karma wrote:

That's because you cheated by not wanting to share the prize with the person you drew. What you did was bad Karma Karma! :)[/quote]

lol, it is bcoz u refused my love :cry: so it was ur karma :twisted:[/quote]
Ok, I'll ask my wife if it's ok with her tomorrow but if I suddenly stop posting you'll know something's wrong... :([/quote]

Noooooooooooo! Do that and you will end up as a Korma :shock: :lol:[/quote]

Just as long as I don't end up IN A (coma) Korma! :)[/quote]

U only invited every1 back to LOVE IN, remember??
dont mess things up plz :evil:[/quote]

I will appologise anyway but I really do not know what I did. :?

Please let me know so I will not do it again. :oops:
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Postby zan » Tue May 08, 2007 1:16 am

Oh my god! I have just realised what I might have said. Sorry Karma. I just meant that he would be chopped up by his wife and the word Karma as in the spiritual sense would then be cleverly changed into Korma by me. I just did not think it through. Oops Sorry!
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Postby Get Real! » Tue May 08, 2007 1:20 am

karma wrote:
Get Real! wrote:That's because you cheated by not wanting to share the prize with the person you drew. What you did was bad Karma Karma! :)

lol, it is bcoz u refused my love :cry: so it was ur karma :twisted:

Ok, I'll ask my wife if it's ok with her tomorrow but if I suddenly stop posting you'll know something's wrong... :([/quote]

thx, I look forward to hearing from u soon :oops:[/quote]
She actually took it quite well! She laughed at me and said that I’m allowed to have you as my virtual mistress!

I guess it’s better than nothing, think of all the benefits… I get to talk dirty to you in PM’s and you get to send me skimpy photos of yourself! :D
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Postby Viewpoint » Tue May 08, 2007 1:20 am

askimwos wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Kikapolous, I have just read the last few days posts only to find that you have really lost the plot about what zan and I are trying to convey about your general viewpoint about the Cyprus issue. Coud you answer the following;

1. Did we ever state GC people are bad?

2.Did we state you would have a bad time in south Cyprus?

3.Did you experience what every holiday maker experiences when visiting either side of Cyprus?

You are chasing your own shadow as you know deep down you are more if not totally a GC in mind and soul than you are a TC. Your views and arguements are not important as you do not argue them from a perspective of knowing both sides of the story, the opportunity was there but you opted not to take it for your own reasons which I have to respect. Tell your pretty little story by all means but dont try to suck me and zan into the equation and make sweep,ng statements that TC can live with GCs in the "RoC" by spending a 2 week break in the purely GC run south. You are so transparently false about your greedy TC cousins which is purely for the benefit of the pack, feeding your followers of how well you have turned in a GC. The bottom line is that your views are not as valuable as someone who has taken the time to go visit and meet TC in the north and GC in the south and is living the Cyprus issue on a daily basis. Yours is the account of a GC on holiday in south Cyprus after 43 years, nothing more nothing less.


Sounds like DAMAGE CONTROL from the Partitionist & Propagandist Department to me. It's obvious the outcome of my trip to my Country of Cyprus has disturbed some feathers and went against the norm, as to what a TC's should think and say. Who ever wrote the above from your P & P Department, lacks the proper training, in "Reverse Psychology".

And a quick messege to VP. I know that you love your fellow Cypriots, specially the GC's.

Your best trick avoiding answering the questions, you cant even admit to having and displaying aone sided thus biased view of the Cyprus issue, congratulations but people can see right through you, you are a transparent propagandist for the GC side and I still doubt very much if you have a drop of TC blood running through your veins, luckily for the TCs.

Nationalism of the worst kind Vp. Am I right to say that you are actually accusing Kikapu of treason? What's next you pure blooded Turk? Hang him in public view so that other don't dare break the taboos that your likes created?
Get a life mate!

Would totally siding with the GC viewpoint and claiming to be a TC be treason?
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Postby askimwos » Tue May 08, 2007 8:11 am

Viewpoint wrote:
Would totally siding with the GC viewpoint and claiming to be a TC be treason?

You don't answer a question by simply asking the same question vp. I believed you are smarter than this.

At the end of the day you could have plainly said that you disagree with the picture presented by kikapu and that's it. I do not see why you choose to attack a guy that happens to have a different opinion than you simply because in your mind you created a stereotype of what TCs are supposed to think about GCs.

The fact that you are prepared to go to that length to discredit a TC that happened to have a different opinion than you says a lot about your character and motives. You did not point out which bits of Kikapu's account you believe is not true. In fact you agreed that GCs are quite nice hospitable people as TCs are. You also did not deny that there are quite a number of TCs that benefited by the buying and selling property that does not belong to them and stand to lose a lot in the case of a solution.

As for your claim that you never said that GCs aree bad people don't make me laugh. You have be claiming all along that partition is the only solution since you do not want the TCs to be masacred by GCs. You have all along been painting a picture of doom for the TC community in the case that a solution that unifies the island is agreed and that GCs cannot be trusted. Well sorry to say but these arguments do paint a dark picture about the GC people. You were also quick to point the finger to the GCs for anything bad that may have happened to any TC that visited the free areas and in your attempt to strengthen your arguments in numerous times you generalised single incidents to apply to the entirety of the GC community. So please next time you say that you have never said anything bad about the GCs, have in mind that you are not talking to 5 years olds. People are smart enough to see the whole picture and what you actually represent.
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Postby Piratis » Tue May 08, 2007 8:58 am

As for your claim that you never said that GCs aree bad people don't make me laugh. You have be claiming all along that partition is the only solution since you do not want the TCs to be masacred by GCs. You have all along been painting a picture of doom for the TC community in the case that a solution that unifies the island is agreed and that GCs cannot be trusted. Well sorry to say but these arguments do paint a dark picture about the GC people. You were also quick to point the finger to the GCs for anything bad that may have happened to any TC that visited the free areas and in your attempt to strengthen your arguments in numerous times you generalised single incidents to apply to the entirety of the GC community. So please next time you say that you have never said anything bad about the GCs, have in mind that you are not talking to 5 years olds. People are smart enough to see the whole picture and what you actually represent.

