LENA wrote:
Kikapu my dear your explanation has a hole … well if it’s a matter of balance then God gave you a big ass to keep a balance with your body. You needed something big at the bottom of your body … but not at the frond but at the back because your nose is not at the back. Or else you were going to fall in frond of you every time you were trying to stand up. So big nose…big ass …![]()
Nice balance!!!
By the way mentioning him now, I have another question. I didn’t understand where did he take you? You said that you met them at Ledra Palace. I know that we can not go through Ledra Palace with our cars and they can not drive with their car in the south. So where is his village? How did you go with your car or how did he come with his car through Ledra Palace?
Kikapu wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Kikapolous, I have just read the last few days posts only to find that you have really lost the plot about what zan and I are trying to convey about your general viewpoint about the Cyprus issue. Coud you answer the following;
1. Did we ever state GC people are bad?
2.Did we state you would have a bad time in south Cyprus?
3.Did you experience what every holiday maker experiences when visiting either side of Cyprus?
You are chasing your own shadow as you know deep down you are more if not totally a GC in mind and soul than you are a TC. Your views and arguements are not important as you do not argue them from a perspective of knowing both sides of the story, the opportunity was there but you opted not to take it for your own reasons which I have to respect. Tell your pretty little story by all means but dont try to suck me and zan into the equation and make sweep,ng statements that TC can live with GCs in the "RoC" by spending a 2 week break in the purely GC run south. You are so transparently false about your greedy TC cousins which is purely for the benefit of the pack, feeding your followers of how well you have turned in a GC. The bottom line is that your views are not as valuable as someone who has taken the time to go visit and meet TC in the north and GC in the south and is living the Cyprus issue on a daily basis. Yours is the account of a GC on holiday in south Cyprus after 43 years, nothing more nothing less.
Sounds like DAMAGE CONTROL from the Partitionist & Propagandist Department to me. It's obvious the outcome of my trip to my Country of Cyprus has disturbed some feathers and went against the norm, as to what a TC's should think and say. Who ever wrote the above from your P & P Department, lacks the proper training, in "Reverse Psychology".
And a quick messege to VP. I know that you love your fellow Cypriots, specially the GC's.
Viewpoint wrote:Kikapu wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Kikapolous, I have just read the last few days posts only to find that you have really lost the plot about what zan and I are trying to convey about your general viewpoint about the Cyprus issue. Coud you answer the following;
1. Did we ever state GC people are bad?
2.Did we state you would have a bad time in south Cyprus?
3.Did you experience what every holiday maker experiences when visiting either side of Cyprus?
You are chasing your own shadow as you know deep down you are more if not totally a GC in mind and soul than you are a TC. Your views and arguements are not important as you do not argue them from a perspective of knowing both sides of the story, the opportunity was there but you opted not to take it for your own reasons which I have to respect. Tell your pretty little story by all means but dont try to suck me and zan into the equation and make sweep,ng statements that TC can live with GCs in the "RoC" by spending a 2 week break in the purely GC run south. You are so transparently false about your greedy TC cousins which is purely for the benefit of the pack, feeding your followers of how well you have turned in a GC. The bottom line is that your views are not as valuable as someone who has taken the time to go visit and meet TC in the north and GC in the south and is living the Cyprus issue on a daily basis. Yours is the account of a GC on holiday in south Cyprus after 43 years, nothing more nothing less.
Sounds like DAMAGE CONTROL from the Partitionist & Propagandist Department to me. It's obvious the outcome of my trip to my Country of Cyprus has disturbed some feathers and went against the norm, as to what a TC's should think and say. Who ever wrote the above from your P & P Department, lacks the proper training, in "Reverse Psychology".
And a quick messege to VP. I know that you love your fellow Cypriots, specially the GC's.
Your best trick avoiding answering the questions, you cant even admit to having and displaying aone sided thus biased view of the Cyprus issue, congratulations but people can see right through you, you are a transparent propagandist for the GC side and I still doubt very much if you have a drop of TC blood running through your veins, luckily for the TCs.
Kikapu wrote: LENA
Yes Lena, I do have a "big ass" also, but a cute one.![]()
Yes, we met at the Ladra Palace in the RoC. It is a "foot crossing" checkpoint. They told me to meet them there, since I knew the place, from our earlier visit to Nicosia. They told me to find them in the small parking area in a certain car. Perhaps they were using someone else's car, (a friends or another family members, who was perhaps working in the South) that was already parked there. It is possible that, they walked across, to get the car. When I met them in the parking area, they were already waiting for us, sitting in "their" car. I just assumed, they drove from the North. It really never came up. I have no idea, what the rules are, about cars travelling between the North and the South.
I don't know the name of his Village. We were just following them, therefore we did not have to read the map.
askimwos wrote:Kikapu thanks for the nice story. Really enjoyed it!
But why zan and vp feel so thretened by a single TC story? I know it does not fit the picture you have been painting all along for the GCs but again what is all the fuss about?
You need to realise that unlike TCs that have been fed all these years by the Denktash regime and Ankara the official propaganda about how barbaric all the GCs are and how they will massacre TCs once they are given the chance, the RoC administration was promoting a different vision. That of co-existance and unity with TCs so you shouldn't be surprised that the picture you had in your mind all those years is not actually true.
We all know that in both the GC and TC soiciety, there are some extreme elements that need to be tackled and isolated. So instead of spending all that energy trying to discredit Kikapu, it would be more fruitful if you first try to tackle your fears and insecurities so you don't put your seld in the TC extremist circles. A good first step is to try to speak to GC face to face and see what they feel, how they see you, etc.
askimwos wrote:Kikapu thanks for the nice story. Really enjoyed it!
But why zan and vp feel so thretened by a single TC story? I know it does not fit the picture you have been painting all along for the GCs but again what is all the fuss about?
You need to realise that unlike TCs that have been fed all these years by the Denktash regime and Ankara the official propaganda about how barbaric all the GCs are and how they will massacre TCs once they are given the chance, the RoC administration was promoting a different vision. That of co-existance and unity with TCs so you shouldn't be surprised that the picture you had in your mind all those years is not actually true.
We all know that in both the GC and TC soiciety, there are some extreme elements that need to be tackled and isolated. So instead of spending all that energy trying to discredit Kikapu, it would be more fruitful if you first try to tackle your fears and insecurities so you don't put your seld in the TC extremist circles. A good first step is to try to speak to GC face to face and see what they feel, how they see you, etc.
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