I remember VP posting the incident when a TC teenager spat on a GC teenager, and then some other GC teenagers gave a bruise to that TC.
For VP that was just another proof in his propaganda arsenal of how bad GCs are.

For VP some rare incidents which are an exception are a "proof" but anything that goes against his propaganda should be dismissed with some lame excuses.
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Postby zan » Tue May 08, 2007 9:29 am

I am sorry but you guys are just plain and simply working for the Greek propaganda machine. No one can be that stupid as not to be able to understand something after so many explanations from us. Keep working though it just shows the world where you people from the government are coming from. Nice work.
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Postby Viewpoint » Tue May 08, 2007 10:37 am

You don't answer a question by simply asking the same question vp. I believed you are smarter than this.

I asked the question so that you can make your own mind up as I do not like labelling people traitors or commiting treason, if you feel Kikapoulous is more GC than TC and adamantly supports GCs with as 1 word positive towards TCs then surely it doesnt take a degree to work out what he is. He has sold is soul to GCs and in my eyes is one of them whats wrong with that he braggs about being brothers and spoon feeds them what they want to hear why is everyone so against this, you should behappy you have converted 1 TC into a fully fledged GC.

At the end of the day you could have plainly said that you disagree with the picture presented by kikapu and that's it. I do not see why you choose to attack a guy that happens to have a different opinion than you simply because in your mind you created a stereotype of what TCs are supposed to think about GCs.

This is so rich when you recallall the stick I get for having ideas that differ from the GC norm, yet you run to the defence of someone who obviously is in bed with you. Hypocrites at best.

The fact that you are prepared to go to that length to discredit a TC that happened to have a different opinion than you says a lot about your character and motives. You did not point out which bits of Kikapu's account you believe is not true. In fact you agreed that GCs are quite nice hospitable people as TCs are. You also did not deny that there are quite a number of TCs that benefited by the buying and selling property that does not belong to them and stand to lose a lot in the case of a solution.

Thats where you have all rushed to grab the wrong end of the stick, I have not tried to discredit his little story which may all be true, the only part which I personally feel is a transparent lie is the meeting with his family the rest is a rosey picture of someone on his hols no more no less.
My other point is that visiting only the south of the island does not allow him an unbiased viewpoint and only added to his GC worship and transformation into one of them, thats his personal choice and he shoudl not ttry to force it upon us. I live on the island and have interacted with GC people and am exposed to GC policies and political will and let me tell you it is not a very inviting or gushes the Cypriotism you wish to think it does.

askimows people both side of the divide in general are very friendly and hospitable, some are genuine some put on a facade and would sooner stab you in the back at the first opportunity than look at you. As for the land issue there are of course people who have gotten very rich from both sides who will lose if their is ever a solution but let them worry about that in the current climate and taking this forum into account they appear pretty safe to me as we are no closer to a solution than we were 47 years ago.

As for your claim that you never said that GCs aree bad people don't make me laugh. You have be claiming all along that partition is the only solution since you do not want the TCs to be masacred by GCs. You have all along been painting a picture of doom for the TC community in the case that a solution that unifies the island is agreed and that GCs cannot be trusted. Well sorry to say but these arguments do paint a dark picture about the GC people. You were also quick to point the finger to the GCs for anything bad that may have happened to any TC that visited the free areas and in your attempt to strengthen your arguments in numerous times you generalised single incidents to apply to the entirety of the GC community. So please next time you say that you have never said anything bad about the GCs, have in mind that you are not talking to 5 years olds. People are smart enough to see the whole picture and what you actually represent.

Supporting division does not automatically mean all GCs are bad, wanting sepearate states for me is the only viable solution under the circumsrances as our differencies are so wide and getting wider by the day that this appears to be the only alternative our 2 communities deserve as they are unwilling to compromise. You refer to 121 meetings/interatons what I always refer to is the eveil "RoC" with its aim to turn the whole of Cyprus into a GC island with us as just another minority, can you understand the difference?
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Postby Viewpoint » Tue May 08, 2007 10:44 am

Piratis wrote:
As for your claim that you never said that GCs aree bad people don't make me laugh. You have be claiming all along that partition is the only solution since you do not want the TCs to be masacred by GCs. You have all along been painting a picture of doom for the TC community in the case that a solution that unifies the island is agreed and that GCs cannot be trusted. Well sorry to say but these arguments do paint a dark picture about the GC people. You were also quick to point the finger to the GCs for anything bad that may have happened to any TC that visited the free areas and in your attempt to strengthen your arguments in numerous times you generalised single incidents to apply to the entirety of the GC community. So please next time you say that you have never said anything bad about the GCs, have in mind that you are not talking to 5 years olds. People are smart enough to see the whole picture and what you actually represent.

I remember VP posting the incident when a TC teenager spat on a GC teenager, and then some other GC teenagers gave a bruise to that TC.
For VP that was just another proof in his propaganda arsenal of how bad GCs are.

For VP some rare incidents which are an exception are a "proof" but anything that goes against his propaganda should be dismissed with some lame excuses.

This is what is disappointing and incident which is dispicable due to its undertones of influening the youth of today for Piratis is reduced to just a bruise. The truth is a group of GC students from another school in masks attacked and beat up a TC student who spat on a GC student in his own school. The GC students were caught and yet nothing was done they were let of with a pat on the back called a GC style warning.
